Post COVID19, Event Planning would be in Digital Form - A new Career Path Opening Up!!

  • 4 years ago
Dear Career Aspirants,

Post prevailing lockdown, there will be a number of innovative career paths opening up.

After COVID19, in order to follow social distancing norms, social gatherings or events would be conducted online. This digital transformation will bring up a complete newer version of event planning. This certainly is opening up a path to a different type of career.

If partying is what you love and missing it due to the prevailing quarantined situation, be an innovative event planner by helping people organize parties, events, etc. online.

Know the innovative career options, and find out which one may suit best to your aptitude by giving a CAREER APTITUDE TEST and undergoing CAREER COUNSELLING from an expert counselor.

For details, send a WHATSAPP message on 8446229088

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