Gazza-Romanelli, passeggiata al giardino reale

  • 4 years ago
Instant description, description just awake.
Cellar (with sloping floor)
A 70's tape recorder, a french audio cassette (soundscape - birds) by Irene, a first edition (1952 - Oscar Mondadori) of "The eternal husband" of Dostoevsky taken to the lake by two astronauts, a yellow plastic tray, a glass jar, spontaneous yellow flowers (urospermum dalechampii), stealthily collected in quarantine, a retro plastic picture depicting the Christ and the phrase "holy face protect me", an oil painting from 1983 by Domenico with portico, staircase and sky, green water, two identical ducks, gift from Sufi, a man always sitting in the same place.

Text read by "The eternal husband", Dostoevsky Page 119 "When you open your lips in the happy hour And you will coo for me, sweeter than a dove ... "* * Veciàninov (protagonist), chooses a romance by Glinka (composer and founder of the Russian music school modern).
