• 5 years ago
Not Rated | 26min | Adventure, Western | Episode aired 7 October 1955

Ricky and Sandy try to prevent a gullible general store owner from being fleeced by a couple of con men trying to sell a salted mine.

Director: Ford Beebe

Writer: Orville H. Hampton

Stars: Champion, Barry Curtis, Jim Bannon
00:00Champion the Wonder Horse! Champion the Wonder Horse!
00:11Like a streak of lightning flashing across the sky.
00:14Like a swiftest arrow whizzing from a bow.
00:18Like a mighty cannonball he seems to fly.
00:22You'll hear about him everywhere you go.
00:25The time will come when everyone will know the name of
00:29Champion the Wonder Horse!
01:13Oh, you're a bad dog.
01:15And it wasn't your fault.
01:17And it wasn't your fault.
01:19It was both of you.
01:22If you hadn't cheated and taken the shortcut.
01:25And if you hadn't gotten mad at him because he beat you in the race
01:28and tried to kick him, I wouldn't have fallen off.
01:50Well, just for that you can stay here.
02:04I'll get him.
02:12Looks like I'm going to need the ambulance.
02:57You all right?
03:07I think so.
03:08But if it hadn't been for you...
03:10Well, never mind about that, as long as you're not hurt.
03:15My name's Ricky.
03:16Ricky North.
03:17I'm Sally Custer.
03:18My father just bought the store over in Wingate.
03:21My Uncle Sandy, he's the one I live with, told me there's a new owner.
03:27This is Rebel, my dog.
03:30Hi, Rebel.
03:31Meet Sally Custer.
03:32I was over at the freight depot picking up supplies, and on my way back, well, there
03:33was a sort of a blast of gunfire.
03:34It sounded like a shotgun scared the horses.
03:35Are you sure you're all right?
03:36Oh, I think so.
03:37Just a little shaky.
03:38Well, I better take you home.
03:39I can make it.
03:40No, ma'am.
03:41You shouldn't try to drive.
03:42I'll drive.
03:43I'll drive.
03:44I'll drive.
03:45I'll drive.
03:46I'll drive.
03:47I'll drive.
03:48I'll drive.
03:49I'll drive.
03:50I'll drive.
03:51I'll drive.
03:52I'll drive.
03:53I'll drive.
03:54I'll drive.
03:55I'll drive.
03:56I'll drive.
03:57I'll drive.
03:58I'll drive.
03:59I'll drive.
04:00See you later, champ.
04:21Custer's Last Stand.
04:22Custer's Last Stand. That's a funny name for a store.
04:25Custer's Last Stand?
04:27It does sound a little strange, but there's a reason for it.
04:30You see, my father's the nicest man in the world.
04:33But, well, as my mother used to say, anybody could hornswoggle him.
04:37Hornswoggle him?
04:39Oh, getting him to invest in all kinds of crazy ideas.
04:42And losing his money.
04:45So he just had enough left to buy the store.
04:47And he promised to keep it.
04:49So that's why you call it Custer's Last Stand.
04:53If this dust keeps assaying the way it has been, I'll be worth millions.
05:11Oh, Sally.
05:13Well, who's this young fella?
05:15Hop, this is Ricky North, and he just saved my life.
05:18What? Well, what happened?
05:20Oh, really, Sally, I didn't do much.
05:23Not much.
05:24The team got scared of a lot of shooting and ran away.
05:27And Ricky stopped them.
05:28Are you all right, Sally?
05:30Fine now.
05:31But if Ricky hadn't come along...
05:33Ricky, I...
05:34I just can't find words to thank you.
05:36Aw, shucks. Anybody could have done it.
05:38Yeah, but you did it.
05:40Now, I could never reward you fittingly, but...
05:44Did you ever taste ice cream?
05:47Ice cream? What's that?
05:49You've got a surprise coming.
05:51Hey, get the sauces, will you, Sally?
05:54That's the only thing Pop never invested in.
05:57Yep, that's right. I was too smart for the fella.
06:02Now, let's see.
06:05Thank you, honey.
06:07You're going to like this.
