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  • 4 years ago
Tubebuddy for YouTube: 10 reasons why you should use Tubebuddy extension for your YouTube Channel

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YouTube is a great tool to brand your business and earn money online. Although the of its attributes, promoting your YouTube channel in the beginning might be a little challenging. You worked hard, you upload your videos but you get no views.

This is where Tubebuddy comes in. Tubebuddy helps you optimize and grow your YouTube channel faster.

In this article we will give you 10 reasons why you should use Tubebuddy for your YouTube channel.

1. It’s easy to use the extension
Once you install Tubebuddy, you install it as a chrome extension. The Tubebuddy chrome extension is very efficient and easy to use, so you don’t need to waste your time to locate it. It shows up on your browser and becomes a big part of your internet usage as you promote your YouTube channel.

2. Easy for beginners
As we mention, YouTube channel branding can be challenging at first. By creating great content for your viewers, you can step by step brand your channel and accumulate subscribers. What’s good about Tubebuddy is the way it simplifies your journey to it. They have a great array of features, easily for beginners to follow. Even if you’re already experienced with YouTube content marketing, Tubebuddy can help you increase your knowledge and improve your skills even more. Check Tubebuddy features carefully and focus on it.
We all want to succeed and make money from our YouTube channel, and Tubebuddy developers know that. Therefore, even if you’re just in the beginning of your YouTube content marketing, they relate their tools to you like you’re already long time in the game and have many followers.

3. Keyword & Search Explorer Tubebuddy tool
In this amazing (so useful to every content marketer) tool, Tubebuddy gives score of you’re ranked in comparison to other keywords and searching terms. Along it you’ll get a data that can assist and suggest you in choosing your next keywords to improve your search ranking. This is super helpful since it saves you so much time of doing this research by yourself.

4. Search Ranking tool
Helps you figuring out what is your ranking on Google and YouTube. Tubebuddy made it easy for you to find out which of your videos are doing well and which ones need to optimize.
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