How Effective is the Outdoor Advertising

  • 4 years ago
In a city like Kolkata, commute is one of the key areas where a considerable amount of time is spent every day in the process of getting somewhere. On an average, every person travels for around a minimum 2-3kms every day. Apart from this, commute options like metro is also highly availed by the residents. Hence, considering these factors, outdoor advertising has attained great heights not just in the city but also in all the major cities in West Bengal. But what we, at AdonCabs want to look into in this article, is primarily the effectiveness of the outdoor advertising in today’s market.

The two factors that should be considered which can help in establishing the reach of outdoor advertising when combined together is the commute time and the commute distance. With the increase in the daily commuters on road, there is a bigger audience range that can be targeted. This also means that there is a huge number of onlookers who are exposed to your billboards and posters or transit pieces.

Let’s take a look at the key-points which should be focused on to make your outdoor advertising more effective.

Explore and enhance the reach

It was found in a survey that about eighty-one percent of adults notice at least one billboard within a month and about fifty-five percent sees a cab advertisement in that given period of time, if not more. But then, it is also necessary to figure out if people who are watching your ads are actually engaging with or not. Now, it was figured that around eighty-five percent of people who saw the ads read the message as well. This means the effectiveness of the outdoor advertising is mostly on the higher scale.

Work on getting noticed

While billboards have been there for the longest of time in the market the easiest method to be easily seen on road is cab advertisement. Cab advertisement have literally taken over the market and the numbers tell us that this trend is not going to go away anytime soon.

Make sure to look around

Where to put up an ad should be thoroughly thought about and planned before putting up an ad for your audience. At AdonCabs, our team finds out the strategic areas which will provide with the most visibility to your ad for the campaign to be successful.

Measure the effectiveness

Keeping track of the effectiveness of the campaign and the content that you put out is extremely important to know that you are on the right track.


When it comes to advertising, AdonCabs has not only changed the advertising scene of Kolkata, but also has quickly come up to become the best car branding and advertising company of Kolkata. We take complete responsibility when we say that AdonCabs is the best place to start with your advertisement on the cabs. We not only provide with perfect solution to all you ad related problems, but also make the whole process feel lighter than breeze. Hence, AdonCabs is undoubtedly the best cab advertising and outdoor advertising company in Kolkata. It is t
