2 Million Americans Don’t Have Access to Safe Water and Sanitation

  • 5 years ago
2 Million Americans Don’t Have
Access to Safe Water and Sanitation.
A recent report by DigDeep and the U.S. Water Alliance
has found race and poverty to be key determinants of
those without running water and basic indoor plumbing. .
The United States is home to some of the most
reliable water and wastewater systems on earth,
and many Americans believe access is universal
… But in fact, millions of the most vulnerable
people in the country — low-income people in
rural areas, people of color, tribal communities,
immigrants — have fallen through the cracks, Study Authors, via MarketWatch.
Drawing upon data from the U.S. Census Bureau,
the report found that Native Americans were
19 times more likely to lack indoor plumbing.
African-American and Latinx
households were also found to be
two times more likely to lack indoor
plumbing than white households. .
These disparities aren’t a result of
“individual choice,” but rather inadequate
funding for federal water infrastructure. .
Vulnerable communities disproportionately lack
access to water and sanitation, in part due to
discriminatory practices embedded in some past
water infrastructure development initiatives, Study Authors, via MarketWatch
