Classical Music Relaxing? That's NOT the point!

  • 5 years ago This is a common response from non-musicians when I explain that I started performing Bach in New York's subways and within 5 years, thousands of musicians around the world joined me in bringing Classical Music to the public so that more people can experience it: "That's cool. I love classical music – it's so relaxing." And my first instinct when hearing this is always to scream "that's not the point!!"

Classical music isn't there to make you "relaxed"! It's there to make you feel. It's there so you can explore the full spectrum of human emotion. This is your birthright, to fully experience the deepest depths of your self! Don't be "relaxed" – weep, wail, dance for joy, scream in triumph!

I love pop and rock and the other fun music that's most popularly listened to, but none of it comes close to reaching the depths of human experience you'll find in Classical. Don't listen to Classical Music to "relax." Listen to feel deeply what it is to be human!
