Produced by : Hirvi
Genres: Fiction, Experimental, Documentary - Runtime: 15 min 32 seconds
Production year: 2019
A fertile terrain for experimentation, bodies are central to the new film by (LA) HORDE, Cultes, imagined as an exploration of the phenomenon of festivals.
Is a spiritual experience still possible in these new consumerist sanctuaries? Do spectators manage to create their own subversive experience when they are a part of so many individuals constituting a mass?
The film is an hallucinatory trip into the heart of a crowd, of a community of bodies welded together by their love of music, bodies that dance but which never forget to feel.
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Produced by : Hirvi
Genres: Fiction, Experimental, Documentary - Runtime: 15 min 32 seconds
Production year: 2019
A fertile terrain for experimentation, bodies are central to the new film by (LA) HORDE, Cultes, imagined as an exploration of the phenomenon of festivals.
Is a spiritual experience still possible in these new consumerist sanctuaries? Do spectators manage to create their own subversive experience when they are a part of so many individuals constituting a mass?
The film is an hallucinatory trip into the heart of a crowd, of a community of bodies welded together by their love of music, bodies that dance but which never forget to feel.
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