7/26/20 "Democrats’ plans to destroy your communities..Obama-era 'Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule"

  • 4 years ago
TRUMP STOPPED THIS...BIDEN WANTS TO BRING THIS BACK AND EXCELERATE IT ..How many Americans realize that Obama’s HUD agency is forcing cities and towns across America to build high- density, low-income housing in middle class and wealthy white neighborhoods? Why? A liberal Mexican American activist at a famous economic event called FreedomFest aimed a question at Donald Trump that explains what we’re facing. Clearly angry at Trump’s promise to build a wall at the Mexican border, he asked Trump, “Why don’t you want to build a wall around your inner cities to protect your citizens from American criminals?” The factual answer to that question is we already have. It’s called “suburbs.” America has experienced a “white (and every other racial group with the economic ability) flight” away from inner cities to suburbs for decades. It’s why Detroit lost over half its population. Decent, law-abiding people of all races with good jobs tend to run away from crime—especially once they start a family. But to Obama and his liberal friends, this isn’t “fair.” People don’t have a right to be mobile, send their kids to better schools, or avoid crime. Obama wants everyone to live in shared equality (i.e., misery). Now he’s found a way to accomplish that. If he can’t find a way to force you to live in poor, crime-ridden, inner city neighborhoods, he’ll just create them in your neighborhood! As a bonus, this policy erodes personal responsibility and capitalism by eliminating the necessity to study hard, work hard, or be disciplined to move from a poor neighbor- hood to a nice middle-class one. But wait, it gets better; it’s part of a socialist’s wish list. This policy not only creates fairness and equality by putting poor people into wealthy neighborhoods without working for it; it also destroys the property values of middle-class, pre- dominantly white homeowners. In the short run, the poor may be lifted up; in the longer run, everyone else is brought down. For liberals, that’s “equality.” Look at it from the point of view of a middle-class American. You’ve worked long and hard so your kids can live in a safe neighborhood, only to see Obama force low-income housing on your block, drive your home value down, and infest your nice, safe neighborhood with crime, muggings, robberies, carjackings, drugs, and prostitution. Nice! Again, while Obama and liberals keep wanting to make this a racial issue, it’s not. Like whites, black middle-class Americans have followed the same route. For the most part, middle-class blacks have left the inner cities. They move to suburbs to escape crime, filth, drugs, and poverty and to give their kids a chance at success. But Obama wants there to be no escape. He’s bringing the devil to you. To your neighborhood, your block, perhaps next door. He’s putting drug dealers on your corner.