06:15Say, this is good.
06:16I thought you'd like it.
06:18Selling it in all the big cities.
06:20Make it in that little barrel?
06:21This is just a home model.
06:23Fella invented. Gave me the patent to, uh...
06:26Well, to clear up a debt.
06:30Get down, Rebel.
06:31Maybe he'd want some.
06:32Did you think he would?
06:33Well, let's try some here.
06:34Well, I guess it smells as good to him as it tastes to me.
06:37I bet it does.
06:38I won't give him much. Just give him a little here to try.
06:40There you are.
06:42Now, you know you're not supposed to eat it on that table.
06:53I should think this would be a good thing to invest in.
06:56Now, Ricky.
06:57Now, you take this thingamabob here.
06:59There's two catches to it.
07:01First one is, this stuff has to keep cold.
07:03Well, now, who's going to the trouble to find ice in the summertime?
07:06Well, I didn't think of that.
07:08Now, you have to consider the margin of profit.
07:10There's mighty little in the doodad like this.
07:13But you take gold.
07:15You make a good investment.
07:16Your profit is unlimited.
07:18Like this.
07:19Oh, Pop.
07:21What's the matter, Sally?
07:23Is that what you were figuring about when we came in?
07:26Are you going to invest in a gold mine or something?
07:28Invest? No.
07:30Nothing like that.
07:31This is a sure thing.
07:33But, Pop, you promised.
07:35You called the store Custer's last day in your cell.
07:38But it's for you, Sally.
07:40Excuse me, but I ought to be going.
07:42Couldn't you stay for supper?
07:43Well, thanks, Mr. Custer.
07:44But my Uncle Sandy would worry if I didn't get home.
07:46Well, you're not going to walk.
07:48Oh, no. I'll find Champ.
07:51And goodbye, son.
07:52Oh, if there's anything you ever need, just call on me.
07:55What's mine is yours.
07:57Come on, Rebel.
08:04Oh, Pop, you promised.
08:06But this is different than anything I ever got in before.
08:09It's a great chance.
08:11Oh, Sally, I know I'm doing the right thing.
08:14But we haven't any money to invest.
08:16It's all in the store.
08:18I just swung a deal with Art Harris at the bank.
08:21They're loaning me the money.
08:23But, Pop, we'll lose the store.
08:25Oh, please don't.
08:27Now, there, there, honey.
08:41Let's go.
08:59Hi, Champ.
09:04Now, stop it, Rebel.
09:05We haven't time for another race.
09:07Now, you stay here.
09:12Hi, Champ.
09:19I wonder if that's what Sally...
09:42What are they shooting into the ground for?
09:50That's the craziest thing I've seen.
09:53I've got it all staked out.
09:57Well, look now if there's a kid up in the rocks.
10:00A kid?
10:01What about him?
10:02He's watching us.
10:03He could tell somebody what we're doing.
10:05Yeah, we better get him.
10:07But don't let on we saw him.
10:11Let's go.
10:20Let's take a closer look.
10:32Hey, kid.
10:35Where are you going?
10:44Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.
10:51Don't you hurry, son.
10:52He'll be gone in a while.
10:56Let me alone.
10:57Oh, wait a minute.
10:58Let me alone.
11:04Woof, woof, woof.
11:12Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.
11:20Come on, Rebo.
11:33Yeah, but what do we do now?
11:34We've got to close the deal faster than we thought.
11:38Woof, woof, woof.
11:42Woof, woof, woof.
11:48Hi, Uncle Sandy.
11:51So long, champ.
11:56Uncle Sandy, I know I'm late, but listen.
11:58No, sir.
11:59You listen.
12:00You know the rules of this ranch.
12:01Anybody comes in late for dinner has to chop wood before dinner.
12:03But I have a reason for being late.
12:05Sure, who hasn't?
12:06But the rule still goes.
12:07Come on.
12:08If you've got a good excuse, I may let you off easy.
12:10This isn't an excuse.
12:22First off, Rebo Champ and me stopped her runaway.
12:25Oh, now, Ricky.
12:27We did.
12:28It was a buckboard.
