• 6 years ago
Not Rated | 1h 22min | Comedy, Romance | 27 April 1951 (USA)

Shortly after coming to terms with his daughter's marriage, a father faces the prospect of becoming a grandfather.

Director: Vincente Minnelli

Writers: Albert Hackett, Frances Goodrich, Edward Streeter

Stars: Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett, Elizabeth Taylor
00:01:17Ellie, hurry up. We've only got five minutes.
00:01:20I'll be right down.
00:01:42I'd like to say a few words about what's happened to you over the past year.
00:01:46You women may not sympathize. You think men have it easy, but that's where you're wrong.
00:01:51Man is a very delicate and sensitive mechanism.
00:01:54You treat him right, flatter him, butter him up a little bit, he's good for years.
00:01:59But if somebody rocks the boat, well, you know how it is, men.
00:02:07You work hard for years trying to build a home, raise a family,
00:02:11and then comes one wonderful day when, for the first time in your life,
00:02:15you feel you're a little ahead of the game.
00:02:17Things have eased up at the office. The kids are all set.
00:02:20Married or well along in school or both.
00:02:23And you're raring to go.
00:02:26You think of all the wonderful things you would have done in your life if you just had time.
00:02:32You go fishing.
00:02:34You go big game hunting.
00:02:36You might even climb Mount Everest.
00:02:39Anyway, you're on top of the world.
00:02:41You begin to feel you're a combination of Don Juan and Columbus.
00:02:47And that's just the moment they choose to let you have it.
00:02:53I remember it was just a year ago today.
00:02:57I caught my usual commuter's train.
00:03:00It was late as usual.
00:03:02It was such a beautiful day that I let the bus go by and walked home to the station.
00:03:07It was one of those first warm days in May when everything seems to come to life.
00:03:12I felt particularly well.
00:03:15I was thinking what a lucky man I was with a nice house all paid for,
00:03:18three children all paid for, and a beautiful wife.
00:03:27Hi, Don.
00:03:28Hi, boys. Hello, Don.
00:03:29Ellie, I'm home!
00:03:35Ellie was radiant that night. She seemed to be floating on air.
00:03:39Stanley, what kept you? It's late.
00:03:41Such a nice day, I walked.
00:03:51What's the matter? Can't a fella kiss his wife?
00:03:57Oh, you won't have time to change. We have to start right away.
00:04:00Why? Where are we going?
00:04:01Buckley asked us to their apartment for dinner tonight.
00:04:03She phoned this morning, said she had some good news.
00:04:05Oh, Buckley put over the deal, I guess, with the chain stores, huh?
00:04:08That plastic bag of his?
00:04:10I don't think that's their big news. I think it's something much more important than that.
00:04:14More important than that? Why, that means thousands of dollars.
00:04:16I don't know, what could be more important than that?
00:04:20Get my coat, will you, dear?
00:04:22Night, Tommy. Night, Ben.
00:04:23Night, Mom.
00:04:24Kay said she was sorry she couldn't have you, too,
00:04:26but she had to have Buckley's father in mind.
00:04:29Is Kay gonna cook?
00:04:31You'd better take your bicarb with you.
00:04:34Oh, boys, don't keep...
00:04:35Some of your jokes get funnier every year.
00:04:37Stanley, please, I promise...
00:04:38Oh, my goodness.
00:04:39Ben, you drop her on your way to the game.
00:04:41Oh, and, uh, Delilah, back to the dishes before I have to deal with the person in the picture.
00:04:46Tommy, don't study too late and remember if the rugman calls, tell him to call...
00:04:52What's got into you?
00:04:54It's spring.
00:04:57It must be.
00:05:00Yes, sir, we're in a rut, Ellie.
00:05:02Not that it isn't a pleasant rut, but I think we ought to get out of it.
00:05:05You know, you're a very beautiful woman, Ellie.
00:05:07I stand.
00:05:08A very, very beautiful woman.
00:05:10Trouble is, I never see you.
00:05:12I'm home at night and you want to know if I've seen the hole in the carpet
00:05:14or whether I'll fix the leaky faucet or something.
00:05:16I'm sorry.
00:05:17Oh, I don't mean that. It's your fault.
00:05:18No, no.
00:05:19I think we ought to forget about it, Ellie.
00:05:20We ought to forget the house, forget the whole thing.
00:05:22Go away and take a trip.
00:05:24No reason why we can't. We're as free as the air.
00:05:27Kind of like when we were first married.
00:05:30Before Kay came along.
00:05:31Only this time we're not broke.
00:05:33We could even go to Europe.
00:05:35I think we'd better wait and hear what Kay has to say.
00:05:38What about Honolulu? That's the place.
00:05:40How about it, Ellie?
00:05:41Let's see.
00:05:42Oh, Rio.
00:05:43Waikiki Beach.
00:05:44Moonlight on Waikiki.
00:05:47Flowers, ukulele, romance.
00:05:51Bling, bling, bling.
00:05:54Bliggity bling, bling.
00:05:56Well, I'm going to call up that travel agency in the morning,
00:05:58and find out about those figures.
00:06:01Hi, dear.
00:06:02Hello, darling.
00:06:03There she was, my Kay.
00:06:05The darling of my heart.
00:06:07I couldn't yet believe she was a married woman.
00:06:10She still seemed like a kid to me, playing at keeping house.
00:06:13How are you?
00:06:14You feeling all right?
00:06:15Feeling all right?
00:06:16Look at her.
00:06:17How does she look?
00:06:18Never looked better in her life.
00:06:19Oh, thank you, Pa.
00:06:22How's he treating you?
00:06:23Oh, fine.
00:06:24You miss him?
00:06:25Don't talk.
00:06:28I was full of the milk of human kindness that night.
00:06:30I even looked at my son-in-law with a friendly eye.
00:06:33I don't say that he was my ideal, but I was getting used to him.
00:06:37Father Banks, how are you?
00:06:38Nice to see you.
00:06:39How have you been?
00:06:40Come on in.
00:06:41Don't just stand out here.
00:06:42Say, do you think you can kind of do away with that Father Banks stuff?
00:06:46Just call me Stanley.
00:06:47OK, Stan.
00:06:48Not Stan, Stanley.
00:06:52OK, Stanley.
00:06:53How about a little golf on Sunday?
00:06:54Oh, you're on.
00:06:55All right.
00:06:56Doris, it's wonderful to see you again.
00:06:58Why don't you?
00:06:59Well, how's the boy?
00:07:00How are you?
00:07:01Oh, so-so.
00:07:03Why, you look wonderful.
00:07:04Doris, how are you?
00:07:05How are you?
00:07:06What's wrong with the old man?
00:07:07It's the spring.
00:07:08It always takes it out of him.
00:07:09Takes it out and puts it into me, doesn't it, darling?
00:07:11I suppose you got the same message we did.
00:07:13Yes, yes.
00:07:14Very important.
00:07:15That's right.
00:07:16I can't wait.
00:07:17Have you had your cocktail?
00:07:18Oh, darling, you can't do this to us.
00:07:20Buckley, you tell us.
00:07:21We're all here now.
00:07:22Thank you, Buckley.
00:07:23I hope it is.
00:07:24Great news, eh, Buckley?
00:07:25Oh, well, I think it is.
00:07:27Oh, Buckley, did you tell them and not tell us?
00:07:30No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:07:31No, no, I guessed it.
00:07:32You really put it over, didn't you?
00:07:33Oh, Buckley, he's not right.
00:07:34It's not that horrid contract.
00:07:35A contract?
00:07:36Is that what it is?
00:07:37A contract?
00:07:38Thousands of dollars.
00:07:39Oh, we hoped it was his debut.
00:07:41Oh, I prayed for a baby, and now it is.
00:07:43It is.
00:07:44Well, that's what it is.
00:07:45It is a baby.
00:07:46A baby.
00:07:47A baby.
00:07:48Oh, Buckley, that's wonderful.
00:07:50Oh, congratulations.
00:07:53I'd never seen such excitement.
00:07:55He was passed around like a loving couple.
00:07:57Oh, I can't tell you how delighted I am.
00:07:59That's the most important.
00:08:01Buckley stood by, trying to look modest.
00:08:03He only succeeded in looking slightly half-witted.
00:08:10I grinned and tried to join in, but somehow there was a fly in the ointment.
00:08:14I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was definitely a fly.
00:08:18Yes, sir, that's the greatest news I've had in years.
00:08:22How about that, Grandpa?
00:08:28That was the fly.
00:08:34First he steals my daughter, now he makes a grandpa out of me.
00:08:42Dr. Barnes, after all, he's taken care of her all her life.
00:08:45I suppose this man is all right, though.
00:08:47Good gracious, November, that doesn't give me much time, and I have a million things to do.
00:08:51Ben, Tommy.
00:08:53What do you want them for?
00:08:54I want to tell them.
00:08:55Ben, Tommy, wake up.
00:08:57Tommy, Ben, boys, do you hear me?
00:09:00Something wrong?
00:09:01What is it?
00:09:03The most exciting news.
00:09:05Kay's having a baby.
00:09:08Right now?
00:09:09No, silly, in November.
00:09:11Poor Buckley.
00:09:12Poor Buckley? What do you mean, poor Buckley?
00:09:13He wouldn't say that if you'd been there tonight.
00:09:14He was just bursting with pride.
00:09:15We were standing there telling him how delighted we were,
00:09:17and he just stood there looking sort of cute and shy.
