1h 13min | Drama | 3 October 1949 (Sweden)
Naive small-town girl gets pregnant on her prom night, and winds up in the clutches of the local abortionist.
Director: Albert H. Kelley
Writers: Jack Jungmeyer, Albert H. Kelley
Stars: Joseph Crehan, Marcia Mae Jones, Jean Fenwick
Naive small-town girl gets pregnant on her prom night, and winds up in the clutches of the local abortionist.
Director: Albert H. Kelley
Writers: Jack Jungmeyer, Albert H. Kelley
Stars: Joseph Crehan, Marcia Mae Jones, Jean Fenwick
Short filmTranscript
00:15:21A lot had gone on in the minds and hearts of these young people
00:15:25since they started for the party.
00:15:27Who knows, who remembers,
00:15:30how much of life can be crowded into an hour of youth.
00:15:34They had danced there at the country club.
00:15:37They had laughed and kidded and flirted.
00:15:39They were giddy with joyous emotion.
00:15:42And now they needed some fresh air, as they said.
00:15:45A little spin to cool off out here at Lakeside.
00:15:49Bob and Lois, boy and girl.
00:15:52Confident with the right wisdom of 19 and of 17 years.
00:15:56Dealing with impulses as old as the uncounted centuries.
00:16:04My, it is beautiful here.
00:16:06Let's walk down by the water.
00:16:08Shall I turn off the radio?
00:16:10Oh, no, please. I like it.
00:16:12Get some nice music.
00:16:21Slide out here, Lois.
00:16:46You know, this is the last date you and I are going to have for some time.
00:16:50I know.
00:16:52That's going to just about spoil my whole summer vacation.
00:16:55You're going away.
00:16:57But, Bob, it'll only be for a month.
00:16:59Only a month?
00:17:01It's 30 whole days and evenings.
00:17:03Do you realize that, Lois?
00:17:06But when you leave for school this fall,
00:17:09why, you'll be away almost a whole year.
00:17:13Lois, I don't want you to go away.
00:17:16I don't want us to be apart.
00:17:19I think I'll build a fence around you
00:17:21so nobody else can ever touch you.
00:17:24It's a nice fence, Bob.
00:17:26I don't believe I'll ever be able to get out of it.
00:17:36My, it is lovely out here, isn't it?
00:17:39It sure is.
00:17:41It's a shame.
00:17:43What's a shame?
00:17:45Well, falling in love so young
00:17:47and having to wait until you're so old to get married.
00:17:52Do you really think we're in love, Bob?
00:17:55Oh, for Pete's sake, aren't we?
00:17:58If we aren't, what are we talking about?
00:18:01Maybe we're just kidding.
00:18:04Maybe you like somebody else better.
00:18:07Maybe I could go for somebody else
00:18:09while you're away for 30 days.
00:18:11My, you're full of maybes tonight.
00:18:14Could you really go for someone else?
00:18:17No, honey.
00:18:19Nobody else.
00:18:21Only you.
00:18:31I guess you're kind of crazy.
00:18:38A little crazy.
00:18:41Maybe, maybe we better be getting back, Bob.
00:18:44They'll be wondering where we are.
00:18:47Let them wonder.
00:18:49I don't think I could stand seeing you
00:18:51in anyone else's arms again tonight, darling.
00:19:06You're shivering.
00:19:08We should have brought your coat, but I didn't think...
00:19:10I'm not cold.
00:19:12Here, let me pull the coat upright.
00:20:06Did you get lost?
00:20:08You know, you owed me another dance, Lois.
00:20:10Please get my coat, Bob.
00:20:20What are you so quiet about?
00:20:23We, we're engaged, Irene.
00:20:26Oh, that's wonderful, honey.
00:20:28Oh, Bob's a swell boy.
00:20:30But don't say a word to anyone yet.
00:20:33We'll have to wait such a long time.
00:20:35And I, I couldn't tell my dad and mother.
00:20:38Not right away.
00:20:40Sure, not a peep out of me.
00:20:43I didn't think you and Bob would make that much progress.
00:21:00Hiya, kids.
00:21:02Been to dance, huh?
00:21:03Yeah, right.
00:21:04And now you're hungry.
00:21:06Whatcha gonna have?
00:21:07What are we gonna have?
00:21:08What a come on that is, Kitty Mae.
00:21:10You know you've fed us the same thing for the past four years.
00:21:13Eat them up and pass the mustard.
00:21:14And make it double for me, Kitty.
00:21:16Me too.
00:21:18Boy, I dance so hard, I'm fiddling.
00:21:20And I can eat a raft of those.
00:21:22Want some mustard?
00:21:26Oh, what makes you so quiet tonight, Lois?
00:21:28In love or something?
00:21:32Yes, I guess so.
00:21:36Well, there's nothing like a couple of these puppies with plenty of mustard
00:21:39to fix up most anything that's wrong with you.
00:21:41Hey, wait a minute.
00:21:42What do you mean, fix up?
