• 5 years ago
30min | Western | TV Series (1955– )

Jeff Taggert's brother is accused of robbing the Del Rio bank. While investigating the case, Jeff is implicated in the hold up.

Director: Reg Browne

Writer: Buckley Angell

Stars: Edgar Buchanan, Jack Buetel, Jackie Loughery
00:00Take me home, take me home to the land of the Pecos.
00:08Near that stream, let me meet the sky.
00:16This old heart keeps on beatin', repeatin' fond echoes
00:24of the brave and the bold ridin' high.
00:33During the 1870s, the wildest spot in the United States was the desolate Recus River.
00:38Virtually beyond the reach of the authorities, the railroads, then pushing their way west,
00:42attracted the most vicious characters in the country.
00:45It was said that all civilization and law stopped at the east bank of the Pecos.
00:50It took one man, a lone stork who was sick of the lawlessness, to change all this.
00:55His name was Judge Roy Bean.
01:13Morning, Mr. Benson.
01:14Morning, Harpin.
01:15Hiya, Taggart.
01:16Hello, Glenn.
01:17Morning, Gunn.
01:18Uh, Taggart, deliver this Charlie Maxwell frame for me, will you please?
01:21Right away?
01:22Yeah, he's waiting for it.
01:23Uh, take my horse if you want him.
01:26I'll enjoy the ride.
01:34Take a look at these, Benson, and I'll see you in a minute.
02:03Somebody get help! He's still alive!
02:06Taggart robbed the bank, Marshal.
02:08Go look. You'll find the money in his clothes.
02:15Oh! Jeff! Jeff!
02:18Where's Jeff? Jeff!
02:24Where's Jeff Taggart?
02:25What's the trouble?
02:26Gotta see Jeff. Bad news.
02:27Well, here he comes now.
02:29Jeff, your brother's been shot.
02:31How'd it happen?
02:32They claim he robbed the Del Rio bank, $10,000.
02:35The Marshal found the money in his pocket.
02:37He's still alive, but unconscious.
02:39Where you going?
02:40I'm gonna see my brother.
02:41Now, wait a minute, Jeff.
02:42Let's not hurry into this.
02:43Your brother's hurt, but he's in trouble, too.
02:45We may be the only ones that can help him out of it.
02:47I don't care what they found on him.
02:49Glenn never stole anything in his life.
02:51Did Marshal count the money?
02:52Yeah, $3,000.
02:54You said $10,000.
02:56Francis said Glenn's been taking the money for weeks.
02:58He said Glenn probably hid the rest of it somewhere.
03:01That's a frame-up.
03:02They're just using Glenn to cover up for their own crookedness.
03:04You been to Del Rio recently, Jeff?
03:06No, not recently.
03:07They got a new Marshal over there.
03:09He wouldn't know you.
03:11What are you getting at, Judge?
03:12You can go over there on your own.
03:14Circle around a little.
03:15See what you can find out.
03:16Don't waste your time at the bank.
03:17Go down to the bar.
03:18That's where they do the most talking.
03:19That's a good idea.
03:20I'll go by to help my foreman.
03:21I'm on my way.
03:22And I wouldn't ride in there for a direction of Langtree
03:24if I was you.
03:26I won't.
03:27Appreciate that.
03:28Honey, I want you to pack a bag for him.
03:30All right.
03:37All right, honey.
03:38You look after Stuart.
03:39You're going over to Del Rio to help Jeff.
03:41That's right.
03:42He may need somebody to back up his play.
03:47Please be careful, Uncle Roy.
04:01Hello, Marshal.
04:02Mr. Benson.
04:03How's your prisoner getting along, Marshal?
04:05Well, he's still unconscious.
04:07What does the doctor have to say?
04:09He gives him a 50-50 chance.
04:12Well, that's good.
04:16Well, look who comes to Del Rio.
04:24Who is it?
04:25Judge Roy, sir.
04:28Who is it?
04:29Judge Roy Bean.
04:30It sure is.
04:32Excuse me, Mr. Benson.
04:38Harbin, I don't like this.
04:39You don't like what?
04:40Judge Bean coming here.
04:41What difference does it make?
04:43He's the law west of the Pecos.
04:44This is east of the Pecos.
04:45He has no jurisdiction in this town.
04:47That doesn't make a bit of difference to Judge Bean.
