• 5 years ago
The Midwest is no stranger to hot, humid weather. Summers are filled with raucous and sometimes dangerous, or even deadly thunderstorms. This particular tree resides in the back yard of a modest home in the far North Eastern corner of Kansas, which is definitely no stranger to the humidity, heat, thunderstorms and sometimes tornadoes that can ravage this state that is part of "Tornado Alley".Summer 2019 seemed like it wanted to hold on forever. So Autumn came late to parts of the Midwest, including North Eastern Kansas. Temperatures remained unseasonably warm all the way up until roughly the last week of October, when the weather took a sudden and abrupt turn, plunging temperatures first into the low forties, then quickly into the high thirties, and soon enough, to below freezing. So, on Halloween, most of the trees in this area had just barely begun to change color. Many were still fully green, showing no signs whatsoever that Fall, let alone Winter, might be on the way. So when a freak snow event took place here on October 28, followed by an even heavier snowfall again two days later, on October 30, many trees just weren't ready for the freezing cold, much less the two to three inch coating of snow they received.The net result was that many trees went from green to nothing in a matter of 24 hours or less. In particular, this tree, in one back yard, lost 75% of its green leaves overnight, on Halloween day. This tree just didn't know how to deal with the sudden cold and snow like its neighbors on either side. Those trees took the cue to immediately begin withering their leaves, and changing from green to yellow and brown, while slowly shedding their foliage over the course of several more days.The tree in the middle, however... Just decided to get it all over with quickly. Which resulted in a LOT of green leaves ALL OVER the ground and yard... and even the car, due to the slight overnight breeze. Lawn mowing season has definitely come to an end until next Spring. And it simply can't be helped, that a certain tree from the Harry Potter books also comes to mind!!At any rate, summer has finally ended, and Autumn is definitely here. Winter can't be too far behind. So, enjoy the Fall temps while you can, Kansas, because as hot as the summers are here, the winters are just as harsh and cold. If winter acts anything like Autumn has so far, Kansas may be in for a season full of oddities and surprises, and generally wacky weather that catches everyone and everything (including the trees) off guard.Happy Fall, everyone!!


