• 4 years ago
Why are so many species of plant and animal disappearing? How is it that Earth is losing more fresh water than it is producing? What are the effects of chlorination and fluoridation of water?The answers to these and many more pressing environmental questions are to be found in this remarkable book - the first in-depth examination of the life and work of the brilliant forester, scientist and pioneering inventor, Viktor Schauberger.Schauberger's insights into Nature pivoted on the essential characteristics of water as a living and pulsating substance that energises all of life, both organic and inorganic. He frequently asserted, -Water is a living substance!- - an ideal to which many philosophers have subscribed.With his ground-breaking concepts on energy, biomagnetism and the true function of trees, he showed how a world that exploited its resources rather than cherishing them was doomed to destroy itself. Above all, he demonstrated how Nature's abundance is the result of a complex interaction of energies that actually create matter, not the other way around as orthodox science believes. For him energy was primary, and physical form the secondary effect.