00:21:43We're content with things as they are.
00:21:45Okay, Bob.
00:21:47And hurry it up.
00:21:48We gotta get these young things home.
00:21:50Those are the rules, remember?
00:21:51Oh, you in danger too, Hal?
00:21:53Always thought you were woman-proof.
00:21:55Why, Kitty Mae, you wrong me.
00:21:57But in the right way, I'll have to admit.
00:22:01You look beautiful, Lois.
00:22:10And you smell good, don't you?
00:22:20Thought you were going away, Bob.
00:22:22I am.
00:22:23The school term starts up to North State.
00:22:35This is probably the most important letter Lois ever will write in her life.
00:22:40It is, of course, only for Bob's eyes.
00:22:43I feel very guilty reading it over her shoulder, as it were.
00:22:47But we've got to know about it
00:22:50besides Lois and Bob are involved.
00:22:53This is what she's saying to the boy she loves,
00:22:56who had gone away to college 200 miles upstate.
00:23:00Dearest Bob, she writes,
00:23:02it hardly seems possible that you've been away more than a month,
00:23:05and yet the days seem to drag so terribly slow.
00:23:09I miss you so, darling.
00:23:11And I just don't care to go anywhere now without you.
00:23:15And besides, being so lonely,
00:23:17I'm beginning to get worried and scared.
00:23:20Nothing has happened that should happen.
00:23:25I don't want to worry you, Bob,
00:23:27now that you're concentrating so hard on your studies.
00:23:31But I just don't know what I'd do
00:23:34if what I'm afraid of should be true.
00:23:36What could we do?
00:23:38I drove out to our place yesterday.
00:23:40How wonderful.
00:23:41Almost sacred, it seemed to me.
00:23:43And yet it made me sad, too.
00:23:46You not being here with me.
00:23:48I feel so grown up now, she writes,
00:23:50not like a girl anymore.
00:23:53Sometimes I feel very, very old.
00:23:56Seems strange to write those things.
00:23:59If you were here and I could just be near you,
00:24:01I'd feel safe again and not worry about anything.
00:24:06Bob, she writes, I do love you so.
00:24:10And precious, do take care of yourself
00:24:13and write me lots of your beautiful letters
00:24:15to cheer me up and to make the days go a little faster
00:24:18toward the time when we won't have to wait anymore.
00:24:22When we can be together always
00:24:24and truly belong to each other.
00:24:28With all my heart.
00:24:30We're about to go now, Lois.
00:24:32And please don't stay up too late tonight.
00:24:36Oh dear, I told them at the costumist
00:24:38to take this waist in a little more.
00:24:40How's it look to you, Arnold?
00:24:42Do you think it's effective?
00:24:43I can assure you, my dear,
00:24:44that you look positively ravishing.
00:24:46In fact, you look as attractive in your costume
00:24:49as I feel silly in mine.
00:24:51Oh, I do hope everyone will like it.
00:24:53Well, it's beyond me why we can't have
00:24:54just a dinner dance at the country club
00:24:56instead of all this silly fiddle.
00:24:58Oh, stop it, Arnold.
00:24:59You'll have just as good a time as I will.
00:25:02Oh, stop it, Arnold.
00:25:03You'll have just as good a time as I will.
00:25:05Probably better.
00:25:08Hello, dear.
00:25:09How do I look?
00:25:11Good heavens, Arnold.
00:25:12It's after eight o'clock already.
00:25:13The Davises will be waiting for us to pick them up.
00:25:15Mother, I wanted to ask you something,
00:25:19to tell you something.
00:25:21What about, dear?
00:25:22Arnold, what do you think of a hat?
00:25:24Mother, I wanted to speak to you privately.
00:25:30Why are you so mysterious?
00:25:32Surely, Lois, you can speak in front of your father.
00:25:35Mother, it's rather important.
00:25:38Can't you tell me quickly, dear?
00:25:40On the way to the car.
00:25:41Come along, Arnold.
00:25:42No, Mother.
00:25:43It might take quite a little while
00:25:45and you're in such a hurry.
00:25:47We can't keep the Davises waiting.
00:25:49They'll be furious.
00:25:50All right.
00:25:51You run along, Mother.
00:25:54We shouldn't keep the Davises waiting.
00:25:56All right, dear.
00:25:57You tell me later then
00:25:58when we come home from the country club,
00:26:00if you're still awake.
00:26:01Good night, darling.
00:26:02Night, Mother.
00:26:03Good night, dear.
00:26:19And so the moment was lost
00:26:21in the rush of other demands.
00:26:23The moment when a scared girl
00:26:25might have confided in her mother
00:26:27and trusted to her parents' mercy.
00:26:30Time now to take her trouble and her worries
00:26:33to people who will not be hurt
00:26:35by what Lois has to confess
00:26:37and from whom she may need counsel.
00:26:40But where?
00:26:41And counsel from whom?
00:26:43The street corner will not be of much help now.
00:26:46The street corner,
00:26:48which is always so wise and smug
00:26:50and full of leering smartness.