12:29And the girl that was driving it was Sally Custer.
12:31Her father just bought the store over in Wingate.
12:34Oh, Jim Custer's girl?
12:36Well, your excuse is starting off pretty good.
12:38And it's going to finish even better.
12:41Why, don't tell me after that you went out and captured Billy the kid.
12:44Uncle Sandy, why would anyone fire a gun right into the ground?
12:48Why, who did that?
12:50Two men up in that rocky hollow.
12:52One of them was kind of staking out a claim, it looked like.
12:55And the other one kept firing a shotgun into the ground over and over.
13:00And then what?
13:01When they saw me watching them, they chased me.
13:03Ricky, how often have I told you not to get into trouble?
13:06I didn't.
13:07The trouble stopped them and the chance got me away.
13:09Now, it's hard to believe anybody tried.
13:11It's so well known.
13:12But that's a way of salting a claim.
13:15Yeah, they put gold dust in the shells instead of shot.
13:17Then they fire the gun into the ground and try and swindle some poor easy mark into buying it as a rich gold claim.
13:23Hornswoggle somebody?
13:24That's the idea.
13:25I bet I know who.
13:27Sally's father.
13:30Sally Custer said her father's always being hornswoggled.
13:33And he said he's going to get rich out of gold.
13:37Ricky, was one of these men tall, slim, gray-haired?
13:41Do you know him?
13:42No, but I rode past their camp yesterday.
13:44They told me they were prospectors.
13:46Uncle Sandy, what'll we do?
13:48Not going to do anything for sure.
13:50We'll investigate tomorrow, though.
13:52You bet.
13:53I wouldn't want Mr. Custer to get hornswoggled again.
13:56He's nice.
13:58And so is Sally.
13:59You know, your excuse turned out pretty good.
14:02That's enough wood chopping for the day.
14:08All right.
14:34Ah, Bennett.
14:35Right on time.
14:36Well, I see you got the money.
14:37Of course.
14:38I'm a man of my word.
14:40You know, if I ain't satisfied, I don't part with a penny.
14:45Look, if you've got any doubts, Custer, forget the whole deal.
14:48We don't need your money.
14:49We've got somebody else in town interested.
14:51Now, look, you can't sell to anybody else.
14:53I made the first offer.
14:54Yeah, but we don't have to wait on you to make up your mind.
14:57All I ask is to look at the claim.
15:00All right.
15:01Get a horse.
15:02I got a horse.
15:36Prospector's camp is right over that ridge.
15:38I'll go over there.
15:39Might be a good idea if you go in town and talk to Custer.
15:41All right.
15:45Go ahead, Rebel.
16:07Something I can do for you?
16:09Well, that all depends.
16:10Have you seen anything of a couple of guys around here salting a gold claim?
16:14What do you mean?
16:15You know, you fire a gun full of gold dust into the ground
16:17to make some poor sucker think it's a rich claim and buy it.
16:20Why ask me?
16:21Because my nephew says you're one of the two hombres he saw yesterday doing just that.
16:25Well, he's lying.
16:26He doesn't lie very good.
16:28He might be mistaken.
16:30Well, if you're not the one, I guess I better go see the sheriff.
16:33Ask him to find out who it might be.
16:35All right.
16:52Drag him in the tent, tie him, and stay with him.
17:05Come on.
17:23Sally, where's your father?
17:24I've got to talk to him.
17:25He's not here.
17:26What's the matter?
17:27Gosh, I don't exactly know.
17:29But Uncle Sandy and I think some men may be trying to horn squawk him
17:33with a fake gold claim.
17:35That must be it.
17:36He rode out of town with a strange man a little while ago.
17:39And he went to the bank first.
17:41Don't worry.
17:42If he's going where I think he is, I can catch him.
17:44I've got a pony.
17:45I'm coming along, too.
17:47But we may need Uncle Sandy.
17:49Rebel, go find Uncle Sandy.
17:51Find him.
17:54We'd better hurry.
18:05Good boy.
18:06Come here.
18:35Come on.
19:03How does this one look to you?
19:04Just as good as the first sample.
