Spectacled Cobra a venomous snake

  • 5 years ago
The species is also known as the spectacled cobra, Asian cobra or Binocellate cobra, due to its characteristic markings. These cobras are easily identified by their large and quite impressive hood, that they expand when feeling threatened, showing the famous hood mark.
It can also be found in human modified habitats like agricultural lands including wheat crops or rice paddy fields and even in heavily populated urban areas like villages or the outskirts of cities. In terms of altitude they can be found from sea level up to 6600 ft (2000 m) high.

The indian cobra usually hides in holes in embankments, termite mounds, tree hollows, rock piles, caves, cracks and small mammal dens.

The indian cobra is a medium sized, heavy bodied snake, with most adult specimens ranging from 3 to 5 ft (1-1,5 m) in length. Although occasionally some very large individuals, notably those found in Sri Lanka, grow to more than 7 ft (2m).

The indian cobra head is elliptical in shape, somewhat depressed and only slightly distinct from neck. They have a short and rounded snout with large nostrils. The eyes are medium sized with round pupils. Their body is covered with smooth scales.

