Puzzle pirate bilging, recognize the moves

  • il y a 16 ans
This video aims to show what players should look for when they are bilging (What i call a pattern). A few patterns have been put in this video. People have to identify them before they're showed.

In bilging, don't look for single lines but try to break 2 lines together.

Patterns : Horizontal, Vertical, Mixed (both horizontal and vertical), Bingo, ... Donkey and Vegas aren't showed in this video.

You can choose to do a few moves to build up a pattern. 1 Is Perfect, 2 is Excellent, 3 is Great (what you have to aim to get incredible), 4 is good (do it only when you're stuck), 5 is fine. I am ultimate and i never do more than 5 but i don't do much seadonkey nor vegas. 10 moves to get a vegas might be usefull but i prefer doing several vertical in 3 moves + some bingos. It's your choice. Good luck ! Harrr !