19:06This ground must be saturated with gold dust.
19:09Do you want to try another shovelful?
19:13I've seen enough to say you've got a mighty rich gold strike here.
19:17Well, then, this is the partnership arrangement.
19:20You get one third when you put up your money.
19:23We already signed.
19:24One thing is, with a fortune like this, why do you want to take in another partner?
19:29That's the way we operate all over the country.
19:31We need a local man to look after our interests here.
19:34Well, I guess I'll read it over.
19:36Not that I don't trust you.
19:38Sure, sure.
19:39Take your time.
19:57Good boy.
20:01Good boy.
20:17Don't move any more than that.
20:20You won't be needing this.
20:22On your feet and get in there.
20:24Let's see how you like being tied up like a pig in a poke.
20:28Come on, move.
20:32Yeah, very good terms.
20:34Perfectly fair to all of us.
20:42Money talks, Custer.
20:44Now, if you can't make up your mind, speak up so we can do business with this other party.
20:48Here's the money.
20:49Exact amount we agreed upon.
20:51Pop, wait!
20:55Pop, these little swindlers are trying to horse-woggle you.
20:59Sally, you don't know anything about things like this.
21:02I've got the answer, Custer.
21:04It's this kid.
21:05He's been snooping around watching us dig.
21:07He's probably trying to discourage you so he can get the claim for his uncle.
21:10Watching you dig?
21:11I watched you salt this ground.
21:14Ricky, are you sure?
21:15Yeah, they did it with a shotgun.
21:17He's telling the truth, Pop.
21:19I know he is.
21:23It may be too late, Sally, but I've learned my lesson.
21:26Oh, Pop, I'm so glad.
21:28And it's not too late.
21:30The deal's off.
21:32Not as far as we're concerned.
21:34Hand over the money.
21:35Now, don't try and bluff me.
21:36I'm not bluffing.
21:37I'm not even counting to three to prove it.
21:43Drop your guns, both of you.
21:47It's not us, mister.
21:49You try and shoot without hitting these kids.
21:52You drop your guns.
21:53Turn around and walk away peaceably.
21:55No, don't do it, Uncle Sandy!
22:05Get the money, Bert.
22:12Raffle, come here, boy.
22:15Go get him.
22:28Come on, Raffle.
22:59Let him go, Raffle.
23:00Drop it.
23:03But the other man has Mr. Custer's money.
23:05Take this and keep an eye on him.
23:28Come on.
23:47You all right, Pop?
23:49All but one thing.
23:51Give me that money.
23:55You take it, Sally.
23:57But, Pop!
23:58You know, I don't think I'll be hornswaggled again.
24:01But you never can tell.
24:03We'd better get these two into town.
24:05Come on, let's go.
24:06Get moving.
24:19Say, this is mighty good ice cream.
24:20Say, this is mighty good ice cream.
24:22I should think that gadget ought to be a pretty good investment.
24:25Oh, no.
24:26No more investing for me.
24:28The fellow that gave me the patent, he's always sending me telegrams.
24:32Well, why?
24:33He wants me to finance a manufacturer of the freezer.
24:36Pop got one yesterday.
24:38What was in it?
24:40I don't know.
24:41I never read them.
24:43Might just as well, though, now that I've been cured.
24:47Let's see.
24:48You know, I won't buy you...
24:55What's the matter, Pop?
24:57It's from the fellow in Chicago.
24:59Offers me $10,000 for the rights of the freezer.
25:03Oh, I should think you'd be very happy.
25:05Yeah, Pop.
25:06Gosh, $10,000.
25:08Yeah, but the thing that gets me is it's the only investment that I never would make
25:13is the only one that I should have made.
25:23Champion, the Wonder Horse
25:26Champion, the Wonder Horse
25:33Like a streak of lightning flashing across the sky
25:36Like the swiftest arrow whizzing from a bow
25:39Like a mighty cannonball he seems to fly
25:43You'll hear about him everywhere you go
25:47The time will come when everyone will know the name of
25:50Champion, the Wonder Horse
25:54Champion, the Wonder Horse