00:09:19Wasn't he cute, Stanley?
00:09:21Cutest thing you ever saw.
00:09:22Oh, all right, all right.
00:09:23You're all like human.
00:09:24Good night, Tommy.
00:09:25Sorry I woke you up.
00:09:26Now, night, Ben.
00:09:27Go back to your books.
00:09:28Good night, Ben.
00:09:29Good night, Tommy.
00:09:33No need of broadcasting this.
00:09:42Mrs. Dixon, please.
00:09:44Sally, what are you doing calling people up at this time of the night?
00:09:47Will you please ask her to call Mrs. Banks the minute she comes in?
00:09:49I have some very important news.
00:09:52Oh, Dixon, you'd better forgive me if I didn't tell her right away.
00:09:55You know, I think I'll give Kay a baby shower.
00:09:56We could have it on a Saturday, and you could ask the men to come in after.
00:09:59Sally, do we really have to blaze this thing from the housetops?
00:10:02You know, after all, it really isn't our affair.
00:10:05Stanley, what's the matter with you?
00:10:06I swear you act as though you almost didn't like the idea.
00:10:08I don't.
00:10:09Why, Stanley?
00:10:10For heaven's sake, why?
00:10:12I'll tell you why.
00:10:13Exactly why.
00:10:14In the first place, they haven't got room enough for a baby.
00:10:16The little apartment they live in isn't big enough for the two of them, much less a baby.
00:10:19But they can always...
00:10:20Second place, they can't afford a baby.
00:10:21Babies cost money.
00:10:22The older they get, the more they cost.
00:10:24What do they think they're going to use for money?
00:10:26You heard him tonight, didn't you?
00:10:27When I asked him if he had the contracts, he said no.
00:10:29But did that faze him?
00:10:30Oh, no, no.
00:10:31He just stood there looking cute.
00:10:34And he's the one who's going to be the father.
00:10:36Well, I'll tell you something.
00:10:37If he's got any idea that I'm going to pay for it, he's got another thing coming.
00:10:40I just got through paying for the wedding.
00:10:42But Stanley...
00:10:43And another thing, I think they ought to wait.
00:10:45For what?
00:10:46For seven or eight years, that's what.
00:10:47What do they know about children?
00:10:48Why, Kay is just a child herself.
00:10:49Here she gets out of college, marries the first guy she comes in contact with.
00:10:52Now she's saddled with a baby.
00:10:54Stanley Banks, you listen to me.
00:10:56I left school to marry you.
00:10:58Do you remember that?
00:10:59And do you remember when we were married?
00:11:00Of course you don't.
00:11:01We were married on the 4th of September.
00:11:03What's that got to do with...
00:11:04And do you remember when Kay was born?
00:11:06The 21st of June.
00:11:09While my class was up there on the platform graduating, I was home having a baby.
00:11:14Well, I don't...
00:11:16Oh, Stanley, I...
00:11:18I know they haven't money and the apartment is small, but those things don't really matter, do they?
00:11:26The important thing is that we're going to have a grandchild.
00:11:30Darling, it's like getting a dividend.
00:11:34It's like getting a dividend?
00:11:36How something comes to you and you don't even lift a finger.
00:11:39You have none of the responsibilities of a baby, none of the hardships.
00:11:43All you have to do is love it.
00:11:50Ruth, I have the most marvelous news for you.
00:11:53I'm going to be a grandmother.
00:11:56Isn't that divine?
00:11:58Oh, we're so excited.
00:11:59Yes, Kay told us about it tonight.
00:12:04Ellie didn't seem to mind the idea.
00:12:06Maybe women were different, but when I thought, a grandfather.
00:12:11Well, I was the guy who was going places.
00:12:13The whole world of adventure was waiting, just waiting for me to give it the nod.
00:12:17And now a grandfather.
00:12:19I thought of the other grandfathers I knew.
00:12:22Why, they were old, old men.
00:12:25A toothless old codger down the street.
00:12:28That client of ours, his only fun was cutting people out of his will.
00:12:33Those ancient doters at the club.
00:12:35You'd have to use a stethoscope to be sure they were still living.
00:12:41I didn't belong with them.
00:12:42I wasn't ready for the mothballs yet.
00:12:44Why, I hadn't even begun to live.
00:12:48The only trouble with me was, I was a little out of condition.
00:12:51I spent the next afternoon in the gym.
00:13:22Oh, that's fine. Fine, thank you.
00:13:29That evening I felt like a million.
00:13:33But the next morning I felt closer to a hundred.
00:13:48Stanley, Buckley's here for your golf match.
00:13:51What's the matter? What have you done?
00:13:53Oh, oh.
00:13:54Here, here, here. Let me help you.
00:13:56Oh, no, no.
00:13:57Where's the pain?
00:13:58It's all over.
00:13:59Oh, whatever did you do? What happened?
00:14:01I'll call Dr. Bones and get him over here right away.
00:14:03No, I don't want any doctor.
00:14:04Stanley, for all we know, it might be your appendix.
00:14:06How could... I haven't got an appendix.
00:14:09You know it.
00:14:10Well, I'll get Buckley.
00:14:12If I don't want a doctor, I certainly don't want Buckley.
00:14:14Well, he might be able to help.
00:14:17Help? Don't you think he's done enough?
00:14:19All I want is a hot bath with some Epsom salts.
00:14:22All right, I'll tell Buckley and be right there.
00:14:24Oh, Buckley.
00:14:32The next week Ellie gave what she called a stork shower.
00:14:35This is one form of highway robbery not punishable by law.
00:14:54Stanley, how wonderful that you got home in time.
00:14:56You should see the things they gave Kay.
00:14:58Everyone was so sweet, they all brought her something.
00:15:01What else could they do, honey?
00:15:02Oh, Stanley, you make it sound so sordid.
00:15:04Go on in, Kay's waiting.
00:15:05Oh, no, no, no.
00:15:06There's no place for a man.
00:15:07Hi, Pop.
00:15:08Where are you going?
00:15:10Don't you want to come in and see my plunder?
00:15:12Well, I'll see it later.
00:15:13Oh, come on.
00:15:14Stanley, when you're finished, I have something very important I want to talk over with you.
00:15:16I'll be in the kitchen.
00:15:17All right.
00:15:19So many.
00:15:33Oh, no, no.
00:15:34That's all we talked about.
00:15:35This is all I'm talking about.
00:15:39Buckley looked like a man going down for the third and last time.
00:15:43But I decided to let him stew in his own juice.
00:15:48Oh, no, no, no.
00:15:53Well, what do you want, Ma?
00:15:55Oh, I...
00:15:58I wanted to talk to you before the Dunstans got here.
00:16:02You know how worried I've been about how we're going to rattle around in this house
00:16:06after Ben leaves for school in the fall?
00:16:09Well, I had a wonderful idea.
00:16:13I say we ask Kay and Buckley to move in with us.
00:16:18Ellie, are you crazy?
00:16:20Well, Stanley, it'd be so simple.
00:16:23We could make a sitting room for them out of Kay's old bedroom
00:16:26and knock through a door to Ben's room, and that could be their bedroom.
00:16:31Then if we put Tommy in the spare room,
00:16:34we could put connecting doors from the bathroom,
00:16:36and that would be the nursery right next to our room.
00:16:39We could even knock through a door to our room,
00:16:41so if the baby cried, we could...
00:16:42Yes, that'd be good.
00:16:43No, Ellie.
00:16:45Stanley, it won't cost much.
00:16:47I had the contractor over here today.
00:16:49It's a perfect place for the baby,
00:16:51and the wonderful thing would be that
00:16:53if they wanted to go out some evening or even go away for a week or two,
00:16:56they wouldn't have to worry.
00:16:57We'd be right here to take care of them.
00:16:59Now look, Ellie.
00:17:00I know how anxious you've been to get your hooks into that baby,
00:17:04but the answer is no.
00:17:05I've been all through that, you know,
00:17:07the two o'clock feedings and the colic and the measles and all the rest of it,
00:17:10and I'm not going through it again, especially with somebody else's baby.
00:17:13But it wouldn't be like that, Stanley.
00:17:15It would be fun to have a baby.
00:17:16Yeah, you can go over and see the baby at their apartment
00:17:18when they get it all washed and ironed,
00:17:20but it's not coming here, and that's final.
00:17:22Well, you know that apartment isn't big enough.
00:17:24All right, tell them to buy a house.
00:17:25They can't afford a house.
00:17:27You should have thought of that before.
00:17:30I don't understand how you can be so hard on a poor, innocent little baby.
00:17:36Mom, Pop, the Duncans are here.
00:17:38Would you please come out and talk to them?
00:17:40I've got to take a bite of the girls.
00:17:41Of course.
00:17:42Of course.
00:17:46Come on, Stanley.
00:17:53We were afraid you weren't coming.
00:17:55Well, well, Ellie.
00:17:59And how's Grandpa Banks?
00:18:01Why, what's the matter?
00:18:02Well, I'm a little stiff.
00:18:03I've been taking some extra exercise.
00:18:05You're crazy.
00:18:06Look at me, fit as a fiddle.
00:18:07I always said the only exercise I get is in burying the men that take it.
00:18:12Well, really, this baby's the best thing that ever happened to Herbert.
00:18:15It's giving him a new lease on life.
00:18:17Sit down, I'll have a word.
00:18:18Oh, no, no, no, not now.
00:18:20You sit down, Ellie.
