S. Korean, Chinese diplomats hold first face-to-face meeting since start of pandemic

  • 4 years ago
한중, 경제공동위 개최…코로나 이후 첫 대면회의

Diplomats from South Korea and China have held their first face-to-face meeting since the start of the pandemic.
On Saturday, in the Chinese city of Qingdao, the South Korean foreign ministry's deputy minister for economic affairs Lee Seong-ho met with China's assistant minister of commerce, Li Chenggang.
This was the 24th meeting of the ROK-China Joint Economic Committee.
According to the foreign ministry in Seoul, they reviewed progress on a forthcoming five-year plan for economic cooperation.
They also agreed to prepare so that economic results can be achieved if and when Chinese President Xi Jinping makes a planned visit to South Korea later this year.


