What You Don't Know Can Harm You!

  • 16 years ago
EMF Protection Products
Airtube Headsets
Sorry for the delay in replying to this! While I have gotten used to people - (who haven't done any research whatsoever on this topic) - jumping to conclusions and claiming with their "expert" opinion that I am either (1) "Alarmist;" (2) "Psychosomatic" (i.e. I am imagining my symptoms); or (3) that I "have a phobia;" it still doesn't mean that I enjoy listening to their erroneous and premature conclusions.

First of all, to have a phobia means to be afraid of something that cannot hurt you. However, on the other hand, to NOT be afraid of something that can indeed hurt you we can certainly call "Ignorance" (in the case that people are unaware of the danger) or in fact "Stupidity" (when they are indeed aware of the danger but continue to engage in the dangerous behavior).

Secondly, I was terribly sick for six months with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and increasingly getting worse before I even imagined that it might be due to the microwave radiation being emitted from a number of cell phone masts 300 meters away from my apartment or from the microwave radiation being emitted from my adjacent neighbors' WiFi systems or from the cell phone I carried on my body but hardly ever used.

Thirdly, to be alarmist means to "cause unnecessary fear and anxiety." And that is not the case at all. Indeed we want people to be afraid of "what can indeed hurt them" (so they can take necessary action) and not the other way around.

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