• 5 years ago
Full E-book Boyd Craven Jr. continues the FEEDING THE WORLD series, which most readers find ?Scarily believable...?? ?Right out of today?s headlines...?? ?The first story I?ve seen along these lines???with book 2 - FEED THE WORLD:Jacob gets healed up.President James shows his hand,and Officer Baker just can?t leave the Hunters alone.????? The Government is here to help you! ? The Government begins to implement their new plan to FEED THE WORLD through the newly merged genetic engineering firm and their distribution center. Meanwhile the Hunters explore options for their homestead construction. They are blessed with neighbors of similar mindset but continue to be plagued by the local busybody sheriff. Looking forward to the next developments!????? The continuing saga of the Hunters ? Enjoying the series. A perfect detailed book on how to get started with neighbors who are seasoned. There is a lot of good information in the book. Being a vegetable gardener myself it is always interesting to read what others like to plant. The grinders and shakers filled with dehydrated veggies made me feel normal.Yikes! and good quotes that stand out:The U.S. Treasury is the majority stockholder of both corporations. They are to be merged. The resulting corporation will be used to win the race to become the world?s dominant food supplier. The profits will be massive enough to eventually bankroll Medicare For All, free college tuition for the worthy, AND probably The Green New Deal. All of the campaign promises the President ran on.??????? Information galore ? If you want to learn, this is a step by step procedure manual. It?s fascinating. Can?t wait for the next one. For Full