00:26:59If you're not busy, I'm coming in.
00:27:04Hello, Irene.
00:27:09Am I glad to see you.
00:27:11I feel...
00:27:12Well, I feel so lonely.
00:27:15I know, honey.
00:27:16You miss Bob, don't you?
00:27:18Being engaged in so far apart.
00:27:21I don't believe I could stand it if it was hell.
00:27:24Let's go into my room.
00:27:28Let's go.
00:27:39Irene, I'd like to ask you something.
00:27:43But you probably wouldn't know.
00:27:45Honey, I know everything.
00:27:48Try me out.
00:27:50How do you go about getting, well, married?
00:27:54That simple.
00:27:56It is?
00:27:57For sure.
00:27:58The first thing and the hardest thing to do
00:28:01is to find yourself a man,
00:28:03especially one that can support you.
00:28:06That isn't such a problem.
00:28:08Oh, it isn't, huh?
00:28:10Do you know that there are girls in this very town
00:28:13going on 23 and 24
00:28:15and nobody's even asked them yet?
00:28:18Yes, I know.
00:28:20But that isn't what I mean.
00:28:23I mean, supposing you already have the man
00:28:26and he's willing.
00:28:28Then, honey, you've no problems at all.
00:28:31But how do you actually go about getting married?
00:28:35That's easy.
00:28:36You just say.
00:28:40You're not thinking of getting married, are you?
00:28:43At least not yet.
00:28:45Oh, Lois, you wouldn't.
00:28:47Or would you?
00:28:50No, I...
00:28:51You're not planning on running away or eloping.
00:28:55I was just wondering.
00:28:57I thought maybe you might know about licenses and things.
00:29:03Of course.
00:29:04I know all about them.
00:29:06Didn't my very own sister Louise
00:29:08get married less than a year ago?
00:29:10I remember everything that she had to do.
00:29:12Tell me about it, Irene.
00:29:14Well, first you both have to go to the courthouse
00:29:17and get a marriage license.
00:29:19And then you both go and get a blood test,
00:29:21and then a blood test.
00:29:23What for?
00:29:25Gosh, I don't know.
00:29:28Well, I guess I just want to make sure you've got some.
00:29:32Go on, Irene.
00:29:33What else?
00:29:34Well, in this state, you have to wait three days, I think,
00:29:38before you can actually be married.
00:29:40After that, you can be married by a judge
00:29:43or a justice of the peace.
00:29:45In some other town?
00:29:46Well, I think so.
00:29:50Is that all there is to it?
00:29:52That's all.
00:29:54Oh, golly, I just thought of something.
00:29:57In order to get a marriage license,
00:29:59you have to be 18
00:30:01or have your parents' consent.
00:30:04Parents' consent?
00:30:06Golly, I'd almost forgotten that item.
00:30:10But, of course, you could probably pass for 18.
00:30:14But, no, that wouldn't work either.
00:30:17You have to show them your birth certificate.
00:30:20You're just not old enough, honey.
00:30:24Unless you get your folks' consent.
00:30:27You going to ask them?
00:30:29They like Bob, don't they?
00:30:31Why, I know they wouldn't let me.
00:30:35Not for a long time.
00:30:37They think I'm still a baby.
00:30:40Irene, do me a big favor.
00:30:44I want you to take care of this for me.
00:30:56May all the soul go out on the train tonight.
00:30:59I'll do it right away.
00:31:00I have to leave anyway.
00:31:01It's almost 9 o'clock.
00:31:14Oh, no.
00:31:16You can both say what you like,
00:31:18but I know you had a better time tonight
00:31:20than you've had in ages.
00:31:21Maybe so, Clara.
00:31:22But as your family physician,
00:31:24I feel it my duty to warn you
00:31:26that if you don't get Arnold
00:31:27out of that ridiculous rig very shortly,
00:31:29he's apt to acquire a terrible complex of a kind.
00:31:32You're closer to the truth than you think, Art.
00:31:35I'll be going to another masquerade tomorrow night.
00:31:37Oh, heaven forbid.
00:31:39Arnold, will you put some water on the stove?
00:31:41Arnold, will you put some water on for tea?
00:31:43That's an idea.
00:31:44Doctor, you'll stay and have a cup of tea, of course.
00:31:46Well, if I'm pressed, yes.
00:31:48I was in hopes of seeing that lovely daughter of yours.
00:31:50Haven't seen her around lately.
00:31:52A cup of tea will be a poor substitute.
00:31:54Just a minute.
00:31:55She might still be awake.
00:32:12Sorry, Doctor.
00:32:13She's sound asleep.
00:32:14You'll have to settle for that cup of tea.
00:32:16Sit yourself down and rest while I get things ready.
00:32:18Arnold already has the water heating.
00:32:20No, no.
00:32:21If I were to sit down in that comfortable chair,
00:32:23you'd have me here for the night.
00:32:25No, you go ahead.
00:32:26I'll just stand here and supervise the operation.
