• 5 years ago
NR | 5min | Animation, Comedy, Family, Short, TV Series |1968

Dora Belle's whipped up a batch of delicious homemade chocolate cookies... only to have them stolen behind her back by that wishy-washy wizard Harem Scarem. It's up to Winky Dink, Woofer and YOU (as usual) to retrieve the stolen goods and prevent this... petty crime from happening.

Directors: Al Kouzel, Eli Bauer

Writers: I. Klein, Howard Beckerman

Stars: Lionel Wilson
00:00Hi, kids. Put your Winky Dink magic screen in front of your TV screen
00:05and rub it hard with your magic cloth to make it hold fast.
00:09And then be ready to help us with your magic crayons
00:12in another exciting adventure of...
00:14Winky Dink and You!
00:25Winky Dink and You
00:27Winky Dink and Me
00:29Always have a lot of fun together
00:32Winky Dink and You
00:34Winky Dink and Me
00:36We are pals in fair or stormy weather
00:44Yummy, yum, yum!
00:47Now, that's not fair. You boys give me back my cookies.
00:50But, Dorabel, we don't have your cookies.
00:53Oh, no? Well, where are they, then?
00:55They're certainly not in the oven where I left them.
00:58You mean some crook came in here and stole our cookies?
01:01My cookie.
01:03How did that cookie crook manage to get past us?
01:05Take it from me, Woofer.
01:07No one entered or left through the door.
01:09The chimney?
01:10Say, good thinking, Woofer.
01:12Maybe that's the answer.
01:18What do you think of that, Hocus, my pet?
01:21We've stolen one batch of Dorabel's delicious cookies.
01:25And when she makes another, we'll steal them, too.
01:28Gosh, Boss, aren't you going to leave her any cookies at all?
01:32I'm so selfish, I won't leave her a single chocolate chip.
01:38Uh-oh. So that's it.
01:41Harem scarem, the wishy-washy wizard is up there in a helicopter.
01:45With a no-good cookie swiper.
01:48But how are we going to get them back, Winky Dink?
01:50I've got it.
01:52Boys and girls, get out your magic crayon
01:55and draw in this chimney cap on your magic screen.
01:59You'll help me catch Harem scarem.
02:02Draw the chimney cap and fill it in, too.
02:05Got it? Good.
02:08Now for the countdown.
02:10Three, two, one.
02:13Blast off!
02:16Okay, gang, I've got a good grip on the helicopter now.
02:20You can erase your drawing with your magic cloth.
02:23Rub hard and get it all off.
02:26Nice going.
02:28Say, Boss, Winky Dink is climbing aboard our helicopter.
02:33Just let me show him how we discourage trespassers.
02:39Low bridge.
02:44Winky Dink, are you all right?
02:46Hold still and let me put a bandage on your knee.
02:48Oh, I'm just fine, Dorabel.
02:50But now I'm really angry at that selfish wizard.
02:53I'll show you how we're going to get all those cookies back.
02:57I don't understand how you're going to catch him, Winky Dink.
03:00That's why I asked Dorabel to make another batch of cookies.
03:04But then he'll only steal them again, Winky Dink.
03:07The boys and girls in the audience are going to have to help us foil that villain.
03:11Kids, get out your magic crayon and draw this broom.
03:16The handle and the brush part, too.
03:20After you've drawn the broom, trace around this bag I'm blowing up.
03:26Trace all around it with a good, strong brush.
03:31Trace all around it with a good, strong line and fill it in.
03:36That's it. Got it?
03:38Oh, nice going, gang.
03:40And just in the nick of time, here comes that selfish wizard now.
03:44Quick, Woofer, turn it on.
03:51Okay, Woofer, you can turn the machine off now.
03:55Let me out of here.
04:00Let me out of here.
04:03I will if you promise never to steal our cookies again.
04:07I promise. I promise.
04:09Okay, kids, you can erase your drawing with your magic cloth.
04:13Rub off all the magic crayon so Harem Scarem can get out of the bag.
04:18That's it. He's learned his lesson now.
04:21You must admit, boss, you sure are a crummy villain.
04:25Ah, be quiet.
04:28It does my heart good to cook for you boys.
04:31You're such appreciative eaters.
04:33Well, then just keep it up, Dora Belle.
04:35I love whatever you cook, especially if it's chocolate cookies.
04:40Be ready to help us on our next exciting adventure, kids.
04:44So long.