04:49When he decides there's something to meddle in, he meddles.
04:51So what can he find out?
04:52I just wish you'd have made sure of Taggart.
04:54That's all.
04:58I thought you were such a good shot.
05:00He won't live, and even if he does,
05:02it's his word against ours.
05:03I want better odds than that.
05:05I wonder if we couldn't dig up another witness
05:07that'd tell what we wanted him to.
05:09That shouldn't be such a problem.
05:10I think I can find somebody right here in town.
05:12I still don't like it.
05:13You worry too much.
05:14What you need is a drink.
05:15Yeah, maybe so.
05:17Well, Judge Bean, glad to see you, sir.
05:19Hello, Marshall.
05:20You don't know me very well, Judge Bean.
05:22I don't know you very well, either.
05:24Well, glad to see you, sir.
05:25Hello, Marshall.
05:26You don't know me very well, Judge,
05:27but I've always been an admirer of yours.
05:29I like the way you handle things.
05:30My name's McClellan.
05:31Thank you very much, Marshall.
05:33I remember you.
05:34Met you over at Carson Bend.
05:37Think you'll let me stay in your hotel here?
05:39Why, sure.
05:40You going to be in town for a while?
05:41Yeah, maybe.
05:42I hear you had a little shooting in town.
05:44A young fellow named Taggart?
05:45Yeah, that's right.
05:46Works at the bank.
05:47Tried to get away with a lot of money.
05:48He's in real trouble, Judge.
05:50Probably get 10 years if he lives.
05:55So we figured he's got the money hidden somewhere.
05:58Who's we?
05:59Mr. Benson at the bank and myself.
06:02I see.
06:03Well, I guess I better get myself fixed up in the room.
06:05I may be here a day or two.
06:06Sure, Judge.
06:07Tell him I said to make you comfortable.
06:08Yeah, thanks very much.
06:10Are you all right?
06:11Yeah, sorry, you?
06:13Yeah, I'm all right.
06:14A little too much, aren't you?
06:15Oh, won't you excuse me?
06:16Didn't you tell me to get out of your house?
06:18Yeah, well, I'll look after her.
06:19You'll have to excuse me.
06:20Why don't you sit down while I fix you up in my room.
06:24You OK?
06:26I better get home.
06:27No, you won't.
06:28I've got a fix at the bank.
06:29It's a little too hot, you know.
06:30You'll be all right.
06:31No, don't worry.
06:32I'll get a haircut in no time.
06:33All right.
06:34I've got a good guy over there.
06:35You're such a nice guy.
06:36I want to get a nice haircut, too.
06:37Got any money?
06:38I'll take one of those myself make it a double here you had a shooting in town a while back
06:58what do you care what does anybody care you sound kind of unhappy I am unhappy the man
07:05they shot was a friend of mine a good friend named Tiger now they're calling him a thief
07:10a bandit you saying he isn't I worked with him right alongside he couldn't have taken
07:16that money the way they said he did nobody could were you there when they shot him I'll
07:23pick him up you sure bad real bad why are you so sure Tiger didn't take that money and what
07:35makes you so anxious to know mr. just curiosity you're the most curious man I ever did see and
07:42how did you get so spunky all of a sudden now look mr. Harvard I just came in for a couple of
07:47drinks to sort of forget what happened to Glenn nothing wrong in that is it you were pretty mouthy
07:53about it when'd you get in town mr. little while ago have a long ride long enough you don't seem
08:02to be very thirsty is it bothering you just don't like to see things go to waste it won't
08:13come on outside coffee what for you were so anxious to talk you can talk to me no I'm
08:21staying here come on outside let him alone back out of this mister before it's too late
08:32maybe that'll teach you to stay out of a conversation between two gentlemen pretty
08:51fancy aren't we I'll be ready for you next time
08:56if you want to leave I'll go with you thanks
09:13I remember where I've seen him yeah we're Langford and he's sure fast with a gun are
09:21you sure this positive he's just being his deputy his name's Jeff Taggart Lynn Taggart's
09:28brother I don't like this the best thing that could have happened to us it'll cinch our case
09:36for us listen carefully I've got an idea come on
09:48I'm in judge this is mr. Carlton he keeps folks at the bank he thinks Glenn is innocent I'm glad
09:59to hear that mr. Carlton I've said too much about this thing and it should have kept my
10:03mouth shut some man off the bar gave a real bad time who mr. Harbin cashier of the bank
10:08and he well he's a gun hand but if you're you're scared you can stay around here we
10:13will be around thanks thanks a lot you just make yourself at home here
10:34like you ran into Carlton who's he calmed down he may be some real help I hope so
10:43well let's look around town a little
11:02hey mister it's your horse that's right how much money do you make what do you mean by that what
11:08do you work at what's your job I guess you might as well know marshal I'm judge beans deputy Jeff