00:18:21You sit down.
00:18:22Oh, I beg your pardon, dear, because I've got something I want to show you.
00:18:26Say, Buckley, come here.
00:18:28I want you to see your present.
00:18:29Here, take this out of the way, will you, Stan?
00:18:31Now, we're going to need a lot of room.
00:18:33Here you are, old boy.
00:18:34What is it?
00:18:35It's a blueprint.
00:18:36Here, hand me that chair.
00:18:38A blueprint for the future, a blueprint for happiness.
00:18:43Stand up, Stan.
00:18:44Just hold that side down, will you?
00:18:45And you hold the other side, Ellie.
00:18:47There now, you two kids.
00:18:49Take a look at that.
00:18:50What is it?
00:18:51It's your new home.
00:18:53But what do you mean?
00:18:54Well, I'll tell you.
00:18:55I was looking over our house just the other day, and it came to me like an inspiration.
00:19:00That whole West Wing, it was the perfect place for you kids.
00:19:03So I called up my architect, and I had him come right out.
00:19:06Here, let me show you.
00:19:07Your own study, your own living room, dining alcove, kitchen, and laundry.
00:19:13And over here, baby's room, nurse's room, and master bedroom.
00:19:18And it's all plenty commodious.
00:19:20Ellie was fit to be tied.
00:19:22She saw that baby slipping out of her hands.
00:19:24Your living room is 26 by 22.
00:19:27Is that big enough?
00:19:28And best of all, you'll have two babysitters ready made.
00:19:32That's right.
00:19:33Well, kids, how about it?
00:19:36Wonderful, isn't it, Patrick?
00:19:38Yeah, yeah.
00:19:39Gee, Dad, it's swell of you.
00:19:40I'll get that key.
00:19:41Now, you understand, of course, that there's nothing final about these particular plans.
00:19:45I just thought I'd give you a general idea of what it might look like.
00:19:48Now, if you'd like to have your entrance here, well, that can be managed.
00:19:52I'll call up the architect.
00:19:53That's all your fault.
00:19:54It never would have happened if you'd let me ask them here.
00:19:58Ellie, I don't get it.
00:19:59You're more excited about this baby than you were about any of ours.
00:20:02Well, you don't understand.
00:20:04This is the time that Kay needs me the most.
00:20:06I was going to take so much off her shoulders.
00:20:08I was going to help her with the shopping and help fix the baby clothes and fix the mattress.
00:20:14Why, Ellie, if it means so much havoc here, I don't care.
00:20:17It's too late now.
00:20:18They're going to the Dunstan's.
00:20:19We'll never see them.
00:20:21Don't be silly, now.
00:20:23You heard what Doris Dunstan said.
00:20:26This baby was the best thing in the world that ever happened to her.
00:20:29To her?
00:20:31They're going to take over that baby's body and sell it.
00:20:34Ellie, this is ridiculous.
00:20:35Don't talk to me.
00:20:36You're acting like a...
00:20:43It was so sweet of you.
00:20:45So wonderful.
00:20:47We'll never be able to thank you enough.
00:20:49It's really better this way.
00:20:51We'd only have gotten in your way.
00:20:53I'm sorry you went to all this trouble at an expense, Dad.
00:20:56We should have told you sooner.
00:20:58You already bought it?
00:21:00Well, practically.
00:21:01We made a deposit on Sunday.
00:21:03I see.
00:21:04What's this?
00:21:05You got a house?
00:21:06I didn't realize that you were in a position to buy.
00:21:09Well, yeah.
00:21:10We got a mortgage from the bank.
00:21:12A mortgage?
00:21:14What's wrong with a mortgage?
00:21:15I had a mortgage myself a few years ago.
00:21:17Tell me all about the house.
00:21:18Where is it?
00:21:19It's in the new development.
00:21:20It's just darling, isn't it?
00:21:22It's just big enough for me to take care of easily.
00:21:24And there's a nice backyard for the baby.
00:21:27Is it furnished?
00:21:28Well, no, it isn't.
00:21:29But we thought we could buy some unpainted furniture.
00:21:32Oh, you can't lift a finger.
00:21:33You don't have to do a thing.
00:21:34I'll do the whole business.
00:21:35What's it, Mother?
00:21:36All right, like.
00:21:38Ellie was off again.
00:21:44The next few weeks, I'd stop at the new house to pick up Ellie.
00:21:47She was working time and overtime.
00:21:57Hi, Pop.
00:22:05Come on in.
00:22:06Come on in and see what we've got.
00:22:12Oh, don't you don't.
00:22:13Stay out of it.
00:22:14I'm all right now.
00:22:15What's the matter?
00:22:16Oh, it was just the smell of the paint.
00:22:18Well, it still smells.
00:22:19Stanley, make her stay out there until both of you come together.
00:22:21You ought to be here any minute.
00:22:23Let's sit in the shade.
00:22:24I feel so guilty.
00:22:25Mom's doing so much.
00:22:26Oh, nonsense.
00:22:27You know, that's the breath of life.
00:22:29Where do we sit?
00:22:31How about over here?
00:22:34How do you like the house, Pop?
00:22:36Oh, I think it's just right.
00:22:37The horse just loved it.
00:22:38They said they never would have moved it.
00:22:39It hadn't got too slow, nor the...
00:22:42Oh, that must be little Bobby Hart.
00:22:44I'll send it to him.
00:22:47Pop, how did you feel when you had your first baby?
00:22:52Did it make any difference between you and Mom's?
00:22:55I mean, how did you feel?
00:22:58Well, I felt fine.
00:22:59I mean, really?
00:23:01Well, I felt all right.
00:23:03Well, I guess my nose was a little out of joint at first.
00:23:06I'd been a high man with your mother for over a year,
00:23:08and then suddenly you came along and took the spotlight.
00:23:10You must have hated me.
00:23:12Oh, no.
00:23:13I don't think it was that bad.
00:23:15I think the worst time was the first night we took you home, you know?
00:23:20Yeah, I remember we got you home, gave you six o'clock feeding,
00:23:23got you bedded down.
00:23:25Then we must have gone into your room a dozen times the next hour
00:23:27to see how you were.
00:23:29Of course, if you were quiet, we went in to see if you were dead,
00:23:31and if you cried, we went in to see what was wrong with you.
00:23:34I remember lying awake that night thinking to myself,
00:23:36now what have we got into?
00:23:38Here we were, two perfectly happy people.
00:23:40Free as the air.
00:23:42Now we're trapped.
00:23:44Trapped by 20 inches of screaming humanity.
00:23:47Do all fathers feel that way?
00:23:49Only know about myself.
00:23:51I remember that morning you woke with the dawn,
00:23:55screaming your head off.
00:23:57And your mother went in to heat your formula,
00:23:59and I went in to see what I could do about quieting you.
00:24:03And I stuck a finger at you, and you grabbed it.
00:24:07Grabbed it with such a grip.
00:24:10From that moment on, you had me hooked.
00:24:13Boy, how Buckley gets over that quickly.
00:24:15Have to butter him up a little, you know.
00:24:17Make him think he's still part of the family.
00:24:21Oh, there he is.
00:24:23Oh, honey.
00:24:25How are you, darling?
00:24:27Oh, hello there.
00:24:29How are you?
00:24:30Fine, thank you.
00:24:31Well, what's new wonders to be accomplished today?
00:24:33You can see it tomorrow.
00:24:34Take her along now.
00:24:35You'll be late for the party.
00:24:36Tomorrow's not picking me up.
00:24:37Well, there's nothing left to do.
00:24:38Your father and I will lock up.
00:24:39Have fun.
00:24:40Well, okay.
00:24:42Goodbye, Stanley.
00:24:43Where are you going?
00:24:44Come here.
00:24:45I want to show you.
00:24:46How do you like this tree?
00:24:47Isn't it a perfectly wonderful shade?
00:24:48We're going to use it in here.
00:24:50And in the hall, and every place.
00:24:51We'll make the house look much larger.
00:24:52And the same thing with the curtains.
00:24:53I got the most wonderful bargain today, a million.
00:24:56Look at that.
00:24:57We're going to throw all the windows.
00:24:59And this is for the bedroom.
00:25:00Just wait until you see the price.
00:25:01You ought to be very proud of me.
00:25:02I'm staying right within their budget.
00:25:04I'm having a marvelous time.
00:25:06There's only one thing wrong.
00:25:09I've done a thing about the nursery.
00:25:11I could cry about it.
00:25:13What's the matter?
00:25:14Herbert's doing it.
00:25:16He was so upset about their not moving in with him,
00:25:18he said the least they could do
00:25:19would be to let him furnish the nursery.
00:25:21He's going to give them a crib, and a bassinet,
00:25:23and a screen, and a chest of drawers.
00:25:25It'll probably all be done in 14-carat gold.
00:25:29What are we going to give the baby?
00:25:33What are you so surprised about?
00:25:34Did you think I was going to give the baby a present?
00:25:36Well, as a matter of fact,
00:25:37there was something I was looking at today
00:25:38that would make a wonderful present.
00:25:40You put it right in this window,
00:25:41and it keeps the air clean in the right temperature.
00:25:43It's very pretty and modern-looking.
00:25:45It's quite expensive.
00:25:46What's the name of it?
00:25:47I don't know the name of it,
00:25:48but it will only extend this far into the room.
00:25:50Where did you see it?
00:25:52You see, you regulate it from here.
00:25:54It controls the air and the temperature at all times.
