My Cat Bites : Me Cat love Bites What Do They Mean?

  • 4 years ago
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My Cat Bites Me : Cat Love Bites — What Do They Mean and Why Do They Happen?

Each time it's the same thing: your cat settles down purring near you to be cuddled, but suddenly it starts to bite your hand violently, as if you had made it the worst filth there is.
Why such a reaction?
Too many caresses kill caresses
If the same scenario is repeated every time, it’s for the simple reason that you are unable to identify the signals sent by your cat.
Indeed, when it snuggles against you to be caressed, it does not mean that it wants to be cuddled for hours!

Thus, once it has obtained its quota of petting, your cat tries, in its own way, to make you understand that you can stop touching it.
Your cat gently wags its tail, folds its ears back, licks your fingers, dilates its pupils ... All these signs are in fact warnings.
If you continue to manipulate it, it will not hesitate to attack.

No longer wanting to be petted is no reason to become violent, you say.
Certainly, except that the excess of caresses tends to excite our feline friends so much that the effect felt has nothing to do with pleasure.
Indeed, the feeling of your touch turns into something really very unpleasant ...

If, despite all of this advice, you still can't see your cat's annoyance and it starts to bite you in the middle of a cuddle, react calmly.
Put your cat on the ground, saying “no” firmly and ignore it.

In any case, don't scold it or be aggressive with it.
It is indeed your fault if you arrived there since it is you who did not know how to interpret the attitudes of your fur ball!

On the other hand, beware, if you notice that your cat bites you each time you pet it in a very specific place on its body, it may mean that it is in pain.
In this case, a visit to the veterinarian is essential.


