U.S. Senate"Iranian Threat"Conference-Dr.Ahura Pirouz yazdi

  • 16 years ago
دکتر اهورا پیروز خالقی یزدی-
کنفرانس خطر ایران در سنای آمریکا


Dr. Ahura Pirouz K. Yazdi the founder of Hakha Movement participated in "Understanding the Iranian Threat" Conference at the U.S. Senate organized by American Foreign Policy Council focusing on policymakers' security concerns.
He defended Iranians on the Issue that U.S. policy makers have disappointed Iranian people for lack of action against the regime in Iran.
As always his message to American policy makers ," Mullahs are not Persian Iranians and this Islamic regime should not be called Iranians.
The keynote speaker was former CIA Director Mr. James Woolsey,
Other speakers at the conference included Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
and Walid Phares of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.
Mr. shahryar Aahi was the only other Iranian attending this Conference.