00:25:58No dust, no soot, no pollen.
00:26:01Ellie's idea.
00:26:02I wish we'd had one for Tommy.
00:26:03He probably wouldn't have those adenoids.
00:26:05It is wonderful.
00:26:06And look, over here,
00:26:07I want to show you this.
00:26:09You see, you turn it on
00:26:11and leave it here beside his crib.
00:26:13And then you can go out and close the door.
00:26:15And if he cries,
00:26:16or even if there's any change in his breathing,
00:26:18you can hear it from anywhere in the house.
00:26:20Oh, well, they're certainly going to love that.
00:26:22And here's his combination bath and dressing table.
00:26:25Right, just the right size.
00:26:27What is that?
00:26:28Oh, that's mine.
00:26:29I thought he might as well get used to it.
00:26:30He'll be going there someday.
00:26:31Oh, he will?
00:26:32Oh, yes.
00:26:33As a matter of fact,
00:26:34I've already registered him in the class of 1973.
00:26:37I'm a Dartmouth man myself.
00:26:38Oh, that's a good college, too.
00:26:40Now, this parrot stand,
00:26:41I want you to notice the height of it.
00:26:42A good college.
00:26:45A good college.
00:26:47We beat you in football in 1947, 1948, and 1949,
00:26:53and we shall probably...
00:26:55And we have defeated you five years running in hockey,
00:26:58and our bobsled team is probably the finest
00:27:01that has ever been developed in the history of the world.
00:27:03And he's made some space coffee.
00:27:05A good...
00:27:06That's one of the funniest remarks
00:27:07you've ever made.
00:27:08No, no, wait a minute.
00:27:09Oh, no, no, now listen here.
00:27:11And you know it's scholastically.
00:27:12Yes, but...
00:27:13Well, what do you think of our little nursery?
00:27:16Isn't it lovely?
00:27:17Fine, fine.
00:27:18The wonderful thing is,
00:27:19most of it can grow up with him.
00:27:21The shelves, for instance.
00:27:22It'll hold his toys now,
00:27:24but later he can use it for his tennis racket.
00:27:27Nellie was right.
00:27:28They had taken over the baby lock, stock, and barrel.
00:27:34Oh, thank you, dear.
00:27:35Isn't that a beautiful racket, Pop?
00:27:38Mother Dodson gave it to me.
00:27:39She gave me the whole album.
00:27:40I remember that I used to listen to classical music
00:27:43while I was waiting for Buckley.
00:27:45I think that's why he whistles so well.
00:27:48Have you ever heard him whistle?
00:27:50No, no, I haven't.
00:27:52Well, you should ask him sometime.
00:27:54Yes, I will.
00:27:55I certainly will.
00:27:56By the way, son,
00:27:57what are you gonna call this baby of yours?
00:27:59We've had some terrible arguments about him, haven't we, Pop?
00:28:01He's gone through all the telephone books,
00:28:03the dictionaries, the baby books.
00:28:05Finally, we found a couple of names we'd both like.
00:28:08Come on, sit down.
00:28:09Sit down.
00:28:10Uh, if it's a boy,
00:28:11we thought we might call him Andrew.
00:28:13Andrew? Who's Andrew?
00:28:14Well, there's Andrew Jackson
00:28:16and Andrew Nordell, my cousin.
00:28:18And besides, we like the name Andrew.
00:28:21And we'd both like the name Jonathan.
00:28:23Oh, no, not Jonathan.
00:28:24Better call him plain John.
00:28:26Well, uh, we also thought we might call him Michael.
00:28:29That's a good name.
00:28:30Well, you can't call him Michael.
00:28:31I went to school with a Michael, and he smelt.
00:28:34Well, now, Ellie,
00:28:35just because your Michael smelt, you know,
00:28:37it doesn't mean that all Michaels have to smell.
00:28:40You know a name that I've loved
00:28:42ever since I first read Little Women?
00:28:46Remember how dear he was.
00:28:47How about Timothy?
00:28:48I think that has everything.
00:28:49Do you like the name of Timothy Kaye?
00:28:51Well, I...
00:28:52Now, Ellie, they've already told you.
00:28:54They've been all through this.
00:28:56Why do we suggest any more names?
00:28:58Besides, the names they have are wonderful.
00:29:00Jonathan, Michael, Andrew,
00:29:02they're all wonderful names.
00:29:04But you have to think of two names that go together.
00:29:07Andrew, Dunstan.
00:29:09That doesn't sound very good.
00:29:11Stanley, they haven't made up their minds.
00:29:13They need our help.
00:29:14If I may interrupt,
00:29:15I think you're going about this all wrong.
00:29:17My idea would be to use a family name.
00:29:20That's right.
00:29:21The first grandson is always supposed to have
00:29:23the name of the paternal grandfather, isn't he?
00:29:26Oh, no, no, no, Doris.
00:29:27That's not what I meant.
00:29:28I was thinking of my great-grandfather, Malcolm.
00:29:31Or, well, say, Uncle Wilford.
00:29:33Well, if we're talking about family names,
00:29:35what about Stanley?
00:29:36Stanley Dunstan.
00:29:37That ought to satisfy everybody.
00:29:39Well, we did think about that.
00:29:41No, no, no.
00:29:43Now, one Stanley in the family is enough.
00:29:46You're right.
00:29:47Now, how about Cornelius?
00:29:48That's a family name.
00:29:49And then let's see.
00:29:50There's Gregory and Dexter and David.
00:29:53I had some wonderful names in my family, too.
00:29:56Milo and Pennington.
00:29:59Now, that's a nice...
00:30:00That would be a nice name, Pennington.
00:30:03We're all talking about boys' names.
00:30:05Well, if it's a girl,
00:30:06we've got to decide on a girl's name.
00:30:08Oh, it won't be a girl.
00:30:09Don't worry.
00:30:10The Dunstans always run to boys.
00:30:11I'm not worried.
00:30:12I want it to be a girl.
00:30:13I like girls.
00:30:14Where are you going, darling?
00:30:16I thought I'd wash the dishes.
00:30:18Oh, nothing of the sort.
00:30:19I'll do them.
00:30:20Come with me.
00:30:21Let me go.
00:30:22You do too much, Kay.
00:30:23You must rest more.
00:30:24Oh, I don't agree with you.
00:30:25I think some work is good for her.
00:30:26I think she should have a maid.
00:30:27I'd be perfectly willing to...
00:30:28Of course, I don't mean she should work if she's tired.
00:30:30If this young doctor of hers...
00:30:32I've always said she should have gone to our family doctor.
00:30:34We wanted her to go to our doctor, too.
00:30:36There's nothing the matter with my doctor.
00:30:38He's fine.
00:30:39He's wonderful.
00:30:40He told me not to pay any attention to him.
00:30:42Nobody seems to realize this is my baby.
00:30:45Mine and Buckley's.
00:30:46You seem to think...
00:30:47Well, the way you talk...
00:30:49Well, I'll have you know this.
00:30:51I'm going to have my baby the way I want to.
00:31:09Well, now that we've succeeded in reducing her to hysterics,
00:31:12what do you say we get out of here and go home?
00:31:14She's just hyper...
00:31:15What do you think?
00:31:16I'll get them.
00:31:24Oh, thanks.
00:31:27We're going to run along, kitten.
00:31:29Please come in, Pop.
00:31:31I'll take it.
00:31:37Pop, I was horrible.
00:31:39I was terrible.
00:31:40They'll never forgive me.
00:31:42No, no, no.
00:31:43We deserve much worse than that.
00:31:45It wasn't you.
00:31:47You never interfered, but the others.
00:31:50You never interfered, but the others.
00:31:53Mother and Father Johnson and Moms.
00:31:56I'm doing too much.
00:31:57I'm doing too little.
00:31:59She wants a girl.
00:32:00They want a boy.
00:32:01No matter what the baby is, somebody's going to be disappointed.
00:32:04Yeah, I think what you'll have to do is have, you know, twins.
00:32:07One of each sex.
00:32:09Thank heavens for you, Pop.
00:32:11You're the only one with any sense.
00:32:13Oh, no, no.
00:32:14I'm just as bad as the rest of them.
00:32:15But I'll tell you this.
00:32:16There's going to be no more of them.
00:32:17It will never happen again.
00:32:19They'll never gang up on you again.
00:32:22Thanks, Pop.
00:32:23You relax, Jane.
00:32:24From now on, it's going to be your way.
00:32:26And you won't let them make a fuss with Dr. Nordell, will you?
00:32:30What do you mean?
00:32:31Well, the Donson said they were going down to have a talk with him.
00:32:34Oh, Pop, you won't let them do that, will you?
00:32:36Oh, of course I won't.
00:32:38What nonsense?
00:32:39He's your doctor.
00:32:40You have confidence in him, faith in him.
00:32:42No one has the right to destroy that confidence.
00:32:44Thanks, Pop.
00:32:46It isn't their fault, really.
00:32:48Well, I guess they just don't understand the new way of looking at things.
00:32:52After all, as Dr. Nordell says, birth is a perfectly natural thing, a glorious thing,
00:33:00and one should be conscious every minute so they don't miss a second of it.
00:33:04He believes that a woman should be aware of the wonderful thing that's happening to her.
00:33:08And another thing, he doesn't believe that a woman should be separated from her baby for one second after it's born.
00:33:15You should carry it with you right back to your room and keep it there with you,
00:33:20sleeping right there with you in your hospital.
