Full E-book Anger Management: 12 Simple Ways to Control Your Emotions, Develop Self-Control, and

  • 4 years ago
Has your temper put a strain on your relationships lately? Do you struggle with anger at home or at work? Are others becoming nervous around you because they're afraid of setting you off? If so, then Anger Management: 12 Simple Ways to Control Your Emotions, Develop Self-Control, and Minimize Your Day-to-Day Stress is the right book for you! In this brief but information-packed guide, you will learn some essential techniques for calming your anger and regaining control of your emotions, including: - The importance of accepting anger as natural - How to understand what anger is and where your anger is truly coming from - How to pause before you react so that you can choose how to respond to situations that make you angry - How to express your anger calmly and effectively, without hurting others - How practicing empathy can help curb some of your worst anger - How to redirect your focus from an upsetting situation to something more productive - How to channel your anger directly - How to use exercise and good health habits to release and curb your anger - The importance of taking breaks when you feel your stress levels rising - How to find solutions to the issues that are causing your anger - How to use humor to lighten your anger - The importance of forgiving yourself and others - And much more! With so much to learn, don't wait another minute to take control and steer yourself in a healthier direction!
