• 5 years ago
Xbox Series S is Real

Xbox Series S, the gaming on a budget console from Microsoft, codename project Lockhart. It can no longer be ignored so let’s talk about it.

This console is built from the ground up and designed to replace the Xbox one S. With a custom build 4GHz AMD APU, a 4TFLOP GPU and 16GB of RAM it will be far more capable then the previous system ever was. The Series S will even outperform the Xbox one X, the most powerful console on the market currently. One X might have 6TFLOPS and the Series S only 4, but the 6TFLOPS in the One X is GCN while Series S will make use of the Faster Navi Technology. Combine that with a much faster SSD, next gen features like ray tracing and a price point of around 300$, and you have yourself a very capable next gen console.

Lords of gaming: https://lordsofgaming.net/2020/06/xbox-lockhart-is-real-and-heres-the-proof/

Windowscentral: https://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-trademarks-xbox-series-fueling-xbox-series-s-speculation#:~:text=The%20%22Xbox%20Series%20S%22%20looks,trademark%20for%20Xbox%20Series%20X.
