住在里斯本 LX Factory - Lisbon LX 工廠 Belem貝倫塔 vegan restaurant 素食餐廳 Fábrica咖啡館 KARE Lisboa 家具 周日Brunch

  • 5 years ago
LX Factory - Lisbon 里斯本lx工廠, vegan restaurant, vegan pancakes
Our life in Lisbon, here we are in Lisbon, we visited LX factory with our children, the place is so kids friendly, there is a big bookstore there called Ler Devagar, with beautiful warehouse setting. Then we popped into the Café na Fábrica - Lx Factory for lovely vegan pancakes, avocadoes toasts. There is also lots of market stalls. There is a really cool shop called KARE Lisboa, with interesting furniture. At the end of the day, we ended with going to Belem for a tour. In the evening, we treated ourselves to this vegan restaurant called The green affair for vegan fake chicken wings (made with cauliflower), vegan burgers and chips, vegan dumplings and I had a lovely vegan Japanese curry.
LX Factory-里斯本里斯本lx工廠,純素餐廳,純素煎餅
我們在里斯本的生活,在里斯本,我們和孩子們一起參觀了LX工廠,這個地方對孩子們很友好,那裡有一家大書店,叫Ler Devagar,倉庫環境優美。然後我們跳入Fábrica咖啡館-Lx Factory,品嚐可愛的素食薄煎餅,鱷梨吐司。市場上也有很多攤位。有一家很酷的商店叫KARE Lisboa,裡面有有趣的家具店。最終,我們結束了前往貝倫的旅行。傍晚,我們在這家素食餐廳 The green affair 接受了素食主義者的仿製雞翅(用花椰菜製成),素食主義者漢堡和薯條,素食主義者餃子,我還吃了一頓可愛的素食日本咖哩。
