Full E-book International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education--Volume 5: Addressing

  • 4 years ago

A peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal promoting early childhood environmental education for global readership and action, The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education (IJECEE) publishes scholarly written works pertinent to the education of all young children (birth to eight years). Articles include book reviews, educational approaches, evaluation models, program descriptions, research investigations, and theoretical perspectives-all anonymously and expertly peer-reviewed. Articles in this issue include: --Editorial Note: Of swallows, smiles, and saving the earth by Ken Finch, IJECEE Consulting Editor --Four methods for engaging young children as environmental education researchers, by Carie Green, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA --Exploring the intersection of beliefs toward outdoor play and cold weather among Northeast Minnesota's formal education and non-formal EE communities, by Amy Christine Hughes, University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development, USA; Kevin Zak, Northland College, Wisconsin, USA; Julie Ernst, University of Minnesota Duluth, USA; Rebecca Meyer, University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Development, USA --"It vapors up like this" Children making sense of embodied illustrations of evaporation at a Swedish school, by Anneli Bergnell Karlsson, University of Bor?s, Bor?s, Sweden --Preschool children's biophilia and attitudes toward nature: The effect of personal experiences, by Ruddy Yanez, Kansas State University, USA; Bronwyn S. Fees, Kansas State University, USA; Julia Torquati, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA --"Trees have a soul too!" Developing empathy and environmental values in early childhood, by Loukia S. Lithoxoidou, 77th Kindergarten School of Thessaloniki, Greece; Alexandros D. Georgopoulus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; Anastasia Th. Dimitriou, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece; Sofia Ch. Xenitidou, NOESIS Science Center and Technology Museum, Greece --Adult perspectives on structured vs. structured play in early childhood environmental education, by Joshua Hunter, University of North Dakota, USA; Cherie Graves, University of North Dakota, USA; Anne Bodensteiner, University of North Dakota, USA
