• 16 years ago
For the three years he was allowed to live as a Teacher, Jesus tried to make known a Doctrine of Truth to the Jewish, which should redefine the human spirit convert and replace the God-Master with the God-Father. "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out" [John: 12-31 ]. The Jewish priests considered him a danger for the old mosaic belief and they cruelly killed him, hiding his body.
In the next hundred years, under an ongoing persecution, the first Christians spread out in the Roman Empire territory. One of the fiercest oppressors was the Jewish theologian Saul from Tars. He turned overnight from an oppressor into an adept of Christianity. His real goal was actually to destroy the Doctrine of Jesus and its followers through diversion and mystification.
Also, another important purpose was to avoid a religious reform within the Jewish Church, a reform that Jesus would have accomplished had he not been killed. Jesus has been physically annihilated by the Jewish clergy and spiritually assassinated by Saul. Becoming a roman citizen under the name of Paul, Saul propagates among Romans the new religion based upon the complete distortion of Truth about the Doctrine, the life and the death of Jesus.
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