• 5 years ago
NR | 5min | Animation, Comedy, Family, Short, TV Series |1968

Sir Dance-a-lot has been transformed into an oak tree. With help from Harem Scarem's mother (and you and your magic crayons) Winky Dink and Woofer attempt to bring him back to his original form.

Directors: Al Kouzel, Eli Bauer

Writers: I. Klein, Howard Beckerman

Stars: Lionel Wilson
00:00Hi, kids. Put your Winky Dink magic screen in front of your TV screen and rub it hard with your magic cloth to make it hold fast.
00:09And then be ready to help us with your magic crayons in another exciting adventure of...
00:14Winky Dink and You!
00:17Winky Dink and You!
00:24Winky Dink and You!
00:26Winky Dink and Me!
00:28Always have a lot of fun together.
00:31Winky Dink and You!
00:33Winky Dink and Me!
00:35We are pals in fair or stormy weather.
00:43Say, this was a great idea of yours, Woofer.
00:46Taking a nature walk in the woods.
00:48It sure is fun, Winky Dink.
00:50And you can learn a lot if you keep your eyes open.
00:53Like, for example, can you tell what kind of tree this is?
00:57Well, from the shape of the leaf, I'd say it's an oak.
01:01Right. A tough and durable old tree.
01:06A tough and durable old talking tree.
01:09I'm not a tree. That is, not really.
01:12That sounds like Sir Dance-A-Lot's voice.
01:14It is indeed me, Winky Dink.
01:16Imprisoned in this oak by a magic spell of that wishy-washy wizard, Harum Scarum.
01:21Oh, gosh. Maybe we can open up the tree and get you out.
01:25Ouch! Ouch! I'm afraid you can't.
01:29Magic got me in here, and only magic will get me out.
01:32Come on, Woofer. Maybe we can get Harum Scarum's mother, Mama Scarum,
01:37to release Sir Dance-A-Lot from this spell.
01:40She's a very good-natured witch.
01:42Please, Winky Dink, try anything.
01:44Only hurry. Between the termites and the woodpeckers, it's most uncomfortable.
01:49And you say my little boy turned that nice Sir Dance-A-Lot into a tree.
01:53Hmm. I can't understand this younger generation.
01:56They're so wild.
01:58Let's see if we can find a spell to undo the damage.
02:01And maybe the boys and girls in the audience could help with their magic crayons.
02:05Hmm. Let's see now.
02:07Comb of rooster, hop-toad's grin, tiger's roar, and can of tin.
02:13There's Rodney Rooster.
02:15Oh, do you mind if the kids draw your comb, Rodney?
02:18It's my pride and joy, Winky Dink.
02:21Just make sure they don't mess it up.
02:23Okay, gang. Draw Rodney's comb with your magic crayon.
02:28That's it.
02:30Make it real elegant.
02:33Well, thanks a lot, Rodney.
02:35Any day, old pal.
02:37Here's a hop-toad, Winky Dink.
02:39Only he looks kind of glum to me.
02:42Oh, you've got to get him to grin, Woofer.
02:44How about telling him a joke?
02:48Now, Mr. Toad, there once was a shaggy dog who used to go jogging in the park.
02:56Funnier, Woofer. Funnier.
02:58Well, I'm doing the best I can.
03:01Great going, Woofer.
03:03Woofer, he's grinning.
03:05Quick, gang. Draw the hop-toad's grin with your magic crayon.
03:10That's the way.
03:12A nice, long grin.
03:16You've got it now.
03:18Oh, gee, thanks.
03:23Winky Dink, we'd better climb this tree.
03:25That tiger sounds mighty close.
03:28Boys and girls, take your magic crayon and draw the tiger's head.
03:34Oh, that's it.
03:36With his big, open mouth.
03:38Be careful, though.
03:40He's pretty fierce.
03:42Oh, very good, gang.
03:46And last but not least, this old tin can.
03:49Draw it in, boys and girls.
03:51Don't bother with the label.
03:53Just the outline.
03:55Well, that completes the spell.
03:58Right, Mama Scarab?
04:00Right you are, you handsome dog.
04:03Now, mist of dark and dew of light,
04:06change this tree back into night.
04:15Hey, what the hell?
04:18Thank you, Sir Nancelot.
04:20Now, Harem, how many times have I told you to behave yourself?
04:24Oh, I'm sorry, Mama. Really, I am.
04:28You can erase your drawing with your magic cloth, gang.
04:30And let's hope Harem Scarab has learned his lesson.
04:34And be with us again, boys and girls,
04:36on our next exciting Winky Dink adventure.
04:40So long.
05:00Winky Dink