A Creature Older Than The Dinosaurs ?

  • 5 years ago
An Adorable Carnivorous Blob
The nudibranch has a unique technique to compensate for its weak eyesight. It uses its head like a net, throwing it widely over the seafloor.

Human-Sized Jellyfish
Biologist Lizzie Daly went swimming off the coast of Cornwall in the United Kingdom. Luckily for those who love enormous blobs of jelly, Dan Abbott went along.

A Confused Remora
Ranging from 0.3 to 0.9 meters (1–3 ft) long, remoras seem to have a penchant for confusing divers for sharks. Enric Sala, a marine biologist, has seen several cases.

Underwater Forest

However, nothing came close to the discovery of a British diver who explored the sea off the coast of Norfolk.In 2015, Dawn Watson was pushed off course by rough water and ended up in a place where the seafloor was littered with large oak trees. It turned out to be a 10,000-year-old forest.

A Porcupinefish Rescue
Porcupinefish are often confused for pufferfish. It is not hard to see why. Just like pufferfish, porcupinefish balloon to comical proportions to avoid being swallowed by a predator.

A Glowing Nest
n 2017, a scuba diver found something weird near the coast of Australia. It looked like some kind of creature. The thing was tube-shaped, translucent, and huge. Best of all, it glowed.

Entangled Whale Shark
In 2018, Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources was alerted by scuba divers that a whale shark was in trouble.

Whale Roughing Up A Diver
Humpback whales are often depicted as gentle giants. Marine biologist Nan Hauser, who had 28 years of experience diving with whales, could not really disagree—until 2018.

A Creature Older Than The Dinosaurs
The bluntnose sixgill is a large shark that trawled the ocean before most dinosaurs existed. The 200-million-year-old species likely survived Earth’s biggest extinction event, the Permian-Triassic die-off, from which only 4 percent of all sea life escaped.

River Wrapped In Poison
The Cenote Angelita is a sinkhole in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. From above, it looks like a normal freshwater pool. However, divers who descend about 30 meters (100 ft) meet with an incredible sight—an underwater river. An eerie mist hangs around it, wrapping the river in a swathe at least 3 meters (10 ft) thick.