00:32:29All right, Doctor.
00:32:30You know, Clara,
00:32:32when I look at the young lady in that photograph,
00:32:35I can't help thinking how fast the years are slipping by.
00:32:41You and Arnold are very fortunate
00:32:43to have a lovely daughter like Lois.
00:32:45She puzzled me a little today.
00:32:48Got very mysterious about telling me something.
00:32:51Well, maybe it was important, Clara.
00:32:53Perhaps you should have discussed it with her.
00:32:55Oh, stop worrying, Arnold.
00:32:56It could have been very serious,
00:32:57or she wouldn't be sleeping so peacefully.
00:32:59You know how children are with their problems.
00:33:01Everything seems so terribly serious.
00:33:04I don't know about that.
00:33:18They were a little puzzled, Mrs. Marsh said.
00:33:21A little mystified
00:33:22by some unspoken need of their daughter that day.
00:33:25And now they thought she was asleep.
00:33:28And so we could drink our tea in peace and comfort
00:33:31this beautiful evening.
00:33:33By so narrow a margin do we sometimes miss the timely word,
00:33:38the offered confidence.
00:33:40Mrs. Marsh hadn't had time.
00:33:42She'd be late for dinner.
00:33:44But of course, she didn't know either.
00:33:47I think it was at this moment
00:33:49that I began to accuse myself too,
00:33:51as I reflected upon it.
00:33:53Although I knew nothing of the actual situation at that time,
00:33:57I should have stepped in
00:33:59when I saw that the Marshes
00:34:01didn't have the nerve to talk to Lois.
00:34:04Daydreaming, Doctor?
00:34:06You haven't said a word for five minutes or more.
00:34:09It's a good thing you didn't hear what I was thinking.
00:34:11About those attractive girls at the dance tonight, I bet.
00:34:14Some of them were very pretty, weren't they?
00:34:16Oh, girls are pretty, Clara.
00:34:17Every blessed one of them.
00:34:19Meaning Lois, of course.
00:34:20Yes, and I'll include her mother, too.
00:34:22Still passing out the old compliments, eh, Doc?
00:34:25Well, you better be careful, because I'm a jealous man.
00:34:27Oh, then I'd better be going.
00:34:29I had a lovely evening.
00:34:31Tell Lois I missed seeing her very much.
00:34:35Excuse me for harping on a subject like a fanatic,
00:34:39but may I suggest once more
00:34:41that you bring Lois to my lecture?
00:34:43Or with your permission, have her see me at the clinic?
00:34:46All right, Doctor.
00:34:47Good night.
00:34:48Good night, Doc.
00:34:49And don't worry about the costume.
00:34:50I'll take care of it.
00:34:57Good night.
00:34:58The little clock in Lois' room
00:35:27kept its busy way through several more weeks,
00:35:30but its chimes were no longer sweet in her ears.
00:35:34Now they sounded a frantic moment
00:35:36and drove the girl out to a desperate call.
00:35:50I'd like to speak to Robert Mason
00:35:52at the State Hotel in Capital City.
00:35:55Yes, person to person.
00:35:59Yes, I'll be right here at the booth.
00:36:02Oh, I'll wait no matter how long it takes.
00:36:05And please, operator,
00:36:08no other person can hear us while we talk, can they?
00:36:15The booth number?
00:36:18It's 2240.
00:36:26Yes, this is Bob Mason.
00:36:31Yes, Lois.
00:36:33Yes, darling.
00:36:35I can hear you very clearly.
00:36:41What's the matter?
00:36:43You sound as if you're crying.
00:36:46As we could hear them clearly too, both of them.
00:36:50If we could both hear each other.
00:36:53Both of them.
00:36:55If we could bear to intrude on their deepest privacy.
00:36:58But the words would seem very awkward to us,
00:37:01very inadequate,
00:37:03and some of us might even giggle with embarrassment.
00:37:06For what Lois and Bob must say to each other
00:37:08across a brassy telephone wire,
00:37:10several hundred miles apart.
00:37:12Person to person call,
00:37:14what distress and fear and promises and comfort,
00:37:17if any, were spoken in these few minutes
00:37:20in the effort to adjust affections gone astray.
00:37:24Well, it had all to be said,
00:37:26and they said it as best they could,
00:37:28out of their abiding and genuine love.
00:37:31Don't worry, honey, I'll come right down.
00:37:34We'll get married right away somehow.
00:37:37Meet you at our corner in about four hours.
00:37:41Don't cry, honey, please,
00:37:43and I'll tell you how much I love you when I see you.
00:38:06Well, kid, I haven't seen you since the graduation party.
00:38:09You been away for the summer?
00:38:10No, I've been around.
00:38:12Home mostly.
00:38:13Maybe going away soon, though.
00:38:15Oh, how wonderful.
00:38:19What do you think?
00:38:31Girls seem to be getting younger and younger all the time.
00:38:35Yes, I noticed.
00:38:38You look a little shaky, kid.
