Directed by : Damien Manivel
Produced by : MLD Films
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 24 min
French release: 20/11/2019
Production year: 2019
Following the death of her two children in April 1913, the legendary dancer, Isadora Duncan, created a farewell solo entitled “Mother” which in a moment of extreme tenderness, a mother cradles her child for the last time before letting him go. A century later, four women encounter the heartrending dance.
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Produced by : MLD Films
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 24 min
French release: 20/11/2019
Production year: 2019
Following the death of her two children in April 1913, the legendary dancer, Isadora Duncan, created a farewell solo entitled “Mother” which in a moment of extreme tenderness, a mother cradles her child for the last time before letting him go. A century later, four women encounter the heartrending dance.
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