• 4 years ago
Narial chutney is very simple recipe famous in southern India. It is a side dish and is served with dosa, idli and medhuvada and generally a light and healthy morning breakfast.
Main ingredients are
- Coconut
- Roasted Gram
- Green Chili

Paneer kofta curry https://youtu.be/rWuaRGgEDrg

Macaroni in white Sauce htya for://youtu.be/gxzH8l9To6Q

Gujarati Dhokla https://youtu.be/FaE6ucjCxc0

Kara Chutney https://youtu.be/qhyD5_rmsIw

Dahi Vada https://youtu.be/ARDJndOA99k

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