00:33:23That is a little new, isn't it?
00:33:25Oh, Pop, that's not.
00:33:27He said the women there, why, they were never separated from their babies.
00:33:31They kept them slung on their backs for the first two years of their lives.
00:33:35And he said it was wonderful for the babies.
00:33:37He said if he had his way, all of his mothers would do that.
00:33:41Carry them on your back while you were doing your housework,
00:33:44and when it got hungry, you'd swing it around and feed it and then swing it back again.
00:33:50He says it gives the baby a wonderful feeling of security.
00:33:56Darling, you're sure that this doctor...
00:33:59Oh, Pop, you're not going to start that, too.
00:34:01No, no, oh, no.
00:34:05Dr. Nordell is wonderful.
00:34:07He's marvelous.
00:34:09Well, he's simply terribly wonderful.
00:34:11Oh, darling, I'm sure he is.
00:34:13I'm sure he is.
00:34:15Oh, thank you, Pop.
00:34:17Now, you just go to sleep.
00:34:21Good night, Pop.
00:34:22Good night.
00:34:23Good night.
00:34:39Dr. Nordell will be with you in a minute.
00:34:41Please proceed.
00:34:47I just don't like the idea.
00:34:49I thought we said last night, the Dunstans and all of us,
00:34:51that we weren't going to interfere anymore in their affairs.
00:34:55I'm not going to have my daughter walking around for two years with a papoose on her back.
00:34:59Darling, I tell you, that's figurative.
00:35:00He didn't mean that literally.
00:35:02I just want to be sure.
00:35:10Good morning.
00:35:11Good morning.
00:35:12I'm so glad you came.
00:35:14Now I've met the whole family.
00:35:16Mr. and Mrs. Dunstan seen you earlier this morning.
00:35:18They were?
00:35:19They were a little anxious.
00:35:20Thought Kay was doing too much.
00:35:22But I think I convinced them that she was all right.
00:35:24That's a wonderful daughter you have.
00:35:27Oh, excuse me.
00:35:29Don't you, Mrs. Banks?
00:35:34So, what can I do for you?
00:35:38Well, as a matter of fact, my wife has been a little worried too.
00:35:41And you know how mothers are at this time, only daughter and all that sort of thing.
00:35:45I thought the best thing to do would be to bring her down here and let her have a talk.
00:35:49I think that's very sensible.
00:35:52What particularly worries you, Mrs. Banks?
00:35:54Well, actually, I...
00:35:55Well, actually, it's the whole thing, isn't it?
00:35:58I mean, about it all being so natural.
00:36:04I'm just trying to take away any fear she might have.
00:36:07You know, the fear of pain can really produce pain.
00:36:10But if she understands the whole process, if she has confidence in me,
00:36:16if she knows that I'm going to be right there with her to help her when she wants help,
00:36:19if she trusts me, that's half the battle, isn't it?
00:36:24And then after, having the baby in the room with her,
00:36:28I'm trying to persuade my mothers to go back to caring for the babies themselves,
00:36:33feeding them, bathing them, being close to them,
00:36:37instead of handing them over to some nurse.
00:36:39I know this is a lot to ask of your daughter.
00:36:42It's a full-time job.
00:36:44But believe me, the rewards will be great,
00:36:47not only for the baby, but for Kate.
00:36:50There you are, Ellie, I told you.
00:36:52All of you worry for nothing.
00:36:54Thank you, Doctor.
00:36:56You were nice to give her so much of your time.
00:36:58It's to my advantage.
00:36:59If I have you with me, then believe me, everything is going to be that much easier.
00:37:02Well, you certainly have us with you.
00:37:04Thank you very much, Doctor.
00:37:08Come on now, Ellie, the doctor's busy.
00:37:11For the next month or two, everything was peaceful.
00:37:14Too peaceful.
00:37:15I should have known it was the calm before a storm.
00:37:23Ellie, it's telephone, Ellie.
00:37:37Buckley, do you know what time it is? It's a quarter to three.
00:37:41I'm sorry, I didn't realize.
00:37:44Is Kate there?
00:37:45Kate? Why, of course she is.
00:37:48What would she...
00:37:51Hello, hello.
00:37:54Buckley, I'll take this downstairs. Hang on.
00:37:57I'll take this downstairs. Hang on.
00:38:22Now, what do you mean, is she here?
00:38:26I thought if she were there, I could come and pick her up, if she were there.
00:38:31When did she leave? What time did she leave?
00:38:33Well, I don't know. I've been out for a few hours. I just got back a little while ago.
00:38:38What was it, a fight?
00:38:41Did you have a fight?
00:38:43We'd had an argument, yes.
00:38:46Look, if anything happens to her, I'll kill myself.
00:38:48Don't worry, I'll do it for you.
00:38:51Did you look for her? Did she take anything with her, a bag or anything?
00:38:54She took her hat box, her umbrella, her toilet case, her toothbrush...
00:38:59Don't worry about it.
00:39:01If she took a toothbrush, she's not headed for the river.
00:39:04Did you call up and try anybody else on the phone?
00:39:07Well, you might do that.
00:39:09All right, I'll be right over.
00:39:22Any word?
00:39:24Did you call her friends?
00:39:25Everyone I could think of.
00:39:26The hotels?
00:39:28I can't wait any longer. I'm going to call the police.
00:39:30No, no, no, wait a minute. Don't do that yet. Maybe we can figure this thing out.
00:39:34Did she take the car?
00:39:36Is there a bus that runs by at this hour?
00:39:38Anybody you think of might have picked her up?
00:39:40I've covered the field.
00:39:41Well, then it must be a cab. What's the number?
00:39:43Fairview 6...
00:39:45Fairview 61098.
00:39:47But there's no use asking them. They told me they don't give out that information, except to the police.
00:39:51Fairview 61098.
00:39:52They said they had to make it a blanket rule. There are too many wives wanting to leave their husbands.
00:39:58Does she have much cash?
00:39:59I don't believe so.
00:40:00I give her money, but she keeps losing it.
00:40:04Is this the first time she's left you?
00:40:06What do you mean by that?
00:40:07Oh, come, come, come. My boy, I'm married too now. Has she ever done anything like this before?
00:40:12No. She locked me out a few times, but that's all.
00:40:16Hello? Hello, the Green Cab Company?
00:40:19I know this is against your rules, but I certainly would appreciate it if you could help me out.
00:40:24Did you get a call last night from 324 Adams Street?
00:40:28Look, I told you once, it's against rules.
00:40:31Well, you see, I'm not her husband. You see, I'm her father.
00:40:35And, uh, she's, uh, well, she's, uh, she's expecting.
00:40:41And, uh, you know how they are in that condition.
00:40:44Sometimes they do things.
00:40:46If you could find it in your heart to help me, I certainly would appreciate it.
00:40:54There was a call.
00:40:55Where did you take her?
00:40:58Thanks. Thanks very, very much. We won't forget this.
00:41:02Where'd she go?
00:41:04Home? Home? What do you mean, home? This is her home.
00:41:07Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I mean my home. Come on.
00:41:10I'll wait here.
00:41:12You want her to come back or don't you?
00:41:16Well, then you'll have to go and get her.
00:41:18That's the first law of marriage.
00:41:20You can't expect any self-respecting wife to come home under her own power.
00:41:36I don't suppose you want to tell me what the quarrel was about.
00:41:40If you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about it.
00:41:46I don't know whether you know it, but your daughter's got a terrible temper.
00:41:50I'm sorry.
00:41:51And this business tonight, why, it's like a child.
00:41:54And a spoiled child at that. She's got to grow up.
00:41:57She's got to be made to realize that she can't go running home to you every time there's something that she doesn't like.
00:42:05Well, what do you want me to do, pack up and move?
00:42:39Hi, Pops.
00:43:14Forgot your key, I suppose. Why, didn't you ring?
00:43:17Oh, I...
00:43:20I didn't want to wake up you and Mom.
00:43:24I'm all right.
00:43:26The doctor told me to sleep with plenty of fresh air.
00:43:28Well, you certainly had your share for the night, I guess. Come on.
00:43:31First, I... I want you to know this, Pops.
00:43:35I've left him.
00:43:37Left him for good.
00:43:39I wish you'd tell Mom's for me.
00:43:41Ask her not to fuss.
00:43:44It's no use.
00:43:46It's over for good and all.
00:43:50I'd rather not have to talk about it.
00:43:53All right, kitten, it'll be however you want it to be.
00:43:57Come on, I'll have your room ready for you in a jiffy.
00:44:01Oh, Pops.
00:44:02Why did it have to end like this?
00:44:05Everything was so wonderful at first.
00:44:07I felt fine. Everybody was so sweet to me.
00:44:12It takes too long, that's all.
00:44:15Drags out too long.
00:44:19I'm ugly now.
00:44:21I'm clumsy.
00:44:22Oh, darling. Darling, don't say that.
00:44:25Don't you know that you have a beauty now that you never had before?
00:44:29I know what I look like.
00:44:32Darling, it's stupid.
00:44:34It's stupid.
00:44:36I can't do any of the things I used to.
00:44:40Now when I need him most, I've lost him.
00:44:43He doesn't love me anymore.
00:44:45Kitten, you mustn't think things like that.
00:44:47He loves you more than ever.
00:44:48He's frantic with worry.
00:44:50Well, he just said to me if anything happened to you, he'd kill himself.
00:44:56What do you mean?