11:13Taggart I didn't see you come into town when the judge arrived marshal seems kind of curious about
11:19me judge something bothering you marshal afraid there is that's your horse isn't it evident you
11:25weren't paying attention I told you it's my horse did you explain to me how this came into your
11:30possession I never saw it before how'd it get in your saddlebag just a minute marshal why is this
11:36money so important this is part of the cash that was stolen from the bank I don't know anything
11:42about it he's telling the truth marshal you are Glenn Taggart's brother aren't you that's right
11:47judge you got to see this from my angle Glenn Taggart was shot trying to take money from the
11:52bank a lot of the money still missing we don't know where it is some of it winds up in your
11:57deputy's possession your deputy just happens to be the brother of the prisoner well now admit it
12:03looks bad but somebody rigged it that way Jeff came into town he asked a few questions somebody
12:08figured he caused trouble they planted that money that's an old trick well I can't go on that I've
12:14got to put him under arrest all right you're under arrest you said you like me you like the things I
12:20stand for but it was just leave him in my custody well mr. Benson won't like this but I'll do it
12:28judge he doesn't leave town till he stands trial agreed agreed how about let me see my brother no
12:34I'm sorry tag it under the circumstances I don't think we'd better do it I'll take your gun now
12:51I better get myself a lawyer you're looking at him be your counsel and I'll quit worrying
12:57we got plenty to worry about when we moved into this case we kind of stacked deck I think I'll
13:03go over the doctor and see him about Glenn you go ahead I'll go have a talk with Carlton
13:07Hank drop this off at my office and keep an eye on that young guy huh I thought
13:15the marshal was supposed to make an arrest the marshal is a fool
13:27my brother Doc says it's good it's gonna be expected any luck with Carlton oh he's still
13:36scared he'll talk after a while you going somewhere yeah over at the bank I've been
13:41waiting for you I don't think we ought to leave Carlton alone I'll watch him judge
13:45well judge beam this is an honor welcome to Del Rio first time I ever saw a bank clerk look like
14:01he could handle a gun I hear he does real well with it too mr. Harvin is our cashier you know
14:05we sometimes have hold-ups what do we owe the honor of this visit judge that's a selfie you're
14:13both to be in my hotel room this afternoon two o'clock what for I want to take your depositions
14:18on this tagger case judge that's something that has to be decided by a judge we have no judge
14:23here you ever hear of a term pro-tem Benson that means something that takes the place of something
14:30else for a while well right now I'm judge pro-tem of Del Rio who said so I said so you better both
14:37be in my room this afternoon two o'clock or else we're out of work for you you didn't stay
14:55very long enough to serve them subpoenas they order them to be here in my room at two o'clock
15:00what for they won't talk I don't want him here to talk I want him out of that bank so you and
15:05Carlin can seize the book I told you I had a good lawyer I mean judge I told you I might get
15:20in trouble about not putting your deputy in jail didn't I had trouble mr. Benson's organized a
15:25citizen's meeting folks are still sore about losing their money he worked up quite a feeling
15:30against you yeah I'll bet he makes real good speech they're bringing in another judge for
15:35the trial I tell you what his name was yes judge Jethro Parks from Austin oh me you know him I
15:44knew him all right he's kind of a bad spot what do you mean there's one man in the state of Texas
15:52that don't like me and my way of doing things it's Jethro Parks of Austin
15:57I'll have order in this court or I'll find everybody in contempt now your conduct in
16:15this matter has been thoroughly reprehensible being you assumed authority which doesn't
16:20belong to you you've summoned witnesses before you for questioning when you have no right to do
16:24so and you've seized records which you have no right to seize now what have you to say about
16:28this I don't believe it now take your hat off in this court excuse me your honor I don't think
16:34it's a prerogative of this court to define the limits of my authority the court will define the
16:39limits of your authority during this trial I'm just interested in seeing justice done your brand
16:45of administering justice has never had my approval the way you run your court in Langtree is a
16:50legal crime I don't believe I've ever heard that term before your honor must be something new are
16:56you trying to be humorous with me oh certainly not your honor is known as one of the great
