We're Going To Be In The Newspaper!

  • 4 years ago
You guys know newspapers, right? The things that everyone always talks about are dying but other people talk about how they’re the lifeblood of democracy (which dies in the darkness, fyi)? Well, we’re gonna be in the local news, no biggie but not to brag. So today we had a little pow wow where we had to go over some questions that were sent to us about the beautiful beast that is KFC Radio. As with everything, it devolved into nonsense and they probably won’t be able to print our answers, but boy did we just have a swell time.

We also were serenaded by the lovely Francis and had Offended: The Musical join us on KFC Radio for what KFC deemed the Mt. Rushmore of fucked up people at Barstool. I don’t necessarily disagree, but it hurt to hear out loud.

So that’s the latest on these fucking morons.