Full version Already Here: the matter of Love Review

  • 4 years ago
"We must consciously create for our brains the inputs we prefer, or be subjected to the inputs others prefer."If you are like most people, you may doubt pure Love's ability to hook you up with a totally happy life. Even if you haven't carried around buckets of overflowing joy in your life, it's not too late, nor is it impossible, to start intimately knowing happiness this very day. All you need to do is think again."Already Here: the matter of Love "demonstrates that joy, bliss, and spiritual connectedness are already within you. This book helps you remember your joy by learning to rethink the world-and it's shockingly easy!Taking the heaviness out of being light, author Kelly Corbet makes insights from luminaries such as Eckhart Tolle and "A Course in Miracles" easily accessible and combines them with the wisdom of icons including Jesus, Einstein, Walt Whitman, the Beatles, and Winnie-the-Pooh. The result is a fun, engaging guide to designing a life that reflects only the most Love-filled possibilities.If you're looking for a happier way to be and are ready to become your own wonder-worker, you'll find some miraculous ideas right here!