00:44:57Did he call you?
00:44:59He's right out there now.
00:45:06I suppose he told you everything.
00:45:08He didn't tell me anything. He said you had an argument.
00:45:11An argument?
00:45:14That's wonderful.
00:45:17You know what it really is?
00:45:20It's someone else.
00:45:22He's found someone else.
00:45:24He goes off and leaves me every night and tells me he goes to the office.
00:45:29But it isn't true.
00:45:31I called the office and he isn't there.
00:45:37He's in love with someone else.
00:45:42Darling, don't.
00:45:47We'll talk about it tomorrow. You've got to get your rest.
00:45:52I'll send him away.
00:46:01She's here. She's been asleep.
00:46:03I wouldn't try to talk to her if I were you in the mood she's in now.
00:46:07Did she say why we had a fight?
00:46:11Well, look. I'd like to say something.
00:46:14Just for the record.
00:46:15It's not true. Not a word of it.
00:46:17I've been working every night.
00:46:20I'm still home.
00:46:22I'm going to have a baby.
00:46:24I want to give him.
00:46:28She said that she phoned me twice there. Nobody answered.
00:46:31Believe me. It must have been just a few minutes I stepped out for a cup of coffee.
00:46:35I told her this again and again.
00:46:37She won't believe me.
00:46:38Well, you ought to have more sense of argument at a time like this.
00:46:41You know she isn't herself.
00:46:43Well, I'm not myself either.
00:46:47Look. I even thought of having a man call Kate and tell her.
00:46:52And I said to myself, if she doesn't believe me.
00:46:55If she doesn't believe me that I'm working like crazy night after night for her and the baby.
00:47:00If she doesn't take my word for it, then it doesn't matter. It's finished anyway.
00:47:03It's off. It's finished.
00:47:05Wait a minute. We'll all talk about this in the morning when we've had some sleep.
00:47:09As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing more to say.
00:47:13I'll use your phone. I'd like to call a cab.
00:47:15I'll drive you home just as soon as I get Kate settled.
00:47:18Thanks, son. I'd rather take a cab.
00:47:20Suit yourself.
00:47:27He's calling a cab.
00:47:31I suppose he denied everything.
00:47:34He told me his side of it.
00:47:36You don't believe him, do you?
00:47:39Darling, I only know that he really loves you.
00:47:41Oh, that isn't true. He doesn't love me.
00:47:44He doesn't care whether I live or die.
00:47:47Oh, I never should have married him.
00:47:50A little late to think about that.
00:47:52Come on. You really must get your sleep, darling.
00:47:55Come on. Come on now. I'm going to...
00:47:56Forgive me for interrupting.
00:47:58Your phone is out of order.
00:48:01That's ridiculous.
00:48:03Come on.
00:48:19Hello. Hello. Operator.
00:48:22You take him home, Pops. I can take care of myself.
00:48:25Operator. Oper...
00:48:26Operator. Oper...
00:48:29You're not supposed to carry things.
00:48:31You know that. I'll take them off.
00:48:33We don't need your help, do we, Father?
00:48:36No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Here, I'll take them off.
00:48:38You don't have a room for her down here.
00:48:40Some place you can fix up is a bedroom.
00:48:41There's a couch in the living room. If she wants to try that, find a little higher room.
00:48:44You know you're not supposed to walk up and down the stairs.
00:48:46Another thing, she's supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day.
00:48:50She forgets, so that you could remind her.
00:48:52I'll try.
00:48:53Exercise. Dr. Nordell wants her to walk two to three hours each day.
00:48:57Now in the morning and now in the afternoon.
00:48:59And we usually take a walk in the evening.
00:49:01And she's supposed to be in bed at 9.30.
00:49:02I'll try and remember.
00:49:03And the calcium pills. Did you bring your pills?
00:49:05No, I forgot.
00:49:06I'll go home and get them.
00:49:07What are you going to do in the morning?
00:49:08I'll get them for your father when he gets home.
00:49:10Down in his shoes.
00:49:11Okay, really, but you don't...
00:49:12You know you can't do them yourself.
00:49:23Oh, Buckley.
00:49:29Oh, Buckley.
00:49:30Buckley, what's happening to her?
00:49:34Haven't you heard?
00:49:36Pregnant baby.
00:49:53Pregnant baby.
00:50:23Pregnant baby.
00:51:01Stanley, time to get up.
00:51:08Wake up, sleepyhead.
00:51:22Days went on and nothing happened, but tension mounted.
00:51:26Buckley watched Kay as if she were a time bomb.
00:51:30That's her book.
00:51:45What is it, Kay? What's the matter?
00:51:47Oh, I reneged.
00:51:50I had a heart in my hand all the time.
00:51:53I don't know what I must be thinking about.
00:51:57As November came and the great event grew nearer and nearer,
00:52:01we all waited with bated breath.
00:52:05Got the phone?
00:52:13Well, I guess we'll get a little air.
00:52:23As long as you're going, would you give this to Kay?
00:52:26Kay? Who said anything about Kay?
00:52:30I never could fool Ellie.
00:52:34But I hoped I could fool Kay.
00:52:45Hello, hello, hello.
00:52:46Come on in.
00:52:48It's a beautiful night.
00:52:49See those stars?
00:52:50Mom sent me over with this.
00:52:55Go on, go on, open it up.
00:52:56Don't mind us men.
00:53:00Let me take your coat.
00:53:01Oh, I can do it, I can do it.
00:53:03Well, at least let me help you.
00:53:11Glad you came by tonight.
00:53:13She's awfully low.
00:53:15She's just nervous.
00:53:17We should talk to her.
00:53:19Oh, it's lovely.
00:53:20What is it?
00:53:21It's a beautiful picture.
00:53:23Isn't that pretty?
00:53:28You certainly are going to knock their eyes out at the hospital.
00:53:32I'll go pack it right now.
00:53:35Kay, Kay, now that your father's here, you won't mind?
00:53:38I'd like to get some cigarettes.
00:53:39You don't have to run right along, do you?
00:53:40Oh, no, I can just squeeze out a couple of minutes, I guess.
00:53:42I won't be long.
00:53:43Hold everything till I get back.
00:53:48You look wonderful, Kitten.
00:53:49Oh, I feel fine.
00:53:51It's just buckling.
00:53:53I wish you'd talk to him.
00:53:54He's so jittery.
00:54:07What's he jittery about?
00:54:09Oh, he...
00:54:10What's he jittery about?
00:54:12Oh, he...
00:54:13He's afraid that...
00:54:15Oh, something will go wrong.
00:54:20Shouldn't feel like that.
00:54:23Of course, I...
00:54:24I can't tell him that, uh...
00:54:26That it's going to be easy for you.
00:54:28It may not be, but...
00:54:30But I do know this, that when the time comes, you...
00:54:33You mothers seem to have a courage and a strength you never knew you had.
00:54:38I hope so.
00:54:41I hope so.
00:54:43As far as anything going wrong, uh...
00:54:45Doctors and scientists have been working for hundreds of years now so that you and your baby can be safe.
00:54:50Nothing's going to go wrong. You know that, don't you?
00:54:54I know.
00:54:57Oh, Pop.
00:54:59I wish it was over.
00:55:01It will be soon, darling.
00:55:05But I'm sure that...
00:55:07That when you hold your baby in your arms, you'll think it was worth anything you went through.
00:55:13Aren't I silly?
00:55:15Like the first day you took me to the dentist.
00:55:21Every night we put our clothes where we could grab them in a hurry.
00:55:25We were like members of a fire brigade, ready to jump at the first alarm.
00:55:31Well, that happened almost any time now, huh?
00:55:33I suppose so. Sometime within the next two or three weeks.
00:55:36Two or three weeks? I couldn't live like this another two or three weeks.
00:55:46Sorry to wake you, but I just brought Kate to the hospital.
00:55:50No, I don't know anything yet. The doctor's with her now.
00:55:52We'll be right there!
00:56:03Stanley, you can't do that. You've got to really dress.
00:56:05There's no telling how long we'll be down there.
00:56:07Don't you remember to put the razor in your pocket?
00:56:09The razor?
00:56:10Yes, your electric razor. Then it doesn't matter where you have to go to shave.
00:56:13And your clean shirt.
00:56:16Wait for me, please. I guess we'd better wire Ben.
00:56:19You can phone the message desk.
00:56:22I must remember to tell Wiley.
00:56:24We'll have breakfast in case the baby's born by then.
00:56:26Stanley, please hurry!
00:56:46What kept you?
00:56:47I was just getting dressed. I had to get my clothes on.
00:56:50I'll drive.
00:56:51Oh, no, no, no. Come on.
00:56:52We don't hurry. The baby will be born before we get there. Come on.
00:56:55The baby will be born before we'll ever get there.
00:57:04Don't go so fast, Ellie. We're in a business district.
00:57:12Ellie, there. Slow down a little bit.
00:57:19Ellie, for heaven's sake!
00:57:20I have the right of way.
00:57:21Keep your eye on the road.
00:57:23Your tie's on crooked. Fix it.
00:57:26Ellie, gasoline!
00:57:30Come on, now, Ellie. Pull over here and let me drive. Come on.
00:57:32Stanley, be careful.
00:57:34No, no, no, Ellie. You can't make it. There's a train.
00:57:36Will you relax? You're making me nervous.
00:57:43Oh, no!
00:57:44Oh, no!
00:57:45Oh, no!
00:57:46Oh, no!
