Blowing The Whistle On Corruption At Two VA Medical Centers

  • 5 years ago
Many Whistle-Blowers and Veterans have repeatedly stated, the crimes are in the cover-ups. Veteran, named Russell Gault learned how simply advocating for his rights and asking for accountability led to:

Death threats
VA officials lying to Congress (a crime)
Computer hacking
For the past two years, former US Navy Lieutenant Russell Gault has been trying to get the US government to hold several Veterans Affairs (VA) officials accountable for alleged malfeasance. But over the course of the two years, Gault learned the government cares more about covering up corruption than it cares about fighting it.

Here are the crimes Gault believes have been committed:

1) Larry Kidd Jr, VA Police Detective: Judicial Corruption, illegal access to information, electronic contact harassment, illegal surveillance, cyber-based crime (hacking/spoofing), and extortion.
2) Walt C. Dannenberg, Director of Veterans Affairs Long Beach Medical Center: Lying to US Congress, judicial corruption
3) Matthew Burns, VA Police Lieutenant: Illegal access to information, illegal surveillance, cyber-based crime (hacking/spoofing), extortion.

Russell had to leave the country due to VA police harassment. Many veterans have reported the VA's wellness checks have nothing to do with wellness or welfare. Russell is looking for an attorney who can help him deal with VA police harassment.
