Former FDA Advisor Says LASIK Should Be Taken off the Market

  • 5 years ago
Former FDA Advisor Says LASIK
Should Be Taken off the Market.
An estimated 20 million LASIK procedures
have been performed in the U.S. since the 90s.
Although the procedure has a
reported satisfaction rate of 95 percent,
retired FDA advisor Morris Waxler believes
LASIK should be taken off the market. .
“I re-examined the documentation …
and I said, 'Wow this is not good.’”
Morris Waxler, via CBS .
Having conducted his own research,
Waxler found that complication rates
range between 10 and 30 percent. .
Common complications associated with LASIK include
dizziness, detached retinas and “relentless eye pain.”.
“Essentially we ignored the data on vision
distortions that persisted for years.”
Morris Waxler, via CBS .
In Waxler’s opinion, LASIK should be taken
off the market because most people's
minimal eye issues don't justify the procedure. .
“There's nothing wrong with a person's eyes
who goes to get Lasik … They have healthy eyes.
They could go and get a pair of glasses.”
Morris Waxler, via CBS