00:57:47Oh, no!
00:57:48Oh, no!
00:57:49Oh, no!
00:57:50Oh, no!
00:57:51Oh, no!
00:57:52Oh, no!
00:57:54You realize what you've done?
00:57:56You've broken every regulation in the book.
00:57:58You've passed everything on the wrong side.
00:58:00You've gone through red lights. You've exceeded the speed limit.
00:58:02I know, but this is an emergency.
00:58:04For the first time in my life, I long for the sight of a motorcycle cop.
00:58:17Park it, will you, Stanley?
00:58:24Yes, I will.
00:58:38What's the matter? What happened?
00:58:40Nothing happened. It was a false alarm.
00:58:44I'm sorry, we've brought you all this way.
00:58:47All right, all right. Nothing at all. Nothing at all.
00:58:50Good night, darling.
00:58:51Good night.
00:58:52Good night.
00:58:53Good night.
00:58:54I'm sorry.
00:59:19Is that your car, the grey one over there?
00:59:21Yes, miss.
00:59:22Is something wrong, officer?
00:59:24Yes, lady, there is.
00:59:25He's parked in front of a fire hydrant.
00:59:31After a week, the strain became too much for me.
00:59:33I decided to take a sleeping pill.
00:59:51We'll be right there.
01:00:00It's already here.
01:00:01It's a boy.
01:00:02He arrived just a half an hour ago.
01:00:05Okay, he's fine.
01:00:06The doctor says everything's just fine.
01:00:10Just one.
01:00:15Give her our love.
01:00:16Give her our love.
01:00:22Remind me to tell you something in the morning, will you, Ellie?
01:00:32Tell me what, Stanley?
01:00:34Tell me what?
01:00:35Stanley, wake up!
01:00:37Tell me, is it something about Kay?
01:00:40It's a boy.
01:00:41Oh, Stan!
01:00:43Oh, isn't that wonderful?
01:00:46A boy.
01:00:47A boy.
01:01:16A boy.
01:01:17A boy.
01:01:18A boy.
01:01:19A boy.
01:01:20A boy.
01:01:21A boy.
01:01:22A boy.
01:01:23A boy.
01:01:24A boy.
01:01:25A boy.
01:01:26A boy.
01:01:27I wondered if they were crazy or was I.
01:01:29He looked as old as Methuselah to me.
01:01:32All he needed was a derby.
01:01:39Oh, boy.
01:01:40We'll be seeing you soon.
01:01:42Yes, sir.
01:01:43Look at him smile.
01:01:44Isn't he a darling?
01:01:45Do you think he's like him?
01:01:46He looks exactly like Kay.
01:01:47Like Kay.
01:01:48Oh, I think you're wrong there, Ellie.
01:01:49He's a Dunstan through and through.
01:01:50I think I've got it.
01:01:51Yes, you did.
01:01:52Call him, son.
01:01:54I believe they're talking about calling him Herbert.
01:01:56I believe they are.
01:01:58Oh, Herbert, isn't that wonderful?
01:02:00I hope you don't mind.
01:02:02I mean, since you're the maternal grandfather, I was afraid you might be.
01:02:05Oh, no, no.
01:02:06As a matter of fact, I think Herbert is just the name for him.
01:02:09Oh, my.
01:02:11I admit he looked a little better by the time Kay got him home.
01:02:17Look at him.
01:02:18Did you ever see anything so good?
01:02:20Sit on the side of the picture and say, couldn't you?
01:02:23When is he going to be Christmas?
01:02:25In five or six months.
01:02:26We want to wait for Reverend Goldsworthy.
01:02:28Come on, Pops.
01:02:29You have your picture taken with the baby.
01:02:30Oh, no, no, no.
01:02:31Oh, we've all had our pictures taken.
01:02:33Come on, old man.
01:02:34Oh, please, Pops.
01:02:35Come on.
01:02:36Just do it for me.
01:02:37I want a picture with the two of you together.
01:02:38I want him right here.
01:02:39How about that, my boy?
01:02:40Is that all right with you?
01:02:41Oh, he's smiling at you.
01:02:42Hurry, Sam.
01:02:43Catch him just like that.
01:02:44Don't give him to me.
01:02:45No, no.
01:02:46You sit down.
01:02:47Now, go on.
01:02:48Smile at your grandfather.
01:02:52It's no use.
01:02:53I told you.
01:02:54Turn him around.
01:02:55Turn him around so we can see his face.
01:02:56Come on.
01:02:57Turn him around.
01:02:58That's it.
01:02:59That's it.
01:03:00Oh, see?
01:03:07Take him, please.
01:03:08Please take him.
01:03:14Stanley, what did you do to him?
01:03:15What do you mean?
01:03:16I didn't do anything to him.
01:03:18I think he's tired.
01:03:20He really must go.
01:03:21By the way, Sam, I had this made up for you.
01:03:25It's a photographic record of the baby from the day he was born.
01:03:29Look at him here.
01:03:30And then wait, wait.
01:03:31And take a look at that.
01:03:33And here, here.
01:03:34Isn't it amazing?
01:03:35Why, he changes it every day.
01:03:37Not to me, he doesn't.
01:03:39Coming through.
01:03:41Put it in your pocket.
01:03:42Show the boys you know how to sew.
01:03:44Goodbye, dear.
01:03:46Goodbye, Stanley.
01:03:47Take good care of our great big boy.
01:03:50Come here.
01:03:54How about a great big drink?
01:03:58Yes, sir.
01:03:59Come in.
01:04:00He's crying.
01:04:01Oh, no, no, no.
01:04:02Look, he's no use, you know.
01:04:03Oh, perhaps he didn't have anything to do with you.
01:04:05It's just that there were so many other people around him.
01:04:08It scared him.
01:04:09Come on.
01:04:16Oh, he's going to smile.
01:04:19Oh, come on in.
01:04:21See, everything's all right now.
01:04:24He's not scared anymore, is he, darling?
01:04:27Now you've got a nice man here.
01:04:29You're going to give him a big smile because you're a good boy.
01:04:33Now look who's come to see you.
01:04:35Who is that, huh?
01:04:37Who is that?
01:04:38Is that your grandfather?
01:04:43Oh, honey, you terrible child.
01:04:49What happened?
01:04:50Nothing, nothing, nothing.
01:04:51He just took a look at me.
01:04:52So funny.
01:04:53He's such a good-tempered baby.
01:04:55The doctor said he'd never seen a baby with such a wonderful personality.
01:04:58I'm sure, I'm sure.
01:04:59And it isn't because you're a man.
01:05:00He was smiling all over the place at Herbert.
01:05:04Well, now, come on.
01:05:05Let's blow.
01:05:06Let's blow.
01:05:08We've come to apologize.
01:05:10We want to say that we're very sorry for being so rude.
01:05:13Now, now, now, you tell him you forgive him.
01:05:16Come on, now, honey.
01:05:17Give him a great big smile.
01:05:18Tell him how much you forgive him.
01:05:21Oh, it's all right, darling.
01:05:23He's gone now.
01:05:24It's all right.
01:05:25The man's gone.
01:05:29You know what I'd do?
01:05:30Take your tie.
01:05:31If you'd just take off your tie.
01:05:32No, Ellie, I'm not going to take off my tie.
01:05:34It's a perfectly nice tie, and I happen to like it.
01:05:36It was a present from Tommy, and I'm not going to take it off just because he doesn't like it.
01:05:39Oh, Stanley, the way you talk.
01:05:41He's a baby, an innocent little baby.
01:05:43He doesn't know what it is that disturbs him.
01:05:45He is not an innocent little baby.
01:05:47He's an individual with very definite likes and dislikes.
01:05:50As an individual, I respect his right to have likes and dislikes.
01:05:53I also reserve the right to have a few of my own.
01:05:56From that time on, I gave him a wide berth.
01:06:01It was live and let live between us until one weekend six months later.
01:06:16Is this the bank's house?
01:06:18Yes, but...
01:06:38Good evening, Mr. Bank.
01:06:41See you tomorrow.
01:06:43The thing I had feared had come to pass.
01:06:46He had invaded the sanctity of my home.
01:06:49Hi, Pops.
01:06:50Hi. Hi, Tess.
01:06:53You have a visitor.
01:06:55It's all right, Mr. Pops, and you don't mind?
01:06:57Oh, no, delighted, delighted.
01:07:00He's nice, Pops really is.
01:07:02It's just that what you two got started on the wrong foot.
01:07:04Are you all right?
01:07:07Delighted, delighted.
01:07:08He's nice, Pops, really is.
01:07:09It's just that, well, you two got started up on the wrong foot, that's all.
01:07:12And I thought, well, if I left him here for a couple of days alone with you...
01:07:17Well, I mean, I won't be here myself.
01:07:19I'm going to Boston.
01:07:20Buckley has to go there and see Mr. Wellsford.
01:07:22You know, the chain store man.
01:07:24And he asked me to come and I said I couldn't leave the baby.
01:07:26But Mom said to go ahead and that she'd take care of...
01:07:30Oh, Pops, I know you're gonna love him.
01:07:32Just as soon as you get to know him.
01:07:34He has been a little strange.
01:07:36Oh, there's my taxi. I've got to run.
01:07:38And remember this, Pops.
01:07:40If he's so much as lets out a peep at you, you have my permission to spank him.
01:07:42And spank him good.
01:07:43Bye. Bye, Mom.
01:07:51Sammy, is that you?
