NR | 30min | Comedy, TV Series | Episode aired 20 April 1955
Vern wagers his future with the company against Mr. Honeywell's job as president, in a competition to sign an important client.
Director: Hal Yates
Writers: George Carleton Brown, Frank Fox, Frank Gill Jr.
Stars: Gale Storm, Charles Farrell, Hillary Brooke
Vern wagers his future with the company against Mr. Honeywell's job as president, in a competition to sign an important client.
Director: Hal Yates
Writers: George Carleton Brown, Frank Fox, Frank Gill Jr.
Stars: Gale Storm, Charles Farrell, Hillary Brooke
Short filmTranscript
00:00My Little Margie, starring Gale Storm and Charles Farrell.
00:15Brought to you by Scott Paper Company.
00:18Now, Dad, you've just got to tell me.
00:30Nope, I can't tell you now, honey, but I'll give you a little hint.
00:33It's something we've both thought about for a long time.
00:36I've got it. You finally popped the question to Roberta and you're going to be married.
00:43Oh, that's wonderful, Dad.
00:45Now, Margie, stop jumping to conclusions. I am not answering any more questions.
00:49You'll just have to wait until I spring the big surprise.
00:52Vernon Albright, you're a cruel man.
00:54Anyone who'd arouse a woman's curiosity like this would lock her in a room with 50 hats and no mirror.
01:00Cheer up. You won't have to suffer very long. Bye.
01:14Well, Margie, what mischief is dancing in those bright little eyes this a.m.?
01:18Roberta, just answer me one question.
01:20After today, should I call you Roberta or must I call you Mama?
01:25Come on, Roberta, you can tell me. When are you and Dad going to get married?
01:29Well, at the rate your father's going now, he should buy the engagement ring with his first Social Security check.
01:34And that pinpoints at about 1985.
01:37You mean Dad hasn't said anything about getting married?
01:40Oh, he's mentioned it in passing, only I haven't been able to intercept any of the passes.
01:46Well, he said something was going to change our whole way of living, and I thought he meant marrying you.
01:52Roberta, I just had a sickening thought.
01:55How sickening was it?
01:56The most. There's only one reason for Dad acting like this. I've seen the symptoms before.
02:01He's involved with some other woman.
02:09What are you so happy about this morning?
02:11Oh, that's what Margie wanted to know.
02:13I promised her some exciting news, and I'm going to make good.
02:16Now tell me what that is, and tell me what the date is.
02:20Well, that's your contract with Honeywell and Todd.
02:23And the date's the 18th.
02:25What's so exciting about that?
02:27Number one, my contract with you expires in exactly one week.
02:30Number two, you promised me that when I renew the contract, that you'd step down and appoint me president of the firm.
02:36Now, see here, boy, you're not going to hold me to a promise I made when I was dead drunk.
02:40Nonsense. You never took more than two drinks in any one day in your life, and you know it.
02:44I must have been under the influence of something to make a wild promise like that.
02:48Now, don't try to weasel out of it, or I'll accept that partnership from Conway and Staub.
02:52They want me, even if you don't. And I can take a lot of business along with me.
02:56Now, don't get excited, boy. Of course I'm going to keep my word.
02:59You mean you'll step down and appoint me president of the firm?
03:02Let's say I give you a sporting chance to win my job in fair man-to-man competition.
03:07I have here the papers relevant to the Mendoza account. You're familiar with it, of course.
03:12I ought to be. I handled several deals for the late Senor Mendoza when he had the consulate here in New York.
03:18Why, what's that got to do with it?
03:20Mendoza's widow arrives tomorrow from South America to discuss the contract.
03:24You fancy yourself as a ladies' man, so the dice are already loaded in your favor.
03:31Oh, I get it. You mean that you and I are going to compete for the widow Mendoza's account. Is that it?
03:36Exactly. If you sign her, you become president.
03:39But if you fail and I sign her, then you agree to another five-year contract as vice president at the same salary.
03:46Unless you're afraid to gamble your future on your own ability.
03:50Are you kidding? I've never even met Mendoza's widow.
03:53But you haven't got a chance if you play fair.
03:55Play fair? You say that to the man they call Honest George Honeywell?
04:00Just be sure and stay that way, and I'll mambo home with the Mendoza deal.
04:04And that reminds me...
04:05Where are you going?
04:06To a dance studio and take a refresher course in the mambo, the samba, and the tango.
04:10The president of a successful firm leaves nothing to chance.
04:15Oh, and that reminds me. Promise me that you won't breathe a word of this to Margie.
04:20Don't be silly, boy. The last thing I'd ever mention to Margie is a client.
