• 5 years ago
Approved | 30min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,TV Series | Episode aired 17 May 1960

A convict who has just escaped from prison meets up with a mysterious gypsy, who convinces him that it is best for him to return to the prison from which he has just escaped. The convict soon begins to realize that the there was quite a bit more to the gypsy than there at first appeared to be.

Director: John Newland

Writers: Gabrielle Upton, Lawrence B. Marcus, Merwin Gerard

Stars: Robert Blake, John Kellogg, Johnny Seven
00:00Actually, Mr. Nolan, I keep these records buried as deeply as I can.
00:10I think you'll understand when you see them.
00:12Sounds fascinating, Warden.
00:13That's probably just the boy's imagination, but his letter to me was certainly very persuasive.
00:18Is it, Pete?
00:21From his psychological examination, he appears as stable as any 18-year-old, except for stealing
00:27an automobile.
00:29Now, this is a transcript of what he says happened.
00:32May I see that?
00:33Of course.
00:42Mr. Nolan, a prison warden has got to be an absolute realist, but...
00:49But something happened, something... something psychic.
00:54What are you looking for?
00:56I don't know.
01:17Hey, hey, what you got there?
01:21Anybody see you sneak that deadly weapon in here?
01:24That punk.
01:25A toothpick.
01:26Hey, what you do?
01:28You give yourself manicure?
01:29You got a big date later, maybe tonight?
01:31Is everybody a comedian?
01:33Hey, Folger, tell him, huh?
01:35Before here, how I was out there, a big wheel, operator.
01:40You heard him.
01:42Own private barber, two dozen pairs of shoes in the closet.
01:46Twenty-six pairs.
01:48Real alligator.
01:49Fine English leather, custom made.
01:51Hey, shoes, now there's something my old lady was always fussing about.
01:56Make sure you get the right size, got to keep your feet dry.
02:00Yeah, you should have heard my old lady carry on.
02:04Yeah, but 10 or 15 years ago, you should have seen me.
02:07Real class.
02:09You're telling me, a fashion place.
02:12Yeah, but you're nothing now.
02:18A gypsy tied to being nothing.
02:20A gypsy locked up.
02:22A gypsy who liked more than anybody else to roam.
02:25It's no good for a gypsy.
02:27It's better to be dead.
02:29You don't have to be a gypsy to want to be free.
02:42So maybe you got enough of this jail, huh?
02:52I like the sound of rain.
02:55The rain on their face.
02:57Walking through the wet fields.
03:02The sound of the rain on the caravan.
03:04You had a caravan for real, huh, Jesse?
03:07Oh, you bet, when I was a little kid.
03:10My mama.
03:12My papa.
03:14My four brothers.
03:17From winter, we all sleep inside the caravan.
03:20All of you, huh?
03:22The whole family together.
03:24Come summer nights.
03:26Starry nights.
03:29I'll kill you.
03:32I'll get loose in here.
03:34I'll kill you!
03:36Eat it.
03:41A big tough guy.
03:43He's the picture of a broad in the wall.
03:45I'll kill you!
03:47Eat it, Walter. Eat it!
03:49Eat it!
03:54This is his girl.
03:56This is the one he did the stick-up for.
03:59He gets sent up and she runs off with the bread.
04:04There ain't nothing worth it.
04:06Nothing this whole lousy world was being locked up for.
04:12I don't know.
04:14I don't know.
04:16I don't know.
04:18I don't know.
04:20Nobody's locked up for them.
04:29Everybody's for himself.
04:37How long do you figure Folger's going to be in the sweat box this time?
04:43As long as they want to keep him.
04:45Who needs him? We can get out of here without him.
04:48You're gonna tell him. You're gonna let him in on it.
04:52Shut up, will you?
04:55What's going on?
05:02It's a break, right?
05:06You're planning a break?
05:13Listen, you guys, anybody gets out of here, I'm getting with him.
05:16You don't leave me behind.
05:20I'll take Folger's place, right, Gypsy?
05:24You're no-go.
05:26What do you mean, I'm no-go? Why?
05:28Because I say so.
05:32That's why.
05:35We'll see.
05:47I just let you out of the sweat drops, huh, Folger?
05:54See you in the cell.
05:56I can't wait.
06:00Hey, Gypsy, that's good, huh? They let Folger out.
06:06So now he goes, too.
06:08The four of us. Friday, when we make the break.
06:11I'll be there.
06:12He goes, too.
06:14The four of us. Friday, when we make the break.
06:17No four of us. Three.
06:20I told you, I'm going, too.
06:33Punk kid.
