The Best Daycare Near Golf Course Extension Road | The Sixth Element

  • 4 years ago
ACTIVITIES LED LEARNING @ the Sixth Element School And Day Care. We believe that students learn much better, when engaged in interactive fun filled activities and events.�Farmers Day was one such event to get students excited about making them understand where food comes from, the concept healthy eating, maths ( basic numbers & elementary commerce, negotiation, etc, etc, etc .�

In the event, where some of Parents also contributed the students were introduced with the concepts of farming, buying vegetables and fruits and inculcated the habits of clean and fresh vegetables.�

Take a look at our innovative , earthy , back to tradition, modern phenomenon based learning - which is also the way schools in FINLAND operate ...the world's best schooling country wonder the Sixth element school is rated as one of the very best in Gurgaon...

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