04:24Good. Because if Margie knew the presidency of dear old Honeywell and Todd was riding on this deal,
04:29she'd try to help me, and that would be fatal.
04:31Well, so long, ex-pres.
04:40Get me Margie Albright on the phone.
04:48Well, hello, Mr. Honeywell.
04:51Why, of course I always have time to talk about Dad. Is anything wrong?
04:55I'm afraid there is, Margie.
04:57But first, give me your solemn word that you won't mention this conversation to your father.
05:03Good, good.
05:04Now tell me, Margie, has he been acting strangely lately?
05:08You know, as though we were hiding something from you.
05:11Yes, yes, he has.
05:13He was very mysterious this morning.
05:15What's it all about, Mr. Honeywell?
05:17Brace yourself, my dear.
05:19I'm afraid your father is involved with a woman.
05:22I knew it. I just knew it.
05:25Who is she?
05:26All I know is she's a South American and adventurous.
05:30Just the type to attract a man like your father, especially when he's at that dangerous age.
05:35But I know you won't stand idly by and see him squander his future and yours on some glamorous fortune hunter.
05:43Don't worry, Mr. Honeywell.
05:44No scheming little glamour gal is going to latch onto Dad while I can do anything to prevent it.
05:48Good girl, Margie. I knew I could count on you.
05:51Remember, your father's future is in your hands.
05:56Ah, Honeywell.
05:58When you die, this brain must go to science.
06:07I'm sorry, Mr. Albright. Our classes are booked weeks ahead.
06:10Oh, but can't you recommend someone who will give me private lessons?
06:13Money is no object.
06:14A few of my girls left to dance professionally.
06:17One of them might give you instruction.
06:19Ah, yes. Here is Pepita.
06:22She is dancing in a burlesque show at the moment.
06:24More money than I could pay her.
06:26Oh, well, as long as she's a good teacher.
06:28Pepita is one of the best.
06:30I'll have her call you right away, Mr. Albright.
06:32Oh, good. You better tell her that we'll have to have the lessons at her place.
06:35I wish to keep this confidential.
06:38Muy bien, señor Albright.
06:42Now, Margie, you're not going to drag me into this.
06:45If your father and some Latin glamourpuss are making beautiful chili together,
06:48that's your problem, not mine.
06:50But it is your problem, Roberta.
06:52You're fond of Dad, aren't you?
06:54Yes, in a distant sort of a way.
06:56The distance was his idea, of course.
06:58You know he really wants to marry you when he's in his right mind.
07:02Maybe it's the other way around.
07:04It's just that Dad's at that dangerous age.
07:07You're not going to let some cheap little adventurist get him away from you, are you?
07:11You can be just as glamorous as she can.
07:14Glamorous? Little old me?
07:16Certainly. You've got what it takes.
07:19Yeah, but I've had it so long.
07:21Stop underselling yourself.
07:24Real beauty is mature beauty.
07:26Age gives a richness, a depth, a quality.
07:30You make me feel like an old Stradivarius.
07:33All I'm trying to tell you is that right here is all the glamour Dad could ever want.
07:38If you'll just help him to see it.
07:40Well, if Pops is up for grabs, I might just as well give it a go.
07:44What do you want me to do that it's not ten years too late for?
07:47I want you to break out your yummiest evening gown,
07:50and tonight, when Dad comes home from the office,
07:53he'll find soft lights, soft music, and you.
07:57That I can guarantee.
07:59Well, Margie Albright of the Carton Arms, New York City, you asked for it.
08:11Is that you, Bernadine?
08:17I hope you didn't have a hard day at the office,
08:19because this is going to be quite an evening.
08:22Roberta, what are you doing here?
08:24I mean, what's the matter with you?
08:27I've got to go.
08:29I've got to go.
08:31I've got to go.
08:33I've got to go.
08:35I've got to go.
08:37I've got to go.
08:39What's the idea?
08:41Why, darling, I thought you might have some of your own.
08:46Where's Margie?
08:48She's out for the evening. She asked me to make you feel at home.
08:51Home was never like this.
08:53Sweet of you to notice.
08:55Champagne, darling? Cigarette?
08:58Well, so much for small talk.
09:07Whoever it is, I hate you.
09:10It's a woman for you, you cad.
09:14Uh, hello?
09:16Signor Albright, this is Pepita.
09:19Signor Hernando said you wanted me to give you mambo lessons privately.
09:22Oh, yes, yes, that's right.
09:24When can I see you?
09:26I have a couple of hours between shows.
09:28Could you pick me up at the Gayetic Theatre?
09:33Oh, and we'll have to find someplace for you to take your lessons.
