Your Mortgage Guy Eric Garnicki

  • 5 years ago - There’s a refinance boom going on, and savvy mortgage brokers like Eric Garnicki are making a killing by taking advantage of lower interest rates & leveraging the power of virtual assistants.

“My Virtual Assistant has been responsible for 70% of my mortgage deals over the last 5 years.” – Eric Garnicki

“You need to understand that we have a very finite, limited amount of time,” Eric says, “There’s a big search for value add in our industry, and virtual assistants bring that value-add. You can use that to approach more Realtors, and you’ll find more success. Step outside of what everybody else is doing and look at things from a marketing perspective. Use your virtual assistant for marketing to approach more realtors, financial advisors, and others and build those relationships.”

In this webinar, you’ll learn the exact system that Eric is using to locate, pre-qualify & meet with top REALTORS®, CPAs & attorneys in order to build key relationships to bring in new mortgage deals. He’ll also share with you how he delegates administrative work, scheduling, and even phone-screening to his virtual assistants in order to maximize the time he spends on dollar-productive activities.

The key to expanding your mortgage business is time-management. You need to proceduralize business so that you can duplicate yourself – and then invest your limited time in the key activities that you simply can’t delegate. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have time need to take your game to the next level.

According to Garnicki, “Anything that’s administrative you can delegate. Sales conversations usually have to be with the loan officer, but the virtual assistant comes into play by helping put you in a position to create those sales opportunities. On the B2B side of things, my VA is setting up appointments for me to sit down with top producing realtors, financial advisors, divorce attorneys, trust attorneys, CPA’s. The VA makes outbound calls, qualify the prospects, shares some value adds and then sees if there’s an opportunity to sit down & build the relationship.”

Lower interest rates mean that you can quickly & easily grow your revenue by using a virtual assistant to expand your prospecting and winning past deals with today’s lower rates. You’ll have more time to network with REALTORS® & other professionals who bring you business – and you’ll have a system in place to ensure you’re not wasting time on low-level producers.

The secret to that is pre-qualifying all of your meetings using your virtual assistant. Garnicki says, “The first thing you have to do is give your VA the proper data – who to contact, qualified prospects or business-to-business partners. Getting quality data is a big thing, so when I was able to use MyMTA I was able to get the top 250 Realtors in my county, and I leveraged that along with my value add to create partnerships.

The second thing is training, training, training. Terminology, scripting, rebuttals, and having you