00:38:40Anything wrong?
00:38:42With you and Bob, maybe?
00:38:44Not at all, Kitty.
00:38:46I'm just happy and excited,
00:38:48and I've just got to tell somebody.
00:38:51He's coming home today.
00:38:53Going to meet me right here in an hour.
00:38:55Isn't that wonderful?
00:38:56I thought you two kids were really in love,
00:38:58the night of the big party.
00:39:00Lois, are you going to...
00:39:02Yes, we're going to get married right away.
00:39:06We'll have to sneak away,
00:39:08but it'll turn out all right.
00:39:11And after everything's straightened out
00:39:13and we're forgiven and all,
00:39:15then I can go up to Capital City and be with him.
00:39:18And he can keep right on going to college...
00:39:20Wait a minute, Kitty.
00:39:21You mean you aren't telling your mom and pop
00:39:24you're really lamin' out to get married on the QT?
00:39:29That's the sad part about it, Kitty.
00:39:32The way my dad and mother will feel about it.
00:39:36Not seeing me get married
00:39:38and maybe thinking badly of me.
00:39:43I feel terrible about that part of it.
00:39:46But we do love each other so, Bob and I.
00:39:49And we can't wait.
00:39:52I mean, we want to.
00:39:57Oh, I've been such a silly fool, Kit.
00:40:01Don't worry.
00:40:03None of us know very much.
00:40:05No matter how old we get.
00:40:08Let me take care of this.
00:40:11Let me take care of these kids.
00:40:13You listen to the radio.
00:40:15And now we bring you the 4 o'clock edition of the news
00:40:18reported by Wendell Niles.
00:40:20Good afternoon, this is Wendell Niles
00:40:22with a roundup of the late local world news.
00:40:25First taking a look at the local scene,
00:40:27the City Council has placed its stamp of approval
00:40:29on the proposed increase in wages for school teachers in the city.
00:40:32The council's action followed a plea
00:40:34by the school board chairman, Paul Carter,
00:40:36who stressed the need of an adequate living wage
00:40:38for members of the teaching profession.
00:40:40One moment, I've just been handed a bulletin.
00:40:43Robert Mason, nephew of State Senator Joseph Mason of Fairhaven,
00:40:47was instantly killed a few minutes ago
00:40:49when his car went out of control
00:40:51and crashed into a tree near a bridge crossing.
00:40:53Mason, 19, and a freshman at State College
00:40:55was alone in his car at the time.
00:40:57Witnesses stated to the highway patrol
00:40:59that the car driven by Mason
00:41:01was traveling at a high rate of speed
00:41:03when the accident occurred.
00:41:05Senator Mason has been notified.
00:41:07We have had no other close living relatives so far as we know.
00:41:12Kitty, did you hear?
00:41:16It's Bob.
00:41:20And he was going to meet me here in a few minutes.
00:41:23And now I'm not going to get married or anything.
00:41:26Lois, be quiet. Get hold of yourself.
00:41:34Listen to me, Lois.
00:41:36I know it's a terrible time to ask you, kid,
00:41:38but are you in trouble?
00:41:45Yes, baby.
00:41:55What's the matter?
00:41:57Run along, kid. She'll be all right.
00:42:07Take it easy now, kid.
00:42:09You're going to be all right.
00:42:11I'm going to send you home.
00:42:15Yes, home, honey.
00:42:17And you just tell your mom, honey,
00:42:19how you're so fond of Bob,
00:42:21and that's why you feel so terribly about the accident.
00:42:24Nothing else right now.
00:42:26You understand?
00:42:28Oh, Mike.
00:42:30Michael, take care of him.
00:42:32Don't worry about a thing.
00:42:34Don't worry about a thing.
00:42:36Just remember what I told you.
00:42:38I want you to take this girl home, Mike.
00:42:40The white house on Elm Street.
00:42:42You know the one, the marshes, just off 12th.
00:42:44I know. I'll take care of her.
00:43:00I'm sure glad to see you.
00:43:02Are you all right?
00:43:04In one way, I am.
00:43:06I managed to get by at home
00:43:08without having to tell anything
00:43:10except that Bob and I were engaged.
00:43:14But this other...
00:43:18That's why I've come to you, Kitty.
00:43:21You've got to help me.
00:43:23I don't know what to do
00:43:25or what's going to become of me.
00:43:27Well, I sure wish I could help you, Kit,
00:43:30but you've just got to help me, Kitty.
00:43:33So you want to get me into trouble, too.
00:43:36Now you come to me for advice
00:43:38after everybody else has let you down.
00:43:40Good old Kitty May.
00:43:42She'll get you out of the jam.
00:43:44But, well, I won't do it.
00:43:46I won't do it, not even for you.
00:43:49You dizzy little dings
00:43:51with your hot hearts and your chilled brains.
00:43:54You deserve what you get.
00:43:56But, Kitty, I...
00:43:58I've got to think.
00:44:10And so Lois Marsh comes at last
00:44:12to the deferred payoff
00:44:14in the midst of her tragic dilemma.
