• 9 years ago
The Spider and the Fly (1949)
1h 27min | Crime, Romance, Thriller | 1 December 1949 (UK)

A clever and dedicated French police official, a cleverer master-thief whom he secretly admires, the woman loved by the official who is in love with the thief, at the outbreak of World War I.

Director: Robert Hamer

Writers: Robert Westerby (screenplay), Robert Westerby (story)

Stars: Eric Portman, Guy Rolfe, Nadia Gray
00:00The Minister's secretary, Monsieur Maubert.
00:02If the Director can spare me a moment of his time.
00:05The bank robbery at Arlois.
00:08The Minister is very angry. Arlois is in his constituency.
00:11He's also a director of the bank.
00:13The loss of people's money can mean the loss of votes.
00:16A scandal of this kind is extremely serious.
00:19To my department, this is a robbery.
00:21Not votes, not a scandal.
00:23Just a robbery.
00:25There have been so many robberies that your department begins to look foolish, Monsieur Maubert.
00:29The Minister insists that you find the culprit.
00:32Oh, I know the culprit.
00:34Have you arrested him?
00:35Not yet.
00:37Perhaps never.
00:38I know that he did it, but I don't know how he did it.
00:42The building was broken into.
00:44He was already there when they closed the bank for the night.
00:47The safe was forced.
00:48Not forced.
00:50This man can open any safe in the world.
00:52Yes, and drive away in a car and vanish under the notice of your foolish police.
00:56So foolish that they took the number of the car.
01:01He belongs to your Minister, Monsieur.
01:03Well, it was stolen.
01:05Yes, from the house of Mademoiselle Sankes.
01:07A friend of your Minister.
01:09In his own constituency, too.
01:11It's a scandal, don't you agree?
01:16What shall I tell the Minister?
01:18What I tell you.
01:19And the thief?
01:20I'm having a drink with him this evening.
01:23How did you get into that bank, Philippe?
01:25Every time a safe is opened, you think I did.
01:29Don't you have a good alibi, Philippe?
01:31Oh, of course.
01:34How many times have I arrested you?
01:38And still you go on.
01:39You know that absinthe is a vicious drink.
01:42It can blind you.
01:43But you still drink it.
01:44And I'm not blind.
01:45How many times have you convicted me?
01:48Perhaps this will be the fourth.
01:49If you take me in this time, you'll make a fool of yourself, my friend.
01:53At what time did the bank's alarm go?
01:56You know the time.
01:57Yes, eight o'clock.
01:58I know, because I was in Agua.
02:02In the cathedral.
02:03With my old friend, Father Pletsiev.
02:06Every time an alibi?
02:08Except three.
02:09I advise you to accept this one.
02:11I do.
02:12On my word alone.
02:14No, I checked myself.
02:15I went down there yesterday.
02:18Madeline, you're late.
02:19Sit down, my friend is just going.
02:37Madeline, you're late.
02:41Sit down. My friend is just going.
02:48This is Monsieur Maubert. He's the Chief of Police.
02:51Aren't you impressed?
02:53Good evening.
02:55Good evening.
02:57Good evening.