09:35My place is too small.
09:37Oh, I'll make all the arrangements. I'll be right over.
09:40Well, Roberta, this has been wonderful.
09:42We must do it again sometime.
09:45Goodbye now.
09:53Anybody want to buy an old Stradivarius?
09:56Was that the other woman on the phone?
09:58It wasn't a time signal.
10:00We've got to follow him and find out what he's up to.
10:03What he's up to? Are you kidding?
10:05Come on.
10:15Pepita the Latin bombshell.
10:17I hope she falls off the runway and breaks her neck.
10:20Shh, here they come.
10:27I couldn't see her face, could you?
10:29Poor dad. A stage door Johnny at his age.
10:32And a burlesque queen at that.
10:34Come on.
10:37I'm sorry to have to bring you up to my office for these lessons, Pepita.
10:40But I don't want my daughter to find out about my client.
10:43I understand. But what do we do for music?
10:46Oh, we'll get some on the radio in my office.
10:53Forget it. Bring her here to his office.
10:55She probably wants to look at his checkbook before she makes the kill.
10:58Poor dad.
11:00Maybe we can see what's going on from the fire escape. Come on.
11:11I can't seem to find a mambo.
11:13Let's start with the tango and work up to it.
11:26Turn off the radio.
11:28We'll do it by the numbers first, the way they do at Hernando's.
11:31All right.
11:33I'll lead. Follow me.
11:35One and two and three and four and.
11:45Wow! Dad's sacroiliac is really getting a workout.
11:48What is she, a dancer or a wrestler?
11:52One and two and three and four and.
11:57Now you try it.
11:59All right.
12:01One and two and three and four and.
12:10Oh, no! Now Dad's got a case of the bends.
12:13When I tried that, all he did was answer the phone.
12:16Come on, Margie. I've seen enough.
12:22Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
12:26So that's the mambo, eh?
12:28Sounds like the love call of a sick moose.
12:31We finished up with it last night after I mastered the samba and the tango.
12:35That Pepita's a swell teacher.
12:37The vice president of Honeywell and Todd taking lessons from a burlesque queen.
12:41Brother, now I've seen everything.
12:43Not quite everything.
12:45There's their deal I'm going to sign up with Mrs. Mendoza to look at yet.
12:48And my name on your office door.
12:50You haven't signed her yet, my boy.
12:52She's new in town today and I will.
12:54So get ready to go into mothballs.
12:56Now I've got to go to the bank and I'll be back in a couple of hours.
13:11Oh, excuse me. I was looking for Mr. Albright.
13:14I have a message from Mrs. Mendoza.
13:16Mrs. Mendoza? From South America?
13:18Yes, she just arrived and is staying at the Park Plaza.
13:21She's waiting for Mr. Albright to call.
13:23Thanks, Betty. I'll take care of it.
13:31And so we followed them to the office and spied on them from the fire escape and...
13:35It was awful.
13:37It's hard to believe your poor father has fallen into the clutches of such a woman.
13:41What does she look like?
13:43We never did get a good look at her.
13:45Good. I mean, good thing I have a plan to save your father from this adventurous.
13:50You have, Mr. Honeywell?
13:52Yes, my dear, I have.
13:54This burlesque creature's real name is Mendoza.
13:57She's a widow, or says she is, probably just a cover-up.
14:00Well, then you've been investigating.
14:02Yes, I have a very special interest in what your father does.
14:06This Mendoza woman is stopping at the Park Plaza Hotel.
14:09You know, putting on a big front just for your poor father.
14:13This shameless creature.
14:15She'll probably try to stick Dad with a hotel bill.
14:18It's up to you, Margie.
14:20Nothing but desperate measures will save him now.
14:23Well, what do you want me to do?
14:25Go see this Mrs. Mendoza.
14:27But don't tell her you're his daughter, of course.
14:29She might suspect a trick.
14:31Tell her the man she knows as Vernon Albright is an imposter.
14:36Say he's a man who preys on unsuspecting women.
14:39Build it up big. Scare her off.
14:42Tell her the real Vernon Albright is out of town.
14:44If she doubts you, have her call me and I'll verify it.
14:47Now, let's see.
14:49What's a woman like that afraid of most?
14:51The police.
14:53Mr. Honeywell, I'm going to join the force.
14:55Unofficially, that is.
14:57I'll fix it so Mrs. Mendoza will never want to see Dad again.
15:01That's exactly what I have in mind.
15:13Mrs. Mendoza, I'm Sergeant Dooley of the Bunko Squad.
15:16Come in.
15:23I'd like to ask you a few questions.