00:44:16On the street corner where she had absorbed
00:44:19so much half-knowledge and misinformation
00:44:21during her 17 years.
00:44:23Listening now to secretive news
00:44:26Listening now to secret and reluctant advice
00:44:29from one who thinks she knows all the answers.
00:44:32From Kitty May, a valiant friend
00:44:35who knows where to go and what to do
00:44:38in almost any situation.
00:44:40Who knows the lowdown, the inside, the dope
00:44:43when it comes to the payoff on untimely affection.
00:44:57How about money?
00:44:59I haven't any.
00:45:26Good luck, Kit.
00:45:56Who sent you?
00:45:58Kitty May.
00:46:26You sure you want to go through with this?
00:46:47You women from over on the other side of town
00:46:50don't come here until everything else has failed.
00:46:53Have you got the money?
00:46:56You got any folks in town?
00:47:00You got a friend to go to after you leave here?
00:47:06Nobody waiting for you outside?
00:47:12All right.
00:47:14You can get ready over there.
00:47:51And so, in furtiveness, in secrecy
00:47:54a criminal operation is accomplished.
00:47:57Fear and ignorance have combined to add another victim
00:48:00to the ever-mounting toll.
00:48:02Another human life has been destroyed
00:48:04by one of the most malignant practices
00:48:07of a civilized society, abortion.
00:48:10But not without punishment for those
00:48:12either directly or indirectly responsible.
00:48:15A debt has been incurred
00:48:17that must be paid in terms of pain and suffering.
00:48:25I can't keep you here any longer.
00:48:29You've been sleeping over an hour.
00:48:31No, not sleeping.
00:48:34Now pull yourself together.
00:48:37You've got to go now.
00:48:40You can go to your friend or your family.
00:48:42No, not my family.
00:48:46Do you want me to come back and see you?
00:48:49No, just stay in bed for a couple of days
00:48:52and you'll be all right.
00:49:00Now compose yourself.
00:49:02You'll be all right as soon as you get out in the fresh air.
00:49:05But where can I go?
00:49:08Not home.
00:49:10I can't go home like this.
00:49:11That's your worry.
00:49:12You've got to figure that out for yourself.
00:49:18But remember this.
00:49:19Keep your mouth shut.
00:49:21If you don't watch your step,
00:49:23you and me will both be in trouble.
00:49:35Now go ahead.
00:49:51Go ahead.
00:50:22I didn't hit her, she just fell.
00:50:24I know that.
00:50:25I saw her come out into the street.
00:50:27Do you know her?
00:50:28Where are you taking her?
00:50:29No, I don't know her.
00:50:30Looks like she needs a doctor.
00:50:32Lady, who are you?
00:50:35What's your name?
00:50:37Where do you live?
00:50:41Doctor Fenton.
00:50:43James Fenton.
00:50:45Lives up on Elm Street.
00:50:47Doc Fenton.
00:50:49Doc Fenton.
00:50:51I know where his office is.
00:50:53Elm and 21st Street.
00:50:54Can you take her there?
00:50:55Yeah, sure.
00:50:56I'll go with you.
00:50:57This girl's not going to pass out on you.
00:50:59But would you get my hat?
00:51:19Doc, we got a sick girl here.
00:51:44Don't know what's the matter with her,
00:51:45but she gave us your name.
00:51:48Lois Marsh.
00:51:49Bring her right in.
00:51:53Thanks, mister.
00:51:54We'll take her from here.
00:52:01Put her in the chair, please.
00:52:20Can you hear me?
00:52:22Have you had an accident?
00:52:24What's happened?
00:52:26We found the statement out of a house
00:52:28in the street.
00:52:29Over on the west side.
00:52:30This girl is in shock.
00:52:31She's lost blood.
00:52:33See if you can get her home on the phone.
00:52:35Central 0425.
00:52:37No, doc.
00:52:38Not my home.
00:52:39Never mind the phone.
00:52:43Yes, doctor.
00:52:44Bring in the wheelchair.
00:52:45Coming, doctor.
00:52:46Now, Lois.
00:52:47You've got to tell us what happened
00:52:49so that we can help you.
00:52:51Don't be afraid.
00:52:53Am I going to die, doc?
00:52:55No, of course not.
00:52:58If you'll only tell us.
00:53:01I've got to keep my mouth shut.
00:53:04I'll get everybody in trouble.
00:53:06I guess I've got to call your mother.
00:53:09Let me think.
00:53:13I'll tell you.
00:53:23There, there, Lois.
00:53:26Take it easy.
00:53:27We'll take care of you.
00:53:29Nothing to fear.
00:53:31The nurse will fix you up.
00:53:33You won't leave me, doc.
00:53:35I'll be right with you.
00:53:51Very kind of you to act so quickly
00:53:52and take care of her so well.
00:53:54There's something troubling that girl.
00:53:56More than meets the eye.
00:53:58I hope the young lady pulls through all right.