06:35There's no four of us.
06:37When the time comes, it's every man for himself, eh, boy?
06:40Folger for Folger and Gypsy for Gypsy.
06:42Follow me, follow me. Nobody invite you along. Nobody want you.
06:46You not a man. You punk. You mama's boy.
06:50Hey, guys, you see that? He tried to kill Gypsy.
06:53Punk, punk.
06:57I'm going to stay here and I'm about to get you thrown in the sweat box to make sure you don't get out.
07:02Hey, guys!
07:04He killed Gypsy!
07:06Hurry up, I owe them for you guys.
07:08What's going on here?
07:09I owe them for you guys. He tried to kill Gypsy. I think he'll go out of his head.
07:12Get on your feet.
07:15I said get up!
07:51Just take it easy. Don't run.
07:54Just walk natural.
08:09Don't run.
08:39Don't run.
09:09Don't run.
09:39Help me.
10:05Help yourself, Gypsy.
10:07I'll help me.
10:09I'll help me.
10:31Stinking dogs.
10:33Better get with the bullet any time.
10:36We should have waited till Friday like we planned, but the truck...
10:41We are knocked out!
10:43I tell you, it's abscessed. It's got to be abscessed at a time like this.
11:06Hey, listen.
11:08It sounds like the hounds lost it, huh?
11:12When the water comes between us and them, they lose the scent.
11:20Boy, if my old lady could see me now.
11:24You won't believe this, but it's a fact.
11:27You know the first thing that comes to her mind?
11:30No. What is the first thing that comes to her mind?
11:32That boy is going to catch his death cold.
11:37So help me.
11:41That's the first thing she'd think of, all right.
11:49Wonder what made me think of her.
11:52Hey, hey, hey, listen.
11:55Get back in here, fellas.
12:02Come on.
12:16We've hit the jackpot. It's a truck.
12:28Gypsy don't make the truck.
12:29What are you talking about, you don't make the truck?
12:33What's the matter with you?
12:35You were all right till now.
12:51Come on, we can't stop now. They've got a truck.
12:54Kid, don't go.
12:56What do you mean, don't go? Come on, get up.
13:01Are you going to move, Gypsy?
13:06Come on, drag him up there.
13:11Let go of me.
13:13Don't leave, Gypsy.
13:17You're forgetting something.
13:19Folger for Folger.
13:21Ape for Ape. Yeah, you remember?
13:23You for you, and me for me.
13:26I'll see you later, Gypsy.
13:27Get him, kid.
13:33Where's the Gypsy?
13:35He's got a hole in his back.
13:37Looks like he read those cards right after all.
13:39What do you mean? What are you talking about?
13:41I asked him in the cell that night when he counted you out.
13:43Just for the devil of it, I said, what did the cards tell, Gypsy?
13:46He gives me a look.
13:48Three guys are going on a long journey.
13:50Three only.
13:52Come on. Wait a minute.
13:54Wait a minute, I'll get that Gypsy.
14:08Good kid.
14:10You come back, huh?
14:14I must have something wrong with my head,
14:16ditching that truck and coming back here for you.
14:20You hurt bad, huh?
14:21I was hoping maybe I'd catch the Apes to take.
14:24In here.
14:26You got a bullet in your chest?
14:30In the soul.
14:32In the Gypsy soul.
14:42You'll be okay, Gypsy.
14:44And let me rest for a minute.
14:48You won't die.
14:50You're strong and tough like me, huh?
14:53Something will happen. I don't know what, but something will happen.
14:56Don't be sorry, kid.
14:59When they give Gypsy a life sentence,
15:02it's a big lie.
15:04No life.
15:06But death.
15:15It's like the sky lock trapped in the cage.
15:19You see his feathers molt.
15:21You see he no sing no more.
15:24You see he falls sick on the floor of the cage.
15:27And one eye stare up like a dry razor.
15:31There's no good for the sky lock.
15:36It's better like this.
15:38What happened to the Gypsy has already happened.
15:42But with you it's different.
15:44You still got the choice.
15:47You got no choice, Gypsy.
15:50Hey, there's a ditch up there and a sewer pipe.
15:53Come on, I'll take you there. We'll hide.
15:55No, no.
15:56We'll hide in it.
15:57No, no.
15:59Gypsy will not die in sewer pipe.
16:02Gypsy die on hilltop under the tree.
16:06There ain't no hilltop, no tree, Gypsy. Come on.
16:09Oh, you're right.
16:11Hilltop with blue grass around trunk, maybe.
16:13And the wild flowers.
16:15And the birds singing in the branches.