15:25Sit down, please.
15:30Do you know a man who calls himself Vernon Albright?
15:33Si. Mr. Albright is with the firm of Honeywell and Todd.
15:37The, uh, how you say, vice president.
15:40That's what he tells all the girls.
15:42Well, looks like Fancy Dan's got another victim, eh Bubbles?
15:45Yeah, wouldn't it steam ya?
15:47Looks like there ain't a stripper in the biz that's safe from that phony.
15:50You mean, uh, Senor Albright, he is not Senor Albright.
15:54The real Vernon Albright is out of town. I checked.
15:57And I traced this imposter down to you, ma'am.
15:59That's the truth, ma'am.
16:01He's trying to fleece ya, ma'am.
16:03Just like he did Bubbles, the blonde blockbuster in Frisco.
16:06This man, he stole money from you?
16:09Stole my money like he stole my kisses.
16:13Tell her your sad story, Bubbles.
16:15Oh, very well, Sergeant.
16:16Maybe I can save this poor sister from taking a beating like I did.
16:23Well, it all started the night the fleet came into San Fran.
16:27The house was packed with sailors.
16:29And as I stepped out on the runway,
16:31there at my feet was this Fancy Dan.
16:34Charmin', debonair, vacillatin' slob.
16:37He's wearin' a diamond ring big as a pismo clam.
16:41Well, anyway, after I finish, I go to my dressing room.
16:45And lo and behold, there's this Fancy Dan.
16:48Only this time he's piercing himself off as president of the National Bank.
16:52Naturally, it was boing at first sight.
16:55Then before you could say Minsky,
16:57he left me with a broken heart and a piggy bank to match.
17:00Took every dime I had, sayin' he was gonna invest it for me.
17:04He did.
17:05Take it to New York.
17:08This... this man is a devil.
17:13But are you sure he is the one who calls himself Vernon Albright?
17:17The bunco squad doesn't make mistakes, ma'am.
17:19You can call Mr. Honeywell and verify it.
17:21Go on, ma'am. Call him.
17:29Get me Honeywell and Todd, the investment brokers.
17:32That's right, Mrs. Mendoza.
17:34Our Mr. Albright is out of town on business.
17:37Absolutely. I put him on the plane myself.
17:45Mrs. Mendoza, I assume you're willing to cooperate with the police?
17:48Seguro que sÃ.
17:49And then I am taking the next plane back to my own country.
17:53Uh, now, when Fancy Dan gets here,
17:55don't say a word to him and don't let him say anything.
17:58Just throw him out.
17:59Or better still, don't even let him in.
18:01I understand.
18:02We have the hall staked out. We'll make the pinch.
18:05Well, I guess that's all, ma'am.
18:07Mil gracias, ladies.
18:09And especialmente to you, señorita Bubbles.
18:12My gratitude for coming here to warn me.
18:14Ah, it was nothing, sister.
18:16We peelers gotta stick together, don't we?
18:25Betty, son, do you have a message for me as to Honeywell?
18:27Have you decided to resign the presidency and exit gracefully?
18:31I guess I might as well at that.
18:33The message was for Mrs. Mendoza.
18:35She's at the Park Plaza Hotel waiting for you.
18:37Oh, really?
18:38Are you sure that you don't want to make your pitch first?
18:41No, I'm a man of my word, Albright.
18:43You go ahead.
18:44And I wish you all kinds of luck.
18:46And I do mean all kinds.
18:48Well, I'll see you in an hour with that Mendoza contract.
18:51You don't have to move out of this office right away.
18:53You can take the weekend.
19:17Ah, señora Mendoza.
19:19Vernon Albright at your service.
19:35Oh, and that's the whole story, Margie.
19:37I don't understand it.
19:39Three times I knocked on Mrs. Mendoza's door.
19:41And three times she yelled, fancy Dan, and clobbered me.
19:45Then she's not a burlesque queen at all.
19:48She's a client.
19:49Oh, this is awful.
19:51Oh, it's worse than that.
19:52Now I have to sign a contract for five more years as vice president.
19:56What do you mean?
19:57Well, that was my deal with Mr. Honeywell.
19:59If I brought in the Mendoza account,
20:01Mr. Honeywell was going to make me president of the firm.
20:04But if he signs her up, no dice and status quo.
20:09So that's what Mr. Honeywell was up to.
20:12Up to what?
20:14Never mind.
20:15Can't you go to Mrs. Mendoza and square things, Dad?
20:18Well, I checked at the desk,
20:19and she's leaving for South America in a couple of hours.
20:22My only hope is that Honeywell doesn't find out
20:24and sign her before she leaves.
