[Read] Gunman s Feud (1920) (Active Table of Contents) For Kindle

  • 5 years ago
Online One of the most prolific writers ever, Max Brand (1892 ? 1944) is considered the world s most celebrated writer of Westerns---a virtual Shakespeare of the Western Range. For Old West adventure it can t get any better than Max Brand.In 1920 Max Brand published "Gunman s Feud" effectively and realistically portraying the early struggles encountered in establishing law and order on the Western Range. ContentsI. THE BEQUESTII. THE HOME MAKERIII. THE CRISISIV. THE TRAILV. FENCINGVI. REMINISCENCEVII. JEREMIAH, SON OF HANKVIII. THE TESTIX. A CALL FOR SILENCEX. BRAINWORKXI. REVELATIONXII. THE CLEWXIII. SOUL TALKXIV. POKER TREESXV. THE HOUSE OF LANGLEYXVI. JEWELRYXVII. SENOR GUZMANXVIII. THE KEYXIX. DAWNXX. KISMETXXI. THE RISING SUNXXII. THE LETTERXXIII. THE SHERIFFXXIV. END OF THE TRAILXXV. EPILOGUE For Kindle