01:07:55Yes, it's me.
01:07:57The most wonderful thing has happened.
01:07:58I thought you'd never get here.
01:08:00Ah, yes, Kay told me.
01:08:03Well, come up and see him. Quick, quick.
01:08:06Come on.
01:08:16Of course, we're not quite organized yet.
01:08:18Well, where is he? I don't want to step on him.
01:08:20In your bureau drawer over there.
01:08:36What is that?
01:08:37Well, that's my dress scarf.
01:08:40Well, what are you doing with my dress...
01:08:45What's going on?
01:08:48Look in here.
01:08:50What are you doing with my...
01:08:51Sammy, what did you do?
01:08:52Well, he's eating my scarf.
01:08:54Oh, that's all right.
01:08:55Your penis can't hurt him, can it, my darling, would it?
01:08:59Does he have to be in that particular drawer with all my shirts?
01:09:01I took your shirts out. They're right there.
01:09:03You can put them back now.
01:09:07Who's your lovekind, old Sammy?
01:09:09It's so wonderful having a baby in my arms again.
01:09:11Who's your sweet boy? Who's your...
01:09:14Look at the shirts.
01:09:15Who's going to sleep in a nice big room?
01:09:18You're going to sleep in this room?
01:09:19No, he's going to Tommy's room.
01:09:20Where's Tommy going?
01:09:21In to Ben's room.
01:09:22I want him right here so I can hear him if he cries.
01:09:24You know, he's good, but strange house and everything.
01:09:27No mommy or poppy.
01:09:28But he's going to be a good boy, isn't he?
01:09:30Of course he is.
01:09:31I'm sorry I can't go to the Dixon's, but you're going anyway.
01:09:34She's delighted to have an extra man. It's all set.
01:09:36Yeah, well, I'm not going.
01:09:37Oh, now, Stanley.
01:09:38No, no, no, no.
01:09:39I'm going without you. They're your friends.
01:09:41Well, that's ridiculous. You can't even hear.
01:09:43There's no food in the house.
01:09:44Of course, there's last night's cold lamb.
01:09:46You don't mind waiting on yourself.
01:09:47Where's Delilah?
01:09:48She's making up Kay's room.
01:09:49Who's going to sleep in Kay's room?
01:09:51You are.
01:09:52Now, look, look, look.
01:09:53Stanley, it's the only room in the house where you can't possibly hear the baby.
01:09:56And I promised Kay you wouldn't be disturbed.
01:09:59Everything's ready, Miss Bailey.
01:10:00Oh, good.
01:10:01Oh, good.
01:10:02Delilah, would you mind taking these and sterilizing them?
01:10:04You can use the canning pot.
01:10:05You don't have to tell me. I remember.
01:10:07Mr. Banks, this is just wonderful having a baby in the house again.
01:10:10Oh, just wonderful. Just wonderful. Just wonderful.
01:10:12Great, great.
01:12:02All week I looked forward to Sunday morning.
01:12:04No alarm clock, no train to catch, no office, just uninterrupted slumber.
01:12:19I just had to let you see him. He's so cute.
01:12:24What time is it?
01:12:25Six o'clock.
01:12:27Six o'clock?
01:12:28Six o'clock.
01:12:30Six o'clock?
01:12:34Well, go back to sleep, dear. Bye.
01:12:35Say bye-bye.
01:12:42Oh, no. Oh, no.
01:12:46Sunday afternoon I counted on a good 18 holes of golf.
01:12:50But Ellie thought the baby and I should get together.
01:12:52Forty-five minutes later he finally corked off.
01:13:23Hey, hey, hey.
01:13:24Here's your ball.
01:13:52Hey, hey, hey.
01:14:16Here, here, here.
01:14:17Here, boy, boy, boy.
01:14:18Here, boy, boy, boy.
01:14:20Stop, stop, stop.
01:14:22Come on, now, let's go over there.
01:14:23Let's see who's right. Come on.
01:14:24What time is it?
01:14:27They were nice kids.
01:14:28I was having a good time.
01:14:31Come on, shoot side by side.
01:14:49Thank you, boy, I thank you.
01:14:51You want to watch that dribble, get that.
01:14:53It was a good game.
01:14:55I was wondering whether or not to tell Ellie about it.
01:14:58She'd probably think I was crazy playing ball with a lot of kids.
01:15:18I should think you're going with it.
01:15:49I suddenly thought maybe Ellie came and got him.
01:16:07I didn't take the train, I flew.
01:16:09I got to a homestead for the baby.
01:16:11Where is the baby?
01:16:12Shouldn't he be home by now?
01:16:14Don't you worry.
01:16:15He's with your father, so he's all right.
01:16:17You should see your father.
01:16:38Hurry up!
01:16:48Hello, hello, is anybody here?
01:16:50Anybody here? Hello, hello, hello, hello.
01:16:55Has anybody turned in a baby here? I've lost a baby.
01:17:06Is it your baby?
01:17:07Oh, no, no, no, no. It's my daughter's baby. It's my grandson.
01:17:09Where'd you lose him?
01:17:10I lost him in the park. He was in the park in his carriage.
01:17:13I left him for a second. When I came back, he was gone and the carriage was gone.
01:17:16You say you only left him for a second, huh?
01:17:18Oh, well, maybe a minute, I don't know, five minutes, you know.
01:17:20Some kids were playing soccer and I went to watch them.
01:17:22You forgot your grandchild.
01:17:24Well, I guess I did for the minute.
01:17:26That's fine. That's wonderful.
01:17:28They give you a child of mine and you run off and forget them.
01:17:31Jack, you're losing your marbles.
01:17:33Oh, wait a minute. This kind of talk is...
01:17:35Did you understand what I said?
01:17:37A baby has been lost. A little baby has...
01:17:39Why don't you do what you're supposed to do?
01:17:41Do something. Get on the television.
01:17:43Or whatever you do, describe the baby.
01:17:45Five months, six months old, wearing a little white...
01:17:48You know what babies wear.
01:17:50He's got on a little cap, I think.
01:17:53Would you know what color his eyes are?
01:17:55Brown, brown, blue. I don't know.
01:17:58But you are sure it's a boy.
01:18:01I don't blame you. I don't blame you.
01:18:02You haven't said anything to me. I haven't said to myself.
01:18:04My daughter's home now waiting for the baby.
01:18:06I don't know what to do. I'm going crazy.
01:18:08I'll do anything. Look, I'll...
01:18:10Big reward, whatever. Whatever I have to do, if you'll just help me.
01:18:12Well, it just so happens we picked up your baby.
01:18:14Oh, thank God.
01:18:16But it wasn't any five minutes you were gone.
01:18:18It was nearer half an hour.
01:18:20Yes, sir.
01:18:22Where is he? In here?
01:18:23Yeah. Just a minute.
01:18:25What's your daughter's phone number? I'm going to call her up and check.
01:18:27Oh, no, don't. Don't. Please, please don't.
01:18:29Don't do it. You don't know. I couldn't stand it.
01:18:31I couldn't face my daughter.
01:18:33Please, I promise you, I'll do anything.
01:18:35You give me the kid. I'll take him right home.
01:18:37I won't stop anywhere. I promise you.
01:18:40Well, I'll talk it over with the boys.
01:18:43You've taken quite a fancy to this kid.
01:18:45They get any idea you weren't treating him right, you'd never get out of here alive.
01:18:50All right, boys, they've come for him.
01:18:55I dreaded the moment when he'd see me.
01:18:57I knew if he started to cry, I was cooked.
01:19:01I said a little prayer, don't let him cry.
01:19:04Just this once, don't let him cry.
01:19:10Come on, son, we're going home.
01:19:22Well, that's my boy. That's my boy.
01:19:28From that time on, I was his pigeon.
01:19:40Oh, Grandpa.
01:19:44Yes, yes.
01:19:47The day of the baby's christening came at last.
01:19:49He was the center of a little world.
01:19:51His grandparents, his parents, and his godparents,
01:19:53all of us gathered together for the solemn occasion.
01:19:56I couldn't help feeling we were ganging up on him,
01:19:58pinning the name of Herbert on a poor, defenseless child.
01:20:02Suffer the little children to come unto me,
01:20:04and forbid them not.
01:20:06For of such is the kingdom of God.
01:20:08Funny how I had resented the very idea of him,
01:20:11when Kay first told us.
01:20:13I was furious at both of them,
01:20:16making me a grandfather.
01:20:18It seemed to spell the end of my life.
01:20:21Now I couldn't imagine life without him.
01:20:30We were coming to his big moment.
01:20:32We all watched him with tears in our eyes.
01:20:34We were coming to his big moment.
01:20:35We all watched him with bated breath.
01:20:39How would he behave
01:20:41when the Reverend Galsworthy took him in his arms?
01:20:43Would he be terrified? Would he cry?
01:20:46Not that baby.
01:20:48To him, the Reverend Galsworthy
01:20:50was just another face to be explored.
01:20:53Name this child.
01:20:56Stanley Banks.
01:21:16Stanley Banks.
01:21:19Stanley Banks.
01:21:22I baptize thee
01:21:24in the name of the Father,
01:21:27the Son,
01:21:29and the Holy Ghost.
01:21:34We receive this child
01:21:36in the congregation of Christ's flock,
01:21:38and do sign him with the sign of Stanley Banks.
01:21:42My grandchild.
01:21:44He shall not be ashamed.
01:21:45My first grandchild.