20:26At least I'll be in a position to dick her.
20:28Then start gathering your dickering material, Dad,
20:31because everything's going to work out all right.
20:34Well, where are you going?
20:35I've got to see a woman about a sly old dog.
20:42Now that old double-crosser,
20:44using you to trick your own father.
20:46Well, fortunately,
20:47Dad doesn't know we were in on it, Roberta,
20:49and I'm not going to be the one to fill him in.
20:51But I am going to fix Mr. Honeywell's wagon.
20:53Do you have any particularly fiendish ideas?
20:56Just one, and let's hope it works.
20:58I've got to keep Mr. Honeywell
20:59from contacting Mrs. Mendoza before she leaves.
21:02So you go in and keep Dad company
21:04while I go get another costume.
21:17Yes, Betty?
21:18Mrs. Mendoza is here to see you, Mr. Honeywell.
21:21Ask the charming lady to come in, please.
21:30Ah, Signora Mendoza.
21:32Bienvenido, su servidor.
21:34Si, si, I think.
21:37Ah, Signora Mendoza.
21:39Bienvenido, su servidor.
21:41Si, si, I think.
21:44Come sit down.
21:46It's a pleasure to meet you at long last.
21:49I've heard so much about you.
21:52Me? I hear mucho, plenty about you, too.
21:55I gathered from your phone call
21:57you had an unfortunate experience
21:59with some cook passing himself off as Vernon Albright.
22:04Why, Mr. Albright is my right hand.
22:06It is good thing your right hand
22:08does not know what your left hand is doing.
22:10Eh, Signora?
22:15I'm certainly glad I caught you at the airport, Mrs. Mendoza.
22:19This could have been a most unpleasant situation
22:21for everyone concerned.
22:23I must confess I do not understand
22:25what has occurred today, Signora.
22:27Well, this is a little personal matter
22:29between Mr. Honeywell and myself.
22:31That's why I wanted you to come here and confront him.
22:33He'll have to admit that I'm the real Vernon Albright.
22:36Then you can sign this contract with me.
22:40Why don't you sign it now and read it at your leisure, Signora?
22:43I'm anxious to see your little signature on that bottom line.
22:46My signature you are welcome to, amigo.
22:48You want me to make the X in Spanish or in English?
22:53Oh, you're a jolly one, Signora.
22:55Just decorate that dotted line
22:57with your distinguished little hand.
23:01There you are, I think.
23:03Now, if you'll excuse me for a moment,
23:05I want to put this on Mr. Albright's desk
23:07so he'll see it the minute he comes in his office.
23:14Ah, there you are, Albright.
23:16Glad you're here.
23:18I got some nice bad news for you.
23:20Hi there.
23:22I see you got your mambo teacher here with you.
23:24Well, tell her she's out of a job
23:26because there's the Mendoza contract
23:28signed, sealed, and delivered.
23:30Watch your playmate's face get purple, honey.
23:32What are you babbling about?
23:34This is Mrs. Mendoza right here.
23:36Don't be a bigger idiot than you are already.
23:38You think I don't know a burlesque doll when I see one?
23:41You'll have to catch your next show, honey.
23:43How can you?
23:45Who is this nasty old man?
23:47Knock it off, sister.
23:49I got the real Mrs. Mendoza
23:51right out there in my office.
23:57Who are you? Come on, speak up.
23:59Just a minute.
24:01Who are you?
24:03I am a dead pigeon, I think.
24:10Sergeant Dooley of the Banco Squad.
24:12Sergeant nothing, that's Albright's daughter.
24:14His daughter?
24:16Then all of you try to play tricks on me.
24:18You're all crazy Americanos.
24:20Take your contract.
24:22I am going back to South America.
24:24Now see what you've done.
24:28You're the one that told her I was out of town.
24:30It's all your fault.
24:32Now just a moment, gentlemen.
24:34Let's call it a standoff.
24:36All right.
24:48Well, Papa Mio,
24:50you may not be president of H&T yet,
24:52but you did come out with a profit.
24:54You're now a graduate student of the Mambo
24:56and you can teach me.
24:58I don't want to even hear another Mambo
25:00as long as I live.
25:02Might as well accept it, Dad,
25:04because the word Mambo means in English, don't you?
25:06No, what?
25:08Well, it's a Bop Cuban word
25:10roughly equivalent to our crazy.
25:12And that's what our life is always going to be together.
25:14Real crazy.
25:18that's my little Mambo.
26:04Next week, same time,
26:06same station,
26:08Scott Paper Company again will present
26:10My Little Margie,
26:12starring Gale Storm
26:14and Charles Farrell.