Medicus Make or Break Point 1: Take Away

  • 16 years ago
Beau Rials, Mike Bennett (PGA Tour Instructor), Bob Koch (Inventor of Medicus Dual-Hinge Driver) giving the make or break points to a golf swing. The ways that you can use your Medicus to improve your golf game BREAKPOINT 1: TAKEAWAY The takeaway is simply rotating your upper body slowly to the right, allowing hands, arms and shoulders to move away together. This is best accomplished by relaxing the arms and hands and allowing the bigger muscles of the body to begin the movement. As the one-piece takeaway continues, the hands begin to hinge vertically. COMMON FAULTS: A. Taking away the club too fast with hinging/cocking of the wrist. B. Too fast with arms only. C. Lack of a one-piece takeaway; opening the clubface with the wrist to the inside. D. Lack of a one-piece takeaway; swinging with the hands pushing the club-face away from the body.
