Toddler has grumpy face after being woken up from her afternoon nap

  • 5 years ago
A toddler captured how most people feel when they are woken up from their sleep - with this hilariously grumpy face.

Four-year-old Carlyn Mapili was having an afternoon nap when her family roused her from her slumber in Pasay City, the Philippines, on October 5.

The youngster was clearly not in a good mood after being disturbed. She was filmed sitting up with her arms folded while frowning and angrily pushing out her bottom lip.

Carlyn's aunt, Pamela, and her grandmother talked sweetly to try and cheer her up but without success.

Her grandmother is heard in the video saying "don't be like that, it's not nice, you will look like Tweety Bird."

Pamela said that Carlyn was sulking after a few minutes but eventually went back to being her ''usual jolly self''.

She added: ''My niece was very grumpy when she was woken up. It took her a few minutes to get over it but then she was happy.''