About For Books Motivating Millennials: How to Recognize, Recruit and Retain the Next Generation

  • 4 years ago
This book will explain how to motivate Millennials and show you how to capitalize on the great potential of our often-maligned generation. To do this, we'll explain how to get past the stereotypes and explain who Millennials really are. You'll gain a new perspective as we shine a light on the family dynamics that shaped us. If you're a Boomer, we learned our values from you. If you're a Gen Xer, you share many of these same values. We'll also explore how to create the business structures and strategies that work to recruit, retain, and promote the best Millennials. You'll also learn how you can inspire us to do more and be more, how to realize our full potential and capitalize on it for your company.If you're wondering if your company has to cater to Millennials, the answer is no. But if you don't, you'll lose out in the end. This book will show you why Millennial-friendly practices are great for business, and why these changes to accommodate Millennials are necessary in a fast-changing economy driven by knowledge and innovation.Of course, we must remember that each person within a generation is different, as are their families and the circumstances in which they grew up. With that in mind, we believe our strategies will help you bridge the generation gap with the unique individuals in your organization.Today people are living and working longer than ever before. This is the first time that so many people of different generations have had the opportunity to work together. And, thanks to technology, they are doing so in a variety of ways. We view this historic situation as a great opportunity and not as an overwhelming obstacle - which is unfortunately often the case. Knowledge sharing that encourages the cross-pollination of ideas can spark major innovation - if the different generations can learn how to collaborate in a way that capitalizes on their strengths and compensates for their weaknesses.We can create successful companies in which individuals from every generation are motivated and inspired to do their best. The goal is not to just get along in the workplace; rather, it's to know, understand, and inspire each other along with growing the bottom line.