00:54:00My name is Brennan.
00:54:01I live at 120 Wilson Street.
00:54:03If you should need me, call me.
00:54:19Give me a receiving, please.
00:54:21This is Dr. Fenton.
00:54:25Yes, this is Fenton.
00:54:27Can you have an operating room ready in half an hour?
00:54:30Transfusion, oxygen, emergency.
00:54:34And a special nurse day and night.
00:54:37We'll be ready to leave in 20 minutes.
00:54:48A young woman.
00:54:50A private room, by all means.
00:55:10She's still a pretty sick girl,
00:55:11but she'll be all right for the night.
00:55:13The special will be here in a few minutes.
00:55:15I'll be in the auditorium after eight,
00:55:17which is my usual Wednesday night lecture,
00:55:19if you should need me.
00:55:20What about the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, doctor?
00:55:23They're in the consultation room now.
00:55:25They're not to go in the room under any circumstances
00:55:27until I get permission.
00:55:34She's resting quietly now,
00:55:36but you can't go in the room yet.
00:55:37But what happened, doc?
00:55:39We didn't even know she was here.
00:55:40She wasn't even sick, and all at once this.
00:55:43I've got to see her, my baby.
00:55:44There, there, Clara.
00:55:46That's what I'm worrying about now, not Lois.
00:55:48You and Arnold.
00:55:50You have another shock coming,
00:55:51and you might as well have it now.
00:55:53Sit down, please.
00:55:56So their guilty negligence as parents
00:55:58came to haunt them through a dreadful night
00:56:00of waiting and hoping,
00:56:02while Lois battled for her life
00:56:04and did not much care whether she won it or not.
00:56:07Of course, I had to tell them everything.
00:56:10You cannot keep these things secret.
00:56:13I gave it to them straight and hard,
00:56:15the things they had to know about the daughter
00:56:17they had thought so innocent,
00:56:19the things this boy and girl had blundered into
00:56:22for lack of defensive information
00:56:24and the lack of discipline which goes with ignorance.
00:56:29It may have been a frightful thing for me to do
00:56:31to shock them so
00:56:32while their daughter had a bare chance
00:56:34to survive the results of a criminal operation.
00:56:38But it seemed to me at that moment
00:56:40as if all the astonished parents of so-called wayward girls
00:56:44were sitting here with Arnold and Clara Marsh
00:56:47in this hospital waiting room,
00:56:49feeling disgraced.
00:56:51And for the moment, heaven help me,
00:56:54I had no mercy for them.
00:56:56I reminded them that Lois had been more concerned about them,
00:56:59not to bring shame upon them,
00:57:01than about herself and her terrible dilemma
00:57:04when in a frantic moment she elected to risk her life.
00:57:08And when you go into her, I told them finally,
00:57:11let her know that you need her forgiveness
00:57:14just as much or more than she needs yours.
00:57:18That more than anything, I told them,
00:57:20may make her want to live.
00:57:23I knew they would wait here the night through
00:57:26even though they were forbidden to see Lois.
00:57:33I won't be far away if you need me.
00:57:42I'm a little late.
00:57:45And I may be called out again
00:57:47before our clinical demonstration has been completed.
00:57:51Something very important and very critical.
00:57:55But nothing is more important than the information,
00:57:59the timely information,
00:58:01that the motion picture we are to view
00:58:04will bring to you people in this auditorium tonight.
00:58:07I'm glad to see so many of you here.
00:58:10And I want to compliment you fathers and mothers
00:58:13on your deep sense of family responsibility
00:58:16and your courage.
00:58:18It takes peculiar courage
00:58:20to overcome an understandable reluctance
00:58:23in discussing these basic matters
00:58:26of living with your adolescent children.
00:58:29And it takes a lot of good common family sense.
00:58:33That's why I conduct these regular weekly clinics
00:58:37and carry through a comprehensive study
00:58:40on what is generally but too narrowly referred to
00:58:43as sex education.
00:58:46I prefer with decent regard for the proprieties
00:58:49and the morals and the protection
00:58:52of civilized humanity.
00:58:55Pictures, I believe, are better than words
00:58:57in making this kind of information clear for everyone.
00:59:01The reel that you will see tonight
00:59:03is part of a series
00:59:05covering the whole subject of our clinical program,
00:59:08which many of you here tonight have followed.
00:59:11It shows the birth of a baby.
00:59:15Lights, please.
00:59:24Here in diagram form are shown
00:59:26the female organs of reproduction.
00:59:29An ovum, or egg,
00:59:31is released by one of the ovaries
00:59:33approximately every 28 days.
00:59:36The ovaries alternating with one another
00:59:38in the performance of this function.
00:59:40Adjoining the ovaries
00:59:42are the finger-like tips of the fallopian tubes,
00:59:44which engage the released ovum
00:59:46and start it on its journey
00:59:48to either fertilization or expulsion.
00:59:51At the cervix of the uterus,
00:59:53the male sperm cell is shown
00:59:55entering and journeying on to meet and fertilize the ovum.
