China Bans Cruz, Rubio

  • 4 years ago
China has banned Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio from entering the country.

China has banned Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio from entering the country.
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CBS News reports that they, along with "Representative Chris Smith and Ambassador for Religious Freedom Sam Brownback" are being barred "over their criticism of the ruling Communist Party's policies toward minority groups and people of faith."
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The restrictions against them come not long after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the Trump administration's intention to bar three officials with China's Communist Party from coming into the US.
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According to Politico, those individuals have reportedly been involved in the "unjust detention or abuse" of minority groups in Xinjiang province.
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CBS News states those actions are said to include putting more than "1 million members of Muslim minority groups…in what China terms de-radicalization and retraining centers" and forcing Uighur women to undergo sterilizations or take birth control. 
toward minority groups and people of faith."
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