16:17Come on.
16:19We'll find her. You help Gypsy.
16:32You'll be okay, Gypsy.
16:35Geary's not far.
16:39We'll get another truck.
16:41Your mama's in Geary?
16:43My mama.
16:46You wanna know something, Gypsy?
16:50My old lady, the one I kept...
16:53...talking about that...
16:55...was fussing to keep my feet dry.
16:58The one I kept making out gave me a pain in the neck.
17:02I made her up.
17:06I borrowed her.
17:10You see, some people my old man left me with once.
17:14He was always leaving me one place or another.
17:19See, my old man was kind of a drunk.
17:23Anyway, this place, there was a kid about my own age.
17:28And his old lady...
17:30...she was kind of fat and sloppy.
17:33But she sure made out over that kid.
17:38Used to make me sick to watch.
17:42Sick and...
17:45...kind of lonely way down inside.
17:47Can't hardly explain it.
17:50You explain it pretty good.
17:53I don't know, I guess I can't help it.
17:55It's just some kind of way I am inside.
17:57I've always wanted to belong to something.
17:59A gang.
18:03The four of us, you say to me.
18:10Except it's nuts.
18:12Doesn't matter what they say, everybody's for himself.
18:14Yeah, Bulger's girls.
18:16The flunkies that used to hang around Ape when he was a wheel.
18:20Everybody looks out for himself.
18:23Except that fat lady and her kid.
18:29What I mean...
18:32...until what you tried to do for me.
18:35Until what you tried to do for me.
18:56Hey, Skylark.
18:58You okay?
19:04It's me.
19:08But you're no wild bird on the wing.
19:12You're a young man, you still got the choice.
19:16Run some...
19:18...get caught some more.
19:20Run some more...
19:22...get caught some more.
19:25Over and over the same thing or...
19:28...or go back like a man.
19:31Go up to that fence and say,
19:32hey, here's kid, come back to take his medicine.
19:3718 months, 18 months.
19:41That's not so long.
19:44You're tough.
19:46You can take because you're no crazy wild bird kid.
19:49You're a young man.
19:51You're gonna get your second chance.
19:56Papa, you're gonna work hard.
19:58Be good.
19:59Eat good.
20:01Have many fine sons.
20:05And their mamas gonna keep their feet dry.
20:09See, they eat good.
20:12All this for you.
20:15The whole sweet world.
20:23Over there.
20:40Hey, gypsy.
20:43You don't have to die.
20:45I'll take you up to your hill and your tree.
20:48And you can sing like a sky lark.
20:53Hey, gypsy.
21:06I got you here, gypsy.
21:08You're on your hill.
21:12You did for me, gypsy, now I'm doing for you.
21:59Well, look who's here.
22:01Yeah, it's me.
22:03No kidding.
22:06I thought it was the barrage.
22:08Tell me something, boy.
22:10What made you come back?
22:12The gypsy.
22:14I buried him up there on the hill under some leaves.
22:17That's the way he wanted it.
22:19Like a gypsy.
22:21I buried him up there on the hill under some leaves.
22:24That's the way he wanted it.
22:26Like a gypsy.
22:27I buried him up there on the hill under some leaves.
22:30That's the way he wanted it.
22:32Like I say, me coming back, that was his idea, too.
22:37Oh, kid.
22:39What's so funny?
22:43Nothing at all.
22:45Except it's about the smartest thing you've ever done.
22:47Watch this gag about the gypsy.
22:49Now, let me have the warden, please.
22:51It's no gag.
22:53He talked me into coming back.
22:54Now, that's a lie.
22:56He's in a board with a nice clean hole through his heart.
22:59Cold, stiff, dead.
23:02Yeah, warden.
23:04This is Peterson at the gate.
23:07Yes, sir. I have a surprise for you, sir.
23:12That's quite a story.
23:14I suppose that's all it is, just a story.
23:16Apparently the gypsy's cards were right, however.
23:19Three to make a long journey.
23:21Three only.
23:22Gypsy never made it over the wall.
23:24And the boy in his letter to me said the other two
23:27were killed when their truck smashed into a bridge.
23:32But surely that could be coincidence.
23:34Yes, it could be.
23:36But what about the rest?
23:38What about the gypsy?
23:40What about gypsy being with the boy hours after he was dead?
23:44Now, is that just a figment of the boy's vivid imagination?
23:48Who knows?
23:50What do you mean?
23:52Warden, all the truths about your inmates
23:56are not necessarily recorded in those files.
24:03Warden speaking.
24:06Something made the boy come back, didn't it?
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