Dog keeps eating everything in site, including his own muzzle

  • 5 years ago
TEDDINGTON, U.K. — A cute little puppy from the other side of the pond really likes to chew on things, so much so that he's already had four trips to the surgeons to have foreign objects removed from his stomach.
According to the Metro, Dexter quite enjoys chewing on things that he probably shouldn't be chomping on like fishnet tights, chocolate and duct tape.
His owners Andrew and Teri Gumpert from Teddington have already had to take the 18-month-old doggo to the vet more than seven times already because of his unusual eating habits.
Other things that have strangely found their way into Dexter's tummy include a tennis ball, wood chippings, a hair scrunchie, a plastic bag and one of his play toys.
So the Gumperts decided to get Dexter a muzzle. Problem solved. Well—maybe not. He ate that too.
It appears that Dexter enlisted the help of another dog in the household to help him loosen the muzzle a bit first. Then it was down the old hatch.
Owner Andrew said, "we hope it's just a playful puppy thing and he'll eventually grow out of it as at the moment we can't take our eyes off him for a minute."

Where's the dog whisperer when you need him?