00:59:58Although but one sperm cell is shown,
01:00:00actually it is accompanied by millions of others
01:00:02to ensure that this tiny maternal egg cannot escape.
01:00:06Propelled by its spiral-like tail,
01:00:08the sperm cell finally reaches the fallopian tube
01:00:11where it unites with and fertilizes the waiting ovum.
01:00:15After the union or fertilization of the ovum by the sperm cell,
01:00:19it continues onward from the fallopian tube
01:00:22into the uterus,
01:00:24where it comes to rest on the uterine wall,
01:00:26which by now has been prepared
01:00:28to receive the fertilized ovum.
01:00:31The single cell, which was the ovum,
01:00:33now begins its process of self-division,
01:00:36one cell becoming two,
01:00:38two becoming four, and so on.
01:00:43Continuing to grow in the various stages of embryonic development,
01:00:47the fetus is shown here at the end of one month.
01:00:53By the sixth month,
01:00:54the child has reached a length of from 10 to 14 inches
01:00:57and an approximate weight of one and a quarter pounds.
01:01:00The body is well proportioned but lean
01:01:02and the eyelids are separated.
01:01:06At the end of the ninth month,
01:01:07the child has increased in weight to seven pounds or more
01:01:10and measures from 18 to 20 inches in length.
01:01:13It has now moved into a position to become engaged in the birth canal
01:01:17and we see the ultimate and crowning glory of womanhood,
01:01:20the miracle of birth.
01:01:24These clinical conferences have never seemed as important to me
01:01:28as they do this very night.
01:01:31I've gone through an experience today as a physician
01:01:34that has emphasized again how vitally necessary it is
01:01:38for all young people and a great many uninformed adults
01:01:43to learn about the processes of life in a decent, reliable way
01:01:48instead of the whispered legends of the street corner and the alley.
01:01:53Love may be the most beautiful or the most dangerous thing in the world
01:01:58but it is never a thing to be giggled about
01:02:01or fouled with dirty stories.
01:02:04Childbirth is a sacred thing.
01:02:07Denial of it, abortion, is murder.
01:02:12Venereal disease.
01:02:14Yes, I know, that's a shocking word
01:02:18but maybe our fear of words has kept us so backward
01:02:22in bringing the entire matter of physical relations out in the open
01:02:26where they can be decently examined and proper safeguards established.
01:02:31I know too that this is a subject involved with morals and social behavior
01:02:36but unfortunately it has to be dealt with, not blindly avoided.
01:02:41As I have said before, ignorance and evasion
01:02:45are responsible for so many troubles of the groping human race.
01:02:50I believe that a clinic like this
01:02:52is the proper place to deal with these very, very important matters.
01:02:57Wherever else these things can be discussed legitimately
01:03:01and instruction carried on
01:03:03is a controversial matter
01:03:05but it's going to have to be done.
01:03:07Calling Dr. Fenton, immediately, second floor.
01:03:10Pardon me.
01:03:13You're going to be all right, Lois.
01:03:16I've told your mother and father
01:03:18so you don't have to be afraid anymore.
01:03:29Lois, darling, Daddy and I are going to stay right here with you.
01:03:43I'm sure she'll be all right, Arnold
01:03:46if you're very gentle and careful with her for the next few weeks.
01:03:50I'll tell you, she had a pretty close call.
01:03:54I understand.
01:03:56Thanks, Doc.
01:04:13I wonder.
01:04:15I really wonder.
01:04:17It's probably starting all over again, somewhere else.
01:04:22What have you been doing, Doctor? Talking to yourself?
01:04:26I hope not.
01:04:28I was just thinking of that Marsh girl's case.
01:04:32All the trouble and all the punishment.
01:04:35Such waste and suffering because of ignorance.
01:04:39Well, compose yourself. It's all over with.
01:04:41Over with? These things are never over with.
01:04:44Think of the punishment.
01:04:46The conviction of that abortionist.
01:04:49That malpractitioner.
01:04:51Just and proper, of course.
01:04:53The most horrible crime.
01:04:55And there was the boy. Poor kid.
01:04:58Dying on his way, trying to make amends.
01:05:03And the girl's parents, the Marshes.
01:05:07Most bitterly repaid for all their negligence.
01:05:11And Lois herself.
01:05:13Forgiving and forgiving, yes.
01:05:16But having to suffer some of the consequences of her panic.
01:05:20All the rest of her life.
01:05:22But Doctor...
01:05:23Yes, I know the girl must be punished.
01:05:26Heaven help us.
01:05:27If she wasn't, the social order would break down.
01:05:30Everyone admits that.
01:05:32But we should give our young men and young women, our boys and girls,
01:05:36some basis for sex discipline.
01:05:39We're going to condemn them for their mistakes.
01:05:42You'll miss your appointment if you don't hurry.
01:05:44Yes, yes.
01:05:46There's always another appointment.
01:05:51I wonder if I have been talking to myself all my life.