Full Version Award in Education and Training: Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and

  • 4 years ago
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PASS FIRST TIME! "This textbook provides you with all the information you need to pass first time, since it focuses systematically on each of the assessment criteria in the unit." As a prospective or new lecturer / trainer / tutor / assessor, how do you ensure: 1.that you are clear about what is expected of you in the role of lecturer, trainer, tutor, or assessor? 2.that you are aware of the key legislation that applies to your existing or proposed role? 3.that you know how to identify and meet individual learners' needs? 4.that equality and diversity and appropriate behaviour are promoted within a safe learning environment? 5.that you understand the limits of your professional responsibilities and when to refer learners to other professionals? This textbook addresses each of these questions, with supporting research and links to additional resources or materials as needed, while remaining tightly focused on the unit's assessment criteria. There are opportunities to consider multiple perspectives, with a range of practical resources that are relevant to teaching, training, assessing, tutoring, quality assurance and educational management. This book is part of a series of books by the same author. The next book in this series is Award in Education and Training: Understanding and Using Inclusive Teaching and Learning Approaches in Education and Training. If you are new to teaching then this book is an ideal companion. It provides the information needed to complete the first mandatory unit of the Award in Education and Training (AET) and the Certificate in Education and Training (CET). It is mapped directly to each of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for the unit across all awarding organisations. If after purchasing this textbook, you would like to discuss any aspect of the book, please feel free to contact the author directly (nabeel@etc-ltd.com). Please also leave a review on the Amazon website. The author welcomes positive comments as well as constructive criticism and will continue to update the publication accordingly. Books available in the Award in Education and Training series:"1. Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training (Book 1) " "2. Understanding and Using Inclusive Teaching and Learning Approaches in Education and Training (Book 2) " "3. Understanding Assessment in Education and Training (Book 3) " More in-depth reading relevant to this publication: "1. Embedding Equality and Diversity into the Curriculum - a literature review" If you purchase the paperback version of this book, you can download the Kindle version for less than half price, which includes additional features, such as hyperlinks to other documents.
