• 5 years ago
The Adventures of A.R.I. My Robot Friend Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In this funny, thrilling family adventure, a boy named Noah finds a broken A.R.I.-9 robot at his dad’s tech job. After he accidentally reboots "Ari," the smart, playful robot comes to life. After Noah brings Ari to school to show his friend Bethany, they are amazed to learn he can turn invisible—and even fly! But Ari’s angry creators want to steal his circuitry for a new droid. When they send a signal that puts the robot into battle mode, will Noah’s new best friend become his most dangerous enemy?

Arrives on DVD, Digital, and On Demand March 10, 2020

Director: Stephen Shimek
Writers: Michael Baumgarten, Jerome Reygner-Kalfon, Sebastien Semon
Stars: Jude Manley, Sophia Alongi, J.R. Brown
