Full version Renaser / Reborn Best Sellers Rank : #4

  • 5 years ago
A partir de la experiencia propia de sentirse enferma, derrotada y en suspenso, con dolor y tristeza, Tania Karam nos revela qu? hizo para superar sus adversidades y c?mo la ayuda espiritual y la gran fe le permitieron renacer, reconstruirse f?sica y espiritualmente para avanzar de nuevo y confiar. Un libro que nos demuestra que todo es posible si tenemos fe, determinaci?n y valor.La vida nos presenta siempre m?ltiples problemas, momentos devastadores que en ocasiones nos hacen perder la calma y la esperanza. Es entonces cuando tenemos que utilizar nuestras armas espirituales para enfrentar la ca?da, levantarnos y renacer.En este libro Tania Karam nos cuenta c?mo super? los obst?culos m?s dif?ciles que la existencia puso en su camino: enfermedades muy dolorosas, duelos, p?rdidas de seres amados y amargura existencial. Adem?s, comparte testimonios de personas que enfrentaron pruebas de vida terribles, momentos de gran dolor, muerte y, a pesar de todo, siempre tuvieron fe y creyeron que se puede pedir ayuda a los ?ngeles y a la gracia divina para renacer.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONFrom her own experience of feeling sick, beaten and in limbo, with pain and sadness, Tania Karam describes how she was able to overcome her adversities, and how spiritual help and great faith allowed her to be reborn, and rebuild physically and spiritually in order to move forward and trust again.In this book you will find proof that everything is possible if we have faith, determination, and courage.Life is always making us face various problems, devastating moments that sometimes make us lose our peace and hope. It is at that time when we have to use our spiritual weapons to help us face the fall, rise up, and be reborn.In this book Tania Karam tells us how she overcame the most difficult obstacles that life put in front of her: painful illnesses, mourning, loss of loved ones, and a general bitterness towards life. In addition, she shares testimonies of people who also faced terrible life obstacles, moments of great pain, deaths, and in spite of it all, they knew and believed that they could ask angels and divine grace for help so that they could be reborn.