17:01judicial minds of the southwest I detest flattery bean it'll get you nowhere in this court now I
17:07want those bank records brought in here tomorrow do you understand yes your honor find that because
17:12of his condition the defendant Glenn Taggart is unable to testify at this time so we'll proceed
17:17with the case of his brother Jeff Taggart but I object to that your honor objection overruled
17:22with Judge Parks until Glenn Taggart proved guilty how can there be a case against my client
17:27objections still overruled now as to the matter of a trial the prosecution has already indicated
17:41it will accept the judgment of the bench now what's your choice being shall I render the
17:45verdict or do you prefer a jury oh come come bean is it so hard to make up your mind your
17:58honor I kind of feel like the fellow who's caught between the she-bearer of the cubs in
18:02the hungry lion they both might be mighty unreadable will it be a jury trial or shall
18:10I render the verdict we'll accept you as judge and jury your honor so be it the defendant goes
18:19to jail it might be a real good idea if you got yourself another lawyer I don't want another
18:33lawyer judge is honest isn't he he's honest enough all right you just don't like me I need
18:45to go to help us any Jeff I got to put you in the cooler irony nothing wrong on this page
19:02judge can't find a thing we still got several pages to go let's keep on we get everything up
19:08to date bring everything right up to date yes sir it's morning judge and I still haven't
19:23been able to find a thing wrong you keep it everything again if you have to
19:54everybody rise Township quarter Del Rio judge Jethro parks presiding now in session be seated
20:02did you bring those bank books beam your honor we'll have them here in a little while I told
20:12you to have them here now you're in contempt of court that'll cost you $50 yes your honor
20:17sure to be thank you this oh did you now well if those books aren't here inside of 30 minutes
20:24you can expect 60 days in jail yes your prosecution ready yes your honor Michael McClintock take the
20:34stand you solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and then but the truth I do
20:42order order in the court your witness prosecutor Marshall is it true that you
21:00found over $500 cash money and the defendant's saddlebag on the 20th day of this month that's
21:04right when you question the defendant about this money what did he say so you didn't know
21:09how it got there nothing else your witness Marshall who tipped you off that this money
21:22might be in my client saddlebags mr. Benson mr. Benson president of the bank how do you
21:31figure mr. Benson knew this money was there I object testimony would be hearsay objection
21:36sustained did you find a gun on Glenn Taggart when he lay wounded in the street no sir I didn't
21:44I just found objection testimony is not relevant to this case objection sustained
21:55thank you mr. Benson your witness
21:58how's it going judge Carlin doesn't show up in that book pretty soon we'll both be in jail
22:05do you wish to examine the witness mean yes your honor I see those books arrived just in time your
22:16honor may we confer about the book we may wish to present them as evidence if you make it short
22:20age 302 I made a note
22:24oh come come beam we can't wait all day
22:30your honor I demand an immediate dismissal of the charges against both Glenn and Jeff
22:42just what evidence do you have to back up this demand if you'll please the court you
22:54look in book two on the desk and turn to page 302 and just what do you propose to prove by this I
23:01propose to prove that mr. Benson and mr. Harbin embezzled money from the bank and tried to frame
23:05taggered off for the theft on that page you'll find the listings for cash on hands for the 19th
23:15and 20th of this month initialed by both mr. Benson and mr. Harbin yes I see you will note
23:20that on the 19th personal withdrawal was made by mr. Benson for $3,000 that's the exact amount that
23:27Glenn Taggart was supposed to have taken that left exactly $1,200 and 54 cents on the books and the
23:32next day the same amount was still on the books and this is the day Glenn Taggart was supposed to
23:39have taken the money from the bank now I asked the court how could a man steal $3,000 from a
23:44bank when there wasn't that much cash on hand
24:14both charged with embezzlement and attempted murder lock them up
24:38Marshall congratulations judge Bean I want to say I was wrong about you and I'll have to come
24:47to Langford sometime and see how you conduct that court of yours I sure hope you do judge
24:52Barks give me a chance to get that $50 back
24:55hear every steer the sound of the thundering herd it's so real I can feel the love of a friend
25:23so I know I must go to the land of the people there to stay till I die
