• 17 years ago
A short horror film about some dude who makes a strange discovery in the woods. A lot of stylish flourishes and ambient moments were lost in my struggle to cut it down to an appropriate length for the contest, so I hope someday to assemble a proper director's cut with an improved sound design.

*update 1-7-09*

I'm surprised to find I was actually one of the runner-ups in the contest, and proud considering some of the competition I had! I'd like to thank those who commented on the video, their support was certainly appreciated. If anyone's interested, I have the director's cut posted on YouTube. It's longer and perhaps slower, but it better conveys the dreamy feeling I was going for.


Once again, thanks! I've learned a lot from making this film, and hope to make something more ambitious and better photographed with the next one. While I'm not completely satisfied with the script and story so far, basically it will involve strange occurrences in a small town, and the unusual relationship between a girl and a killer. It sounds like Le Boucher, but it'll be much different, more like a cross between David Lynch and Dario